It is clear after reading all the posts that the law firms associated with the LC employment cases (PD, GR, & PP) are milking LC for all the money that they can get...

Making stuff up and thinking that they will never be in court to answer for their BS shows their arrogance.

Just look at Pacer Doc # 327 in the MB case... I love the way PD/LC was exposed for their "Misstatements of Fact" and "Misstatements of Law" - what a work of art!!!

im going to have to agree....have you seen how old that farmer guy is who is representing lca (in KB's case)....holy shit....guys been practicing since 1964...no wonder lca is losing...alzheimers a bitch....laws have kind of changed....he may have lca fooled (and paying his billable hours)...but when you're full of shit everyone smells it...i hope mb, kb, and others get their justice ($$$)

That guy is pretty sad. Based on his filings, looks like he is willing to lie for LC also. It is quite obvious that you have a bunch of attorneys milking the system. The other problem as I see it is the indian attorney dude at our corporate office. He is dishonest and has been allowing serious employee & other (whistleblowing) violations to continue.

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions.

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions.

USA Technologies v. Stokklerk
In August of 2009, Pennyslvania-based company USA Technologies filed a federal lawsuit against two Yahoo! message board posters who roundly criticized what they claim is the the consistently poor performance of USA Technologies' management. The criticism highlighted plummeting stock prices of the company, shares of which have lost over 99% of their value since their peak in 1999, as well as the high compensation rates for management of the company that has been consistently unprofitable.

In its complaint filed in August in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, USA Technologies curiously alleges without any evidence that the anonymous online statements must have somehow been part of a "scheme" on behalf of the anonymous posters to "enrich themselves through undisclosed manipulative trading tactics" in violation of the Securities Exchange Act. The company also alleges that pointed though legal criticism of the company and its management is defamatory. Following the filing of the lawsuit, USA Technologies issued a subpoena to Yahoo! demanding that the identity of its critics be disclosed.

EFF and the law firm of Phillips, Erlewine & Given LLP are defending "Stokklerk," one of the Yahoo! message board posters, against the subpoena seeking his/her identity.

Outcome: On May 17, 2010, Judge Susan Illston granted Stokklerk's motion to quash, holding that the First Amendment protected his right to criticize the company and its officers anonymously.

I think not.

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions.

You are an idiot.
Stop trying to scare people - people who are posting the truth.
We've seen this crap posted before.

Can't be prosecuted for telling the truth.

Besides, most smart people her are posting through and anonymous IP.
Mine originates in Switzerland today.
Try tracing that, LOSER !

You are an idiot.
Stop trying to scare people - people who are posting the truth.
We've seen this crap posted before.

Can't be prosecuted for telling the truth.

Besides, most smart people her are posting through and anonymous IP.
Mine originates in Switzerland today.
Try tracing that, LOSER !

Anonymous IP, sure.

Do you really think you can scare people away from "freedom of speach" and their First Amendment rights? Sounds like you are one of those attorneys milking the system and you didn't like being called out for what your doing. Or perhaps your the little LC attorney who we all know is full of it. DK will get rid of you soon, so you may want to start looking for another job. How do you like those consequences?


Yeah, sure...it's as simple as that, dildo-breath.

Are you that dumb?

It's not about right or wrong.

LabCorp or any large corporation for that matter has the financial means to break you or any indiviual financially. They file a suit and keep it going in the court system until you are broke. Happens everyday, want to get on the list? Keep up the lies and slander.

USA Technologies v. Stokklerk
In August of 2009, Pennyslvania-based company USA Technologies filed a federal lawsuit against two Yahoo! message board posters who roundly criticized what they claim is the the consistently poor performance of USA Technologies' management. The criticism highlighted plummeting stock prices of the company, shares of which have lost over 99% of their value since their peak in 1999, as well as the high compensation rates for management of the company that has been consistently unprofitable.

In its complaint filed in August in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, USA Technologies curiously alleges without any evidence that the anonymous online statements must have somehow been part of a "scheme" on behalf of the anonymous posters to "enrich themselves through undisclosed manipulative trading tactics" in violation of the Securities Exchange Act. The company also alleges that pointed though legal criticism of the company and its management is defamatory. Following the filing of the lawsuit, USA Technologies issued a subpoena to Yahoo! demanding that the identity of its critics be disclosed.

EFF and the law firm of Phillips, Erlewine & Given LLP are defending "Stokklerk," one of the Yahoo! message board posters, against the subpoena seeking his/her identity.

Outcome: On May 17, 2010, Judge Susan Illston granted Stokklerk's motion to quash, holding that the First Amendment protected his right to criticize the company and its officers anonymously.

I think not.

So tell me how much did it cost Stokklerk to hire the law firm of Phillips, Erewine & Given LLP?
Did they do it for free?

I think not.

So tell me how much did it cost Stokklerk to hire the law firm of Phillips, Erewine & Given LLP?
Did they do it for free?

I think not.

its called Electronic Frontier Foundation and yes, it was free to Stokklerk - im sure USA Technologies had to reimburse Phillips and EFF for the hassle.

you know, for a board that no one "reads" and could supposedly care less about...this thread has really gotten under some people's skin.

i'll advise if lca or whomever, ever makes good on its threat....i look forward to it

Are you that dumb?

It's not about right or wrong.

LabCorp or any large corporation for that matter has the financial means to break you or any indiviual financially. They file a suit and keep it going in the court system until you are broke. Happens everyday, want to get on the list? Keep up the lies and slander.

You're wrong again, smarty britches.
I can name ten lawyers off the top of my head that would LOVE to litigate against Labcorp for FREE.
Lawyers too have been screwed by this POS company and there's many that would jump at the chance to defend against a lawsuit pro bono.
Then they will file a counter suit and get paid from that.
Labcoerp is easy to sue because they are such a crooked company.

You lose.....

You're wrong again, smarty britches.
I can name ten lawyers off the top of my head that would LOVE to litigate against Labcorp for FREE.
Lawyers too have been screwed by this POS company and there's many that would jump at the chance to defend against a lawsuit pro bono.
Then they will file a counter suit and get paid from that.
Labcoerp is easy to sue because they are such a crooked company.

You lose.....

Suing is the easy part, winning is near impossible. Not as easy as you think.

Bottom line is that Labcorp would be suing you. You would have to get a lawyer to defend yourself. That costs money.
Sure you could countersue, but in the end you would both agree to drop the suits. LabCorp would move on, you will be broke. It's a tactic used by many companies. I don't agree with it and to tell you the truth it pisses me off. But that is the realilty of the situation.

winning against a company like LCA isn't hard at all. They may have deep pockets but the attorneys they hire ( outside councel) are fairly predictable and not very smart.The attorney working for LCA has a bad reputation and hires attorneys who are willing to lie for LCA's behalf. This type of strategy will catch up to them very soon. Let's just say that, "there are a few internal agents" working within.

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions. If you are an employee you will be terminated in accordance with the confidentially agreement signed at the time of your hire.

Trust us it will cost you time, money and maybe a job.

Attention to anyone posting derogatory information.

By doing so you are assuming any and all liability for your posts. There is no such thing as an anonymous post, you will be identified and face the legal consequences of your actions. If you are an employee you will be terminated in accordance with the confidentially agreement signed at the time of your hire.

Trust us it will cost you time, money and maybe a job.

Screw you, Hitler.
Your Nazi tactics do not scare anyone here.
Just try and take my job, you putz.
You will be working for KB and MB soon enough.