Cutt and Paste the below link to see what go's on in Florida HR and Mgmt, Allowed by LCA legal team.

For all employee's working in the Florida Division who are afraid to speak out, there will be additional links posted for you to soon view.


Thanks for posting this.
This is great - it clearly demonstrates what a low-life TF and what a liar KS really is.
It's on record !

What a bunch of pathetic liars in FL Management.

Wow- this completely verfied my concerns of KS and some recent issues in dealing with her. She hasn't changed one bit and apparently she is completely aware that emails have "gotten the best of her." She has instructed ALL of her direct reports NOT TO put anything in an email, it may come out in court one day! She must know that a federal court judge called her out for lying in the BB case.

How can LCA legal keep someone who has lied under oath, and asks her employee's NOT to document employee issues? I know employee's who have gone to KS with some majot issues and she go's right back to the problem person and protects them.

Has LCA legal been made aware of these issues? Don't they have to sign off before allowing someone to be riffed while they are on FMLA?

Who is in charge of our employee labor law department? They should be fired!

You're wrong again, smarty britches.
I can name ten lawyers off the top of my head that would LOVE to litigate against Labcorp for FREE.
Lawyers too have been screwed by this POS company and there's many that would jump at the chance to defend against a lawsuit pro bono.
Then they will file a counter suit and get paid from that.
Labcoerp is easy to sue because they are such a crooked company.

You lose.....

Name 2 lawyers that would litigate for free. You said you could name 10.

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions. If you are an employee you will be terminated in accordance with the confidentially agreement signed at the time of your hire.

Trust us it will cost you time, money and maybe a job.

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions. If you are an employee you will be terminated in accordance with the confidentially agreement signed at the time of your hire.

Trust us it will cost you time, money and maybe a job.

Ok, Mr Anonymous. Give me a break.

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions. If you are an employee you will be terminated in accordance with the confidentially agreement signed at the time of your hire.

Trust us it will cost you time, money and maybe a job.

Just to ensure we are all "well informed", please define what your intent is when refering to deragatory information, We would hate for there to be any missunderstandings.

For example: Do you consider it deragatory to cutt and paste links to the "FACTS" in publicly filed court cases surrounding Florida Management who have lied under oath? Obviouslly LCA isn't concerned about keeping these people employed, so why are you now concerned about these people being exposed? Would that show that fundamentally there are serious issues within LCA as a company?

Do you consider it deragatory to post legal opinions about cases which are filed in federal court? What exactly has one so concerned about information being shared for those who are potentially having similar issues with how things within this company continue to be handled?

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions. If you are an employee you will be terminated in accordance with the confidentially agreement signed at the time of your hire.

Trust us it will cost you time, money and maybe a job.

This person is an idiot.....

Cafepharma does not even log IP addresses.
So, end of story.

Type what you want - well, you should only type what is true.
And the truth makes Labcorp look like the sh**heads they are.

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions. If you are an employee you will be terminated in accordance with the confidentially agreement signed at the time of your hire.

Trust us it will cost you time, money and maybe a job.

First off, let's get the terminology straightened out.

Its libel, slander, or defamation. The burden is always on the PLAINTIFF in proving they have been harmed by stray comments. As a general rule, though, the burden is rather high.

Defenses to libel that can result in dismissal before trial include the statement being one of opinion rather than fact or being "fair comment and criticism". Truth is always a defense.

I don't think anything here has gone beyond fair comment or opinion. As far as KS is concerned, if I call her a liar, I think the court record in Burke's case is evidence enough of its truth.

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions. If you are an employee you will be terminated in accordance with the confidentially agreement signed at the time of your hire.

Trust us it will cost you time, money and maybe a job.

Derogatory? Don't you mean “defamatory?”

The Internet was indeed declared a Free Speech Zone back in the late 90s. So I'd like to go on record by saying this company's leadership - from the CEO down to most of the SVPs, and the RMBDs that I know are unethical at best, and some are just plain sleazy.

There is a reason we continuously post the following:

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions. If you are an employee you will be terminated in accordance with the confidentially agreement signed at the time of your hire.

Trust us it will cost you time, money and maybe a job.


To anyone else who does not care if they are identified here's a little tip.

Emails to even the most "secure" websites can be intercepted by a third party.

That's right !

The Fairy GodMother can get any email she wants.
Santa Clause also can intercept emails.
You have to watch out for the Great Pumpkin since Holloween is coming.
Also, Bigfoot is now online and he is looking for YOU !!!!

Just to ensure we are all "well informed", please define what your intent is when refering to deragatory information, We would hate for there to be any missunderstandings.

For example: Do you consider it deragatory to cutt and paste links to the "FACTS" in publicly filed court cases surrounding Florida Management who have lied under oath? Obviouslly LCA isn't concerned about keeping these people employed, so why are you now concerned about these people being exposed? Would that show that fundamentally there are serious issues within LCA as a company?

Do you consider it deragatory to post legal opinions about cases which are filed in federal court? What exactly has one so concerned about information being shared for those who are potentially having similar issues with how things within this company continue to be handled?

Dont you think the few people left reading this post realize you are posting and responding yourself and essentiall carrying on you own conversation? You (occasionally someone new to the board) are the only one that gives a crap. These are things that literally happened years ago.
Don't you have a tea-party rally to attend or catch up on back episodes of "Celebrity ghost stories"
dont you get it? No one cares about you

Dont you think the few people left reading this post realize you are posting and responding yourself and essentiall carrying on you own conversation? You (occasionally someone new to the board) are the only one that gives a crap. These are things that literally happened years ago.
Don't you have a tea-party rally to attend or catch up on back episodes of "Celebrity ghost stories"
dont you get it? No one cares about you

This stuff may have happened years ago, but it's all coming to a head now!