What is the average age of a Labcorp field rep?

Any reps in their 50's? Mosly female or male reps?

Just curious if it is worth applying?

I'm a middle aged female minority candidate that was totally blown off for a management position once they found out how old I was in spite of being twice as qualified. Even if they don't ask your age, they can tell how old you are when you provide them your drivers license # on the application (middle 2 numbers are the year you were born). I hope that they get what is coming to them. If you are over 35 you need not apply here no matter what your qualifications are. No wonder their business is going down the tubes!

I just read where an HP executive was fired for falsifying some expenses. This is the reason he was fired according to the news article.

"The company determined Hurd didn't violate its sexual harassment policy but broke its rules of conduct and irreparably harmed his credibility and integrity."

Aren't there several people in Florida that would fall under this category?

Looks like more criminals in the Florida division. Mail fraud is a serious crime and these employees could face prison time.

On Pacer in the KB case:
Plaintiff learned from a former coworker and employee of Defendant that
certain individuals at Defendant company had verbally expressed their intent to retaliate
against Plaintiff and to cause her to be terminated from her new job.

j. A forensic document examiner has analyzed the handwritten letter along
with known samples of handwriting, and opined that the author was an individual who is
currently employed by Defendant.

k. The package was sent from The UPS Store at 11110 West Oakland Park
Boulevard, Sunrise, Florida, on May 3, 2010.

l. Plaintiff expects the evidence to show that two employees of Defendant
were in the vicinity of The UPS Store identified above at the time the package was sent.

m. The author of the forged letter, and any employees involved in sending the
package to ____, were acting as agents of and for the benefit of Defendant. Each of
them intended to jeopardize Plaintiff’s employment, to destroy Plaintiff’s
career and reputation in her professional community, and to prevent Plaintiff from
competing with Defendant, in retaliation for Plaintiff’s complaints of sexual
discrimination and retaliation by Defendant.

n. Defendant’s conduct constitutes a further violation of the Florida Civil
Rights Act, in that it was done in retaliation for Plaintiff’s having opposed discrimination
and retaliation based on sex.

It is easy to guess who did this. She was always known for these type of "tactics" in her past. LCA knows she is guilty, and will terminate her employment once this is over. In the mean time, she will continue hanging out in the Islands. As a boss, she is never around, chaotic, brings her kids to LCA client dinners ( expenses them on LCA). She has one problem, someone else knows she did this! In order to escape being found guilty themselves, they are going to have to turn on her! Good luck getting outta this one TG!

what kind of an idiot includes a hand written letter in a bogus package? That speaks volumes for the kind of people they hire and keep in positions at LCA. It is really easy to determine who "hand wrote" something. I also have a difficult time understanding how low someone has to go to be involved in such a thing.

what kind of an idiot includes a hand written letter in a bogus package? That speaks volumes for the kind of people they hire and keep in positions at LCA. It is really easy to determine who "hand wrote" something. I also have a difficult time understanding how low someone has to go to be involved in such a thing.

It's amazing that the people doing this babyish stuff have time to do this when they're "supposed" to be running a multi-million dollar corporation?

It is easy to guess who did this. She was always known for these type of "tactics" in her past. LCA knows she is guilty, and will terminate her employment once this is over. In the mean time, she will continue hanging out in the Islands. As a boss, she is never around, chaotic, brings her kids to LCA client dinners ( expenses them on LCA). She has one problem, someone else knows she did this! In order to escape being found guilty themselves, they are going to have to turn on her! Good luck getting outta this one TG!

is TG Tracy? She looks like she would taste so good front and back.

It isn't a surprise at all that TG would do something like this. She has made comments before about finding "ways" to get others fired in front of several of us. Anyone know who the second person was?

This was called into the compliance hotline weeks ago, nothing was done. Yes, TG is known for these types of tactics, and the second person was more than likely her new "sidekick." Several people know TG has been attempting to get several competitors "fired." One would think she would just try and compete "honestly." Guess not. Wait until we have to testify.

This was called into the compliance hotline weeks ago, nothing was done. Yes, TG is known for these types of tactics, and the second person was more than likely her new "sidekick." Several people know TG has been attempting to get several competitors "fired." One would think she would just try and compete "honestly." Guess not. Wait until we have to testify.

