You're giving way to much credit to Dave and the prior "leaders" of this company. Applied, at it's peak, made a dent against USSC/Covidien and Ethicon. Not an impact, a dent. Since then, they live on the same stupid mantra of "new generation medical company" blah blah blah. Pushing cheap trocars, a energy platform that no one will use and now coming out of a pandemic, you're still trying to sell clips, bag and wound retractors like you're saving the world. With leaders like Dennis, Donahue, Molly, Chuck and Carpenter, you'll keep circling the drain trying to sell two bit items in a world where hospitals need to save millions. For those of you that can get out, get your experience (for what it's worth) and move on. Some of you are too far down the rabbit hole and will never get out. Applied has killed your career and likely your ambition. But Dave, Dennis, Ted, John, past or present "leaders" can't lead any of you out of this shit and you all know it. Stop giving any of them credit because none deserve it.