BN was moved out to Texas to ruin that division. He has DK fooled, but no one else.
Taking him back and hooking him would be too kind. If there is a Heaven and Hell, it is quite easy to figure out where he will go one day. He will have to answer for his wrong doings one day. He has screwed many, many, many great people along the way.

Who is the person with the initials of MW suing? How can a current employee sue while we are working for the company?

A current employee can sue the company for the exact same reasons a former employee could sue. The only difference is that the current employee cannot recover lost wages while she is receiving full pay. She can still get emotional distress, punitives, attorney's fees, not to mention an injunction to make the company stop any unlawful practices.

How can an employee file an injunction and what does that do? I have seen a number of Florida employee's who have gone to HR about issues, but they end up being termed or placed on PIP. Is it better to file with EEOC or file an injunction or both?

How can an employee file an injunction and what does that do? I have seen a number of Florida employee's who have gone to HR about issues, but they end up being termed or placed on PIP. Is it better to file with EEOC or file an injunction or both?

You still have to file with either the EEOC or the Florida Commission on Human Relations. The injunction is just one type of remedy for the violations of anti-discrimination laws. Examples of remedies are monetary damages (which can include back pay, emotional distress-type damages, and punitive damages), injunctive relief (which can include front pay), and attorney's fees.

Always file with the EEOC first - that way you are covered and it will make your case stronger when Labcorp starts their retalitory actions.

i wish i could have been a fly on the wall during MB's mediation with LCA.....they reached an impasse....i'm curious, though....they always pick the same mediator, jay cohen. why? i looked him up, he definitely does not look pro employee...he actually hasn't successfully mediated any of the cases pending, at least what i could see...who is he?

An impasse simply means the parties couldn't reach a resolution and the case will proceed to trial after SJ. This case is still on a "federal stay" which means there are some outstanding decisions pending a trial date. It appears as though there have been some recent developments about some "packages" being sent to individual employee's by a current Florida Mgmt. level employee, claiming that LCA mgmt has attempted to sabatage employee's after they leave the company. The evidence is fairly substantial.

Update, looks like LCA finally has been backed into a corner! MB has solid evidence in her case that members of LCA management, namely TG, has tried sabotaging employees after they leave LCA. LCA has made HR take the wrap for all the injustice, Kate S. & Linda F. both have been forced out. Kate was fired and Linda was forced to resign. So KS & LF, if you're out there and you now realize that LCA and TF did not have your back, and to save himself like the coward that he is, TF threw you under the bus so fast your head spun, you may want to consider getting an attorney and switching teams.! KS you once said that TF "is a man of his word"....... still think so?

This is long overdue. KS must have done something really horrible, as "perjured federal testimony" didn't seem to bother LCA several years back. Anyone have the scoop on why she was finally taken out? She must have cost the company millions in lawsuits and liabilities.

Another example of how LabCorp uses up its employees. If anything KS did things she did not believe in simply to keep her job in the BN administration. Apparently made things worse with her testimony. Now, discarded because it is convenient. Would like to hear the LF story. Hopefully she just quit.

Another example of how LabCorp uses up its employees. If anything KS did things she did not believe in simply to keep her job in the BN administration. Apparently made things worse with her testimony. Now, discarded because it is convenient. Would like to hear the LF story. Hopefully she just quit.

Can't you put all your thoughts and opinions in one big post rather that 800 small ones?

Seems like KS would have a strong lawsuit against the company. She should look very close at the federal filings in the Florida lawsuits, especially at the LCA responses. They have really thrown her "under the bus!" Anyone know what the situation with LF was?

Another example of how LabCorp uses up its employees. If anything KS did things she did not believe in simply to keep her job in the BN administration. Apparently made things worse with her testimony. Now, discarded because it is convenient. Would like to hear the LF story. Hopefully she just quit.

I'm sure she was paid VERY well to do "what she didn't believe in"! (What a joke that is) BN has been gone for quite awhile.

KS wasn't paid a "dime," fired on the spot! LF took the resignation option.

The attorneys are monitoring these boards, trying to throw people off from the subject.

If anyone has information on these two terminations, let us know! Speak out!