Horrible company to work for...

Hey anons, so what are our predictions for 2021 at Applied?

2021 is the year of the Clip. Clip Applier sales are gonna catch fire under the new sales direction. Voyant’s 8 generation algorithm will launch- sending commission checks into orbit, and P club will be reinstated. And all you haters will be wishing you were getting checks from a Rancho Santa Anna mailing address...

2021 is the year of the Clip. Clip Applier sales are gonna catch fire under the new sales direction. Voyant’s 8 generation algorithm will launch- sending commission checks into orbit, and P club will be reinstated. And all you haters will be wishing you were getting checks from a Rancho Santa Anna mailing address...

Ladies and Gents,

Let’s make it clear, it’s a Clip Manager not specialist. These managers will Just be micromanaging another stupid product idea. MED and JnJ make 2/3 clip appliers, we make 1. Never has it been possible to convert all.

so after speaking to my HSM yesterday, I know have a Clip Manager, Voyant Manager, My regular Manager and A fat loser ZD. I was told this group of managers is all the resources I need to sell Voyant and clips.

Does anyone else see the disillusionment? I can appreciate the company allowing
People to collect a check rather
Than firing people but isn’t this overkill?

Ladies and Gents,

Let’s make it clear, it’s a Clip Manager not specialist. These managers will Just be micromanaging another stupid product idea. MED and JnJ make 2/3 clip appliers, we make 1. Never has it been possible to convert all.

so after speaking to my HSM yesterday, I know have a Clip Manager, Voyant Manager, My regular Manager and A fat loser ZD. I was told this group of managers is all the resources I need to sell Voyant and clips.

Does anyone else see the disillusionment? I can appreciate the company allowing
People to collect a check rather
Than firing people but isn’t this overkill?

I have the same hierarchy as well. It's rather funny, but the higher up the chain of command you go the less competent the individuals become....

Clip specialists are just managers who can’t cut it. Should be fired. Another reason why this company will continue to stay the loser company they are. They won’t fire the fat!! They should start with Timmy and molly and go right down the chain.

The post about clip appliers and Voyant skyrocketing into orbit, UMMMMMM,
don't hold your breath.

No one is really selling clips. C'mon Man. How many people have been in a meeting and that crap doesn't fire. Even if you keep it in the box and the plastic holder, you have a 50/50 or less chance it will work.

Voyant has gone NOWHERE!!! A handful of accounts means nothing.

For all the FAT ZONE DIRECTORS, you should leave. Your the problem, not the solution.

Can’t wait till this circus tries to launch stapling... and by stapling I mean 3 codes. Haha. Another stellar decision by the crack squad management. If you think Voyant has failed (and by EVERY measure it has), wait till u see what happens with their 3 staplers. This company will be riding trocars and gel into the ground as all the product categories sales revenue continue decline. SINKING SHIP!! JUMP!!

The post about clip appliers and Voyant skyrocketing into orbit, UMMMMMM,
don't hold your breath.

No one is really selling clips. C'mon Man. How many people have been in a meeting and that crap doesn't fire. Even if you keep it in the box and the plastic holder, you have a 50/50 or less chance it will work.

Voyant has gone NOWHERE!!! A handful of accounts means nothing.

For all the FAT ZONE DIRECTORS, you should leave. Your the problem, not the solution.

In the virtual national meeting. What a parade of buttheads.

68 Voyant Evaluations....I seem to recall some trolls saying after our last National Sales meeting that they were going to keep track of these. Well, you have to add more now. But I'm not surprised there aren't any comments on here post the meeting. How could you without everyone knowing you're bitter and lying.

68! WOW! And the outcome will be the same. The evaluation will go fine, and ultimately the account will stay w/ their current vendor. I truely feel sorry for all the reps. The constant harassment and berating by upper management as to why they can’t get any evals to stick. While upper management sits back and plays the blame game.
face the facts, you don’t bring enough value based on the limited product offerings Applied has. J&J/ MDT have thousands of items the can bundle thus offering more savings across multiple lines.... Too little too late!

In the virtual national meeting. What a parade of buttheads.

2 of 8 Clip Managers are good(CA and MM) the rest should get the hint and just leave.
Stop adding more overlap to everyone's job. Think of our customers...how do we look? DNA/DCA, HSM, Clip Manager, Voyant Manager, APS, CES???? all calling on customer
If all the HSD did their jobs and actually worked you free up at least 8-10 DCA jobs
If all the HSM's did their jobs and were on top of things you free up another 16 jobs
If all the AM's did their jobs no need for APS, Clip or Voyant Manager, free up another 20 jobs.
Take all of the saved money from the extra levels of extra people that hardly contribute and pay those people left that do.
More with less

In the virtual national meeting. What a parade of buttheads.

Worst meeting of Kumbaya crap I have ever heard. petals on a flower, were a flock of seagulls, were a pride of lions, a pod of dolphins??? fingers on a hand???? sophomoric........Changes need to be made. Leadership is lost. Fix the company by obtaining honest feedback stop asking the same XXX.........Pay great people!! Its not a business strategy to pay average people and keep them just so you can so you dont lay people off. TR blows hard about best comp plan he has ever seen? Last years was better TR. Not having categories wash one another out is a huge deal. If I lose business as a rep for trocars due to contract change at IHN level it washes out all other gel, alexis, voyant, growth. Of course, when the company lost sales due to COVID they change our base year.You could pay each of us $200K bonus for every 200 units of Voyant and there still is nothing most of us can do to grow faster. It is called contracts. WE ARE TRYING!!! My manager is killing herself trying to get opportunities and cannot. It is not the salesforces fault you came to market with a generator that has no monopolar.

Applied is nothing but a copycat company. Always has, always will. Even back in early 2000's, we saw Applied come out with exact replicas and reduce prices by 75pct.

I have never seen a bigger group of kids trying to run a company. The managers and Zone Directors are just low talent. They listen to Dennis, like he knew what he was doing at Medtronic. Just a disgruntled little man that couldn't cut it at a real company.

68 evals huh??? I bet 2 of those close. GREAT JOB!

Applied would never have 68 evaluations at one time. There are not enough reps unless these accounts use 1 voyant a month, which sounds like Applied.

Big hospital in The East that Applied has been negotiating for a year for a trial and hospital just shut it down. It was a University Hospital.

What a waste of time. Guess we can say #67 now.

Most reps that say an evaluation is starting are just being creative with their paperwork. Creative writing is the only way to keep the bloated Zone Directors at bay.

Wow. Never saw the East and Brian carpenter losing a big trial?!?! Shocking?!!! Like every other discussion they have because. See what happens when you roll Brian and other desperate reps in, it smells. No one wants to do business with desperation. Maybe they should run their business like a business and not a Salvation Army holiday begging session.