Who did you (or they) talk to when the call was made? KS in Burlington? Be careful with that snake.

Regardless of how anyone feels about TG, that person who answers the CAH for HR issues is a totally worthless. A middle-aged runt from what I know.

The person was a female, sounded like she was very concerned, though nothings been done. The call provided very specific facts and names, dates, etc. The only thing I can come to the conclusion is that the company must have a big liability on hand and doesn't want to acknowledge any wrongdoings. Based on the pacer information above, its clear this could be a legal issue for LCA. By addressing the issue, they admit guilt. Problem is, several people know they are guilty!

Looks like 3 additional Florida filed cases recently, all females. All circled around same Mgmt in Fl.

Looks like a Impasse was filed in the mb case on 08/13/2010. Look as though the parties mediated and have decided to "go to trial." Trial date hasn't been set by judge as of yet.

According to Pacer, LCA is denying that they sent the package mentioned above in the KB case, though they provide no valid evidence that they didn't. Plantiff has hand writting experts and solid proof that LCA mgmt did in fact send this. Evidence is pilling up against them. If I were kb, I would issue additional personal lawsuits against the employee's involved.

Looks like 3 additional Florida filed cases recently, all females. All circled around same Mgmt in Fl.

Looks like a Impasse was filed in the mb case on 08/13/2010. Look as though the parties mediated and have decided to "go to trial." Trial date hasn't been set by judge as of yet.

According to Pacer, LCA is denying that they sent the package mentioned above in the KB case, though they provide no valid evidence that they didn't. Plantiff has hand writting experts and solid proof that LCA mgmt did in fact send this. Evidence is pilling up against them. If I were kb, I would issue additional personal lawsuits against the employee's involved.

Personal lawsuits are fine, but the person(s) who did this - and we all know who they are - will be facing criminal charges.
Yes, criminal charges - not one person suing another, but the State of FL looking for justice against the low life's that sent the forged letters.
Mail fraud is serious stuff.

Personal lawsuits are fine, but the person(s) who did this - and we all know who they are - will be facing criminal charges.
Yes, criminal charges - not one person suing another, but the State of FL looking for justice against the low life's that sent the forged letters.
Mail fraud is serious stuff.

That wouldn't be the State of Florida involved in mail fraud, that would be the Federal Government.

Actually, the state prosecutors office agreed to take this case two weeks ago. Word on the street is that there is overwhelming evidence from multiple sources which show it was these two employee's. The one employee better figure out that she has one way out only, which is to turn on the other.....or be faced with losing her job and quite possibly being prosecuted along with the other party.

where is the mod!!!!! come on Cafepharma

He was quiet for a month but then his medication ran out. He has a desperate need for attention. So he continuously posts and then replies to his posts. If you look at them they are the same posts and replies recycled 600 times.
Everyone knows this guy is a joke and has no useful information to share. Although I do get a good laugh when he tells us how smart and rich he is.
He probably checks this thread every 5 minutes to see if someone replied. So right now he is getting a rush.

The only scumbags involved in these allowed low live behaviors are the LCA attorney allowing these types of criminal activities along with the outside lawfirm (Phelps group) who monitor these boards and post "horse shit" to try and cover further for LCA while racking up your hours. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

You won't handle the issue at hand, the state prosecutors office has agreed to handle it, and they don't need your approval! Justice will prevail despite your tactics to try and cover it up!

Personal lawsuits are fine, but the person(s) who did this - and we all know who they are - will be facing criminal charges.
Yes, criminal charges - not one person suing another, but the State of FL looking for justice against the low life's that sent the forged letters.
Mail fraud is serious stuff.

He was quiet for a month but then his medication ran out. He has a desperate need for attention. So he continuously posts and then replies to his posts. If you look at them they are the same posts and replies recycled 600 times.
Everyone knows this guy is a joke and has no useful information to share. Although I do get a good laugh when he tells us how smart and rich he is.
He probably checks this thread every 5 minutes to see if someone replied. So right now he is getting a rush.

everyones got problems...pharma would be without a good revenue base if it wasnt for these blokes...so quit naggin...its good entertainment though....speaking of that...thought this whole thread was made by 2 babes...im missing sumthin here