Horrible company to work for...


Each District has more reps with an MBA than the entire Zone Team and Dennis. And I’m sure One of the ugly fat ZDs will defend Molly’s MBA. But we all now she is useless and has anyone ever fact checked her?

starts at the top


Each District has more reps with an MBA than the entire Zone Team and Dennis. And I’m sure One of the ugly fat ZDs will defend Molly’s MBA. But we all now she is useless and has anyone ever fact checked her?

starts at the top

You or just about anyone else at this company has accomplished not a fraction of success that Molly has had!

You're giving way to much credit to Dave and the prior "leaders" of this company. Applied, at it's peak, made a dent against USSC/Covidien and Ethicon. Not an impact, a dent. Since then, they live on the same stupid mantra of "new generation medical company" blah blah blah. Pushing cheap trocars, a energy platform that no one will use and now coming out of a pandemic, you're still trying to sell clips, bag and wound retractors like you're saving the world. With leaders like Dennis, Donahue, Molly, Chuck and Carpenter, you'll keep circling the drain trying to sell two bit items in a world where hospitals need to save millions. For those of you that can get out, get your experience (for what it's worth) and move on. Some of you are too far down the rabbit hole and will never get out. Applied has killed your career and likely your ambition. But Dave, Dennis, Ted, John, past or present "leaders" can't lead any of you out of this shit and you all know it. Stop giving any of them credit because none deserve it.

Spoken like a true bitter fired rep.

It’s ironic, Molly is a walking lawsuit, Zero awareness and look, multiple managers left under her. And so has Applied, she has burned the west coast to the ground. And now she will get rid of Tim and Chuck and hire only women ZD it’s time to take back power.

Not sure what clown keeps telling us about all the success Molly has accomplished but please shut these haters up! Where is the list of accolades?????

Being serious ED JW or fat rich, just stop. We see her lack of leadership everyday and it shows with you all too. Erich, April who is next the The Brothers??? I’m sure they are looking too.

It’s ironic, Molly is a walking lawsuit, Zero awareness and look, multiple managers left under her. And so has Applied, she has burned the west coast to the ground. And now she will get rid of Tim and Chuck and hire only women ZD it’s time to take back power.

I must disagree with one point. She does has awareness. She's an SJW so for her this is all about power and her asserting her power over men. She knows that nobody really respects her, she knows that on her own she commands not respect. You know she hates it. So making the lives of all the men miserable and taking them down is her primary mission. There's a book Corporate Cancer, read it and you will see her type throughout the book. I almost think the author worked for Applied with how spot on he is with the SJW types. Highly recommend that book.

Not sure what clown keeps telling us about all the success Molly has accomplished but please shut these haters up! Where is the list of accolades?????

Being serious ED JW or fat rich, just stop. We see her lack of leadership everyday and it shows with you all too. Erich, April who is next the The Brothers??? I’m sure they are looking too.

The Brothers guzzles the koolaid and will never leave. They are just as delusional as the child.

January is right around the corner.

I'm waiting for the list of all the VOYANT conversions people said would close in January.

Let's see if your full of shit or not. We all know the answer, but I'm making my resume look really good right now.

Not like anyone can verify if I was or wasn't Rep of the Year last year or highest grossing AM.

Creative writing is how you get a great job. Don't tell potential companies you got 100's of Voyant signatures with ZERO VOYANT business. That will sting.

Happy Holidays!

I mean Merry Christmas Said!

Please understand “Lucky” Lenny as Tim called him was exactly that, Lucky. As a former colleague of his, all his growth was based off Brian and Dennis raising all Non committed accounts in the NYC to list for trocars. That’s worth several hundred thousand due to the size of New York. We all see the numbers at the meetings but does anyone remember specific successes? Remember the Premier and Vizient contracts that allowed us to raise to list price? Timing is extremely convenient.

Lenny did get a Voyant PO as a back fill from the Sterigentix issue but Columbia kick that crap out as soon as their orders were filled.

If anyone met or even spoke with Lenny, they know he was a clown frat boy.

lenny did the unthinkable, he blatantly robbed Applied and Said and was put on the pedestal for it and then QUIT!!!!!

I reconsider, smartest guy at Applied, make $350k and peace out! God Bless Lenny!

Please understand “Lucky” Lenny as Tim called him was exactly that, Lucky. As a former colleague of his, all his growth was based off Brian and Dennis raising all Non committed accounts in the NYC to list for trocars. That’s worth several hundred thousand due to the size of New York. We all see the numbers at the meetings but does anyone remember specific successes? Remember the Premier and Vizient contracts that allowed us to raise to list price? Timing is extremely convenient.

Lenny did get a Voyant PO as a back fill from the Sterigentix issue but Columbia kick that crap out as soon as their orders were filled.

If anyone met or even spoke with Lenny, they know he was a clown frat boy.

lenny did the unthinkable, he blatantly robbed Applied and Said and was put on the pedestal for it and then QUIT!!!!!

I reconsider, smartest guy at Applied, make $350k and peace out! God Bless Lenny!

I don't know Lenny and so I cannot comment on him. However I will say that in order to make any money at Applied you have to be lucky. You can work your buttocks off and have little to no success due things outside of your control. Or you can be in the right spot at the right time and catch a break. Good for those guys. We should all be happy each time someone sticks it to Applied because Said and Family are always sticking it to us.


Looks like the wheels are coming off Applied. Although they said they were going to hire more reps, Applied is looking at layoffs.

BUT Said knows that it will look like Applied is failing and Medtronic will capitalize on it.

If your over 25 years old, time to jump ship.

Please understand “Lucky” Lenny as Tim called him was exactly that, Lucky. As a former colleague of his, all his growth was based off Brian and Dennis raising all Non committed accounts in the NYC to list for trocars. That’s worth several hundred thousand due to the size of New York. We all see the numbers at the meetings but does anyone remember specific successes? Remember the Premier and Vizient contracts that allowed us to raise to list price? Timing is extremely convenient.

Lenny did get a Voyant PO as a back fill from the Sterigentix issue but Columbia kick that crap out as soon as their orders were filled.

If anyone met or even spoke with Lenny, they know he was a clown frat boy.

lenny did the unthinkable, he blatantly robbed Applied and Said and was put on the pedestal for it and then QUIT!!!!!

I reconsider, smartest guy at Applied, make $350k and peace out! God Bless Lenny!

NYC territory has always been a performer, fuck lenny

C'mon Man. Lenny was a smart guy. He did what most couldn't. Just think about it. Did you capitalize on a backorder???

He left after NYU converted to Medtronic and he lost too much.

Then the hacks in upper management couldn't save the Columbia mess. BC and RS couldn't even get a meeting for over 6 months. They should be fired for their stupidity.

Carpenter can’t get meetings because no one fucking likes or respects him. He micromanages you into the ground until you beg to get a meeting so he leaves you alone. He’s the worst. He failed as a TM, failed as a DM, and everyone in his zone can’t stand him. Typical “upper level management” at applied.

Yeah because he’s managed by the chief clown tim. Tim just doesn’t give a fuck to even go to meetings. He just dictates that everyone needs to sell. He could care less, just wants to bang applied managers. He has less talent than BC and that’s saying something. You ever around tim in a meeting and he doesn’t say a damn word because he’s an idiot blockhead who has no clue. The only person he’s fooling is grosssssshans. Dg wants to be tim and that’s why he sucks his dick.

So how many clip applier reps do we have now??? lol. What a joke.

What's the time frame that we need to have at least one Voyant Account???

Since most of us, at least 99pct won't, we will be canned. Company sucks and so does this Chibese looking crap called Voyant.