How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

Apparently you can take issue with the "selling pointss" shown in the video I posted or you would. All you can bring up is one rep who, while working for Nobel, got in some trouble in Las Vegas. 6 years ago that got in the paper.... no charges, just a story. Niznick is loyal to him and he is loyal to Niznick...and that is driving you crazy probably because he is kicking your ass in the field.

If Niznick is so loyal to this rep and if this rep is kicking "ass" in the field, then why has Niznick demoted him twice?

Apparently you can take issue with the "selling pointss" shown in the video I posted or you would. All you can bring up is one rep who, while working for Nobel, got in some trouble in Las Vegas. 6 years ago that got in the paper.... no charges, just a story. Niznick is loyal to him and he is loyal to Niznick...and that is driving you crazy probably because he is kicking your ass in the field.

Ya, real loyal all right. Reza N. went from manager to salesman, and doesn't have the ball, brains or business smarts to bow out. Seriously..How embarrassed is he. In from of his old clients (Hi. I used to be the boss, now I am a salesman) and more importantly, to his fellow coworkers at Implant Direct.

You are right..they opted to not charge him int he offense in Las Vegas. The Department of Homeland Security did however, did put him on the no fly list..but they do that to ALL the Innocent good people from Canada don't they? No? Only worthless jackasses?

Go Implant Direct!!!

Ya, real loyal all right. Reza N. went from manager to salesman, and doesn't have the ball, brains or business smarts to bow out. Seriously..How embarrassed is he. In from of his old clients (Hi. I used to be the boss, now I am a salesman) and more importantly, to his fellow coworkers at Implant Direct.

You are right..they opted to not charge him int he offense in Las Vegas. The Department of Homeland Security did however, did put him on the no fly list..but they do that to ALL the Innocent good people from Canada don't they? No? Only worthless jackasses?

Go Implant Direct!!!

I cannot imagine how embarrassed Reza must be, but he will never bow out gracefully, as he knows he cannot get another job. From what I understand, he has a significant debt load and must continue to work. So JN will use and abuse him as he sees fit and Reza will continue to take it up the a**

Ya, real loyal all right. Reza N. went from manager to salesman, and doesn't have the ball, brains or business smarts to bow out. Seriously..How embarrassed is he. In from of his old clients (Hi. I used to be the boss, now I am a salesman) and more importantly, to his fellow coworkers at Implant Direct.

You are right..they opted to not charge him int he offense in Las Vegas. The Department of Homeland Security did however, did put him on the no fly list..but they do that to ALL the Innocent good people from Canada don't they? No? Only worthless jackasses?

Go Implant Direct!!!

Considering the cowardly acts of terrorisim that has happened in Boston today, we as a community must do what ever we can to send a message to the persons who use or threaten to use violence as a means of getting what they want. As long as ID continues to employ Reza N as a sales rep, every sales rep reading this blog should convey the message to thier accounts to boycott buying products from ID until ID does the right thing and dismisses Reza. His act of terrorisim in Las Vegas is well documented, our country is in a state of war against acts of violence like this. Do your part now, spread the word.

Considering the cowardly acts of terrorisim that has happened in Boston today, we as a community must do what ever we can to send a message to the persons who use or threaten to use violence as a means of getting what they want. As long as ID continues to employ Reza N as a sales rep, every sales rep reading this blog should convey the message to thier accounts to boycott buying products from ID until ID does the right thing and dismisses Reza. His act of terrorisim in Las Vegas is well documented, our country is in a state of war against acts of violence like this. Do your part now, spread the word.

I'm not an ID rep, or Arab, or anything that would lend to a stereotype for such hateful and cowardly acts.....

But it's offensive that you use a tragedy like this to push an agenda that has nothing to do with the other. Before you hit that enter button, think twice. Rather, say something sympathetic for the victims of this senseless tragedy. Feel free to spread the word by your neck of the woods, and I wish you luck. You're worse than Fox news.

I cannot imagine how embarrassed Reza must be, but he will never bow out gracefully, as he knows he cannot get another job. From what I understand, he has a significant debt load and must continue to work. So JN will use and abuse him as he sees fit and Reza will continue to take it up the a**

I have no idea who Reza is and am completely clueless about what he sells etc. but I hope that he does not loose his livelihood because of comments on this board particularly if he is unable to find a job somewhere else. This type of hatred is completely misplaced. We are all trying to make a living and nobody benefits from the misery of any particular person.
On the other hand whoever was involved in the Boston terror attack should be hung by something

I have no idea who Reza is and am completely clueless about what he sells etc. but I hope that he does not loose his livelihood because of comments on this board particularly if he is unable to find a job somewhere else. This type of hatred is completely misplaced. We are all trying to make a living and nobody benefits from the misery of any particular person.
On the other hand whoever was involved in the Boston terror attack should be hung by something

If you have no idea who Reza is then google "Reza Nazarinia and Las Vegas" and see what he has done, then read some of the blogs here on Cafepharma and then come back here and post your comments, and yes I agree with you; whoever was involved win the Boston terror attack should be hung by thier balls!

