As a former employee of both lca and JS, I've personally enjoyed watching them take a lot of lca fl. business. It must be bitter sweet. You can put the screws to someone, but you can't take away someone's ability to be a success!

Looks like RM, TF, TG "good ole boy club" is about to be taken down. Why do you think BN got transfered out of the division? Maybe you all should consider moving to Texas and following him over that way. Better hurry, it's about to catch up to you all!

Taken down or just transferred to Dallas? With the rest of the jokes. Dallas is a big division, why does labcorp want it run by a bunch of losers?

Fired 3 days after he complained someone wrote fag on his table

I apoogize Lorenda that this issue has escalated to a point where I needed to contact the Compliance Action line. Sadly in my opinion Gwen has clearly ignored this issue and not addressed it appropriately. I worked in accessioning for several years, I have seen some of the incidents that she has allowed to manifest and failed to address. This was a big issue for me. When she failed to attend the meeting she purposed on the 6th, I knew then I was going to become another Lab Corp H.R. statistic. Gwen’s reasoning that “These things happen” is unacceptable. The fact that not one person who seen the writing on the table has been questioned or called to confirm anything about this issue is very upsetting. Not only should I not have to come to work fearing what will happen next but with the fear that if something else would happen who would stand behind me. Certainly not H.R. Will the next incident be bigger, certainly the first incident was clearly trivialized. The embarrassment I endured just witnessing the graffiti incorporated with the fact that someone in Gwen’s position would be so neglectful in her position to believe the impact of this incident would be so minimal. I honestly feel that had this been a racial term, I quote, “These things happen” be sufficient, I think not. When I inquired with, since this issue was over before it had begun, I knew then that not only was I a victim once, but again by her own disregard for the employee she is protecting. How many others have went through the same type of incident. How many other employee were not only victims of other circumstances but as well as her inability to complete the job that was entrusted to her. I am well aware of a situation involving Jill Joseph. Jill showed signs of being bias, she was accused of using homophobic slurs however she still kept a leadership position. Jill was able to maintain her position of leadership overseeing employees who she has proven to be bias against. Time and time again I have heard numerous complaints about Keith Engle. I sat acrossed from him for several years and was witness to many of them as well as having several of my own. Sadly I encouraged people to use the Compliance hotline due to the fact that no one else will listen. Someone suggested that this word was not meant for me, if that is the case I will assemble each and every employee who falls in the LGBT categories and will fight together for equal protection that Lap Corp policy clearly states we are entitled to. Sadly we are not protected under Equal Opportunity however we still have civil rights and I cannot allow anyone to hold not only myself but my brothers and sisters as well. This incident was the reason I did not schedule for the classes this semester. How could I support a company who clearly does not support me.

Larenda does not work for Lab Corp any more. There is Tammy in place of her. Good Luck to you if she listens. All HR people at Lab Corp do nothing but side with whatever management does and says. Good Luck to you.