Dont you think the few people left reading this post realize you are posting and responding yourself and essentiall carrying on you own conversation? You (occasionally someone new to the board) are the only one that gives a crap. These are things that literally happened years ago.
Don't you have a tea-party rally to attend or catch up on back episodes of "Celebrity ghost stories"
dont you get it? No one cares about you

Obviously you care, Dipwad, or you would not have answered his/her post.

what an idiot......

Thanks for sharing this. Why would LC keep a hr person who isn't honest, especially in FEDERAL court? That speaks volumes about this company.

1-Sumsion, the human resource director, later explained that she failed to mention the
administrative specialist position to Burke because she did not know about the position. (Doc.
41, Ex. 2.) A reasonable jury could choose to disregard this explanation since an e-mail shows
that Sumsion sought approval for the new position two weeks earlier. (Doc. 41, Ex. 3.)

Someone is just trying to bring down this thread. Probably LCA's doing.

Oh no a conspiracy? I think you are right, the information contained is this thread is a threat to national security and at the very least could bring this corporation to it knees.
LCA execs are meeting as we speak plotting ways to track the culprit. I hope no lives are in danger.
You are a brave man fighting for the good of mankind over your own personal safety.
God bless you

Oh no a conspiracy? I think you are right, the information contained is this thread is a threat to national security and at the very least could bring this corporation to it knees.
LCA execs are meeting as we speak plotting ways to track the culprit. I hope no lives are in danger.
You are a brave man fighting for the good of mankind over your own personal safety.
God bless you

You are right. LabCorp has a whole department of lawyers whose only job is watch their computers 24/7 waiting for a post of this mysterious person who holds LabCorps future in his hands.

Please have mercy on us.

Don't be fooled. There are much greater stakes in state court, especially with regards to what TG has done to her. Has one ever heard about choosing your battles wisely. I'd sue both her and the company if I were her.

OMG another step closer to 1000 I cant wait to go upstairs and tell my MOM

This thread was originally posted for all LabCorp employees to keep an eye on because of the nasty self serving tactics LabCorp management emplores to use against good, faithful, long standing workers. But..................some rope sucker has to get on here and ruin it for anyone who is interested. Please, whoever you are. Please stick to your Barbie dolls, pornography and added insults where your nose does not belong.

Let us get onto the business of this case's results. Thank you.

This thread was originally posted for all LabCorp employees to keep an eye on because of the nasty self serving tactics LabCorp management emplores to use against good, faithful, long standing workers. But..................some rope sucker has to get on here and ruin it for anyone who is interested. Please, whoever you are. Please stick to your Barbie dolls, pornography and added insults where your nose does not belong.

Let us get onto the business of this case's results. Thank you.

While the original premise of this post was sound your constant posting for the sake of posting has ruined this thread.

The attorneys who are within LCA and who represent them from the outside are simply trying to have people lose interest by posting non sense.

Looks as though the KB case was dropped.she should file a defamation case in state court. That is where the big bucks are, and the attorney who was representing LCA was up to the same non sense as they have pulled in MB case. She should also consider suing that law firm.

Someone with the initials MW who is a current Florida employee has recently filed a federal lawsuit involving the same group of people in Florida.

We have requested a link be made avaliable for all public filings, for those employee's wanting to keep up with the filings.