I have no idea who Reza is and am completely clueless about what he sells etc. but I hope that he does not loose his livelihood because of comments on this board particularly if he is unable to find a job somewhere else. This type of hatred is completely misplaced. We are all trying to make a living and nobody benefits from the misery of any particular person.
On the other hand whoever was involved in the Boston terror attack should be hung by something

What if Reza was involved in the attacks in Boston? I don't want anyone to lose their job either but what if Implant Direct does have a terrorist working for them? It is a reality. Anyone that says what Reza said about his ability to blow up a Las Vegas casino and how he believes that women need to wear burqas is a radical Muslim in my eyes. Sorry, you don't say things like that unless you wither believe it or are capable of doing it. Regardless, Niz ick surrounds himself with people like this because he can control them. This is why ID's reputation is soooo bad and continues to get worse. ID tarnishes the Sybron Dental family of reputable businesses.

Why are they on backorder and have gone up in price too??? Niznick is turning into Zimmer. I know of ID surgeons dropping ID to go with Zimmer and other majors. At least Zimmer has a decent connection for the $ you pay. Niznick has a shit connection, back-order and now a HIGHer price tag too. Once again Niznick does what he does best, imitate someone else.

Why are they on backorder and have gone up in price too??? Niznick is turning into Zimmer. I know of ID surgeons dropping ID to go with Zimmer and other majors. At least Zimmer has a decent connection for the $ you pay. Niznick has a shit connection, back-order and now a HIGHer price tag too. Once again Niznick does what he does best, imitate someone else.

I heard more reps are turning the resignations in.

Why are they on backorder and have gone up in price too??? Niznick is turning into Zimmer. I know of ID surgeons dropping ID to go with Zimmer and other majors. At least Zimmer has a decent connection for the $ you pay. Niznick has a shit connection, back-order and now a HIGHer price tag too. Once again Niznick does what he does best, imitate someone else.

With 46 CNC machines running 24/7 the only reason for back-orders is fast growing demand.... not a bad problem to have.
"At least Zimmer has a decent connection" ....same one as Legacy, BH and MIS. Yes they still have Niznick's 1994 friction-fit abutments but who wants to be torquing abutments to 30Ncm just after inserting the implant. Since no one else has friction-fit, other than maybe Bicon, it certainly is not essention. It was a marketing gimmick in the days of loose screws. Even with ID's first price increase in 6 years rasing the price of a Legacy2 to $175, how can you compare that to $486 for Zimmer's TM implant or $435 for NobelActive - and Legacy comes with a transfer, cover screw and healing collar.

With 46 CNC machines running 24/7 the only reason for back-orders is fast growing demand.... not a bad problem to have.
"At least Zimmer has a decent connection" ....same one as Legacy, BH and MIS. Yes they still have Niznick's 1994 friction-fit abutments but who wants to be torquing abutments to 30Ncm just after inserting the implant. Since no one else has friction-fit, other than maybe Bicon, it certainly is not essention. It was a marketing gimmick in the days of loose screws. Even with ID's first price increase in 6 years rasing the price of a Legacy2 to $175, how can you compare that to $486 for Zimmer's TM implant or $435 for NobelActive - and Legacy comes with a transfer, cover screw and healing collar.

Damn, I am getting good at spotting a Niznick post. Geraldo, you must be thinking, how does he know its me? Its easy. You are predictable. Let's play poker....I'll take all your money. Hey, I'll even let you bring Reza.

With 46 CNC machines running 24/7 the only reason for back-orders is fast growing demand.... not a bad problem to have.
"At least Zimmer has a decent connection" ....same one as Legacy, BH and MIS. Yes they still have Niznick's 1994 friction-fit abutments but who wants to be torquing abutments to 30Ncm just after inserting the implant. Since no one else has friction-fit, other than maybe Bicon, it certainly is not essention. It was a marketing gimmick in the days of loose screws. Even with ID's first price increase in 6 years rasing the price of a Legacy2 to $175, how can you compare that to $486 for Zimmer's TM implant or $435 for NobelActive - and Legacy comes with a transfer, cover screw and healing collar.

dude, you know how to bait the Niz out of his spider-hole. The price increase is just the start of many many more to come. Nizzy can't control the Danaher boys and they want some cash for their stockholders. Almost anyone out there is going to come close to meet-or-beat Nizzy's price on a volume deal, all you gotta do is ask. The low-price alternative is not the low-price implant of choice any longer. Blue Sky Bio and AB Dental and others are filling the niche. Plus his reps are all former cashiers at tanning salons and movie theatres, so might as well order up from other players. He can't even play in his own segment now.

dude, you know how to bait the Niz out of his spider-hole. The price increase is just the start of many many more to come. Nizzy can't control the Danaher boys and they want some cash for their stockholders. Almost anyone out there is going to come close to meet-or-beat Nizzy's price on a volume deal, all you gotta do is ask. The low-price alternative is not the low-price implant of choice any longer. Blue Sky Bio and AB Dental and others are filling the niche. Plus his reps are all former cashiers at tanning salons and movie theatres, so might as well order up from other players. He can't even play in his own segment now.

He doesn't play well with others, so others will not play with him. Sure, they will go in the sandbox, but when they see his faecal matter everywhere, they get out.

I had conversations with a few different people within this organization that have different titles at this company. The same things that I have heard is:

1. Morale is at an all time low.
2. Inside reps are having an extremely difficult time with the transition from one system to the next.
3. Products going on back order is a constant problem.
4. Outside reps do not have a real compensation plan. Outside reps are not valued inside of this company and it really showed a couple of years ago when Niznick ran the top rep in the company off stage at the national meeting.

There is plenty more but these were the most common things discussed.