Yeah, here's one;

Florida woman has filed a dental malpractice lawsuit against a dentist who she says left part of a metal drill bit in her head for 11 months.
The complaint, filed by Donna Delgado, charges oral surgeon Ralph Eichstaedt with medical malpractice for allegedly leaving an inch-long piece of metal drill bit in her sinuses. According to a report by the Associated Press, Eichstaedt dismissed Delgado’s concerns about not feeling well and the drill bit was not discovered until this past August, about a year after Delgado went to Eichstaedt to have two teeth removed.

Sounds like this Dentist, Eichstaedt, must be employed by Labcorp.
That sounds like something Labcorp employees do all the time.

Your Mom didn't think I was stupid last night as I gave her the high, hard one.

She just begged for more.
She's not bad for a broken down old hag.
She didn't have one good thing to say about you, though.

Very nice

Finding new, crude and disgusting ways to belittle one's mother is always held in high regard !

Yes, I am a former employee who had our non compete looked at by attorney. Not only are they invalid, but quite possibly.

Here is the deal, they made us sign them and said that NC law applies. The law in NC says that they have to offer you something in return for giving up your right to work. The last time I looked at the agreement, it was like everything else this company does- one WAY, one sided and not just touching into a GREY area, but 100% black and white!

It is obvious by the posters above that you are a bunch of non sense attorneys watching this board, posting a bunch of senseless BS to avoid further exposure.

Yes, I am a former employee who had our non compete looked at by attorney. Not only are they invalid, but quite possibly.

Here is the deal, they made us sign them and said that NC law applies. The law in NC says that they have to offer you something in return for giving up your right to work. The last time I looked at the agreement, it was like everything else this company does- one WAY, one sided and not just touching into a GREY area, but 100% black and white!

It is obvious by the posters above that you are a bunch of non sense attorneys watching this board, posting a bunch of senseless BS to avoid further exposure.

Well, you caught us.

I guess we have to stop now

this thread is so played out

Actually, no, it is not. The first posting was an alert to employees with concerns who were facing retaliation. It evolved into a tracking of various lawsuits of some individuals and seeking others who have legitimate complaints. It would appear the company has tried to stonewall procedings at times and played hardball at others.

Wrong-headed management in the Florida Division has unfairly bulldozed so many good longterm employees that it is time these unfair practices saw the light of day. Unfortunately, the culture is such that the legal system is the only way this will happen.

So hear is a toast to those who have spent a great deal of their personal money and preservered to get the truth out.

The first posting was an alert to employees with concerns who were facing retaliation. It evolved into a tracking of various lawsuits of some individuals and seeking others who have legitimate complaints. It would appear the company has tried to stonewall procedings at times and played hardball at others.

Wrong-headed management in the Florida Division has unfairly bulldozed so many good longterm employees that it is time these unfair practices saw the light of day. Unfortunately, the culture is such that the legal system is the only way this will happen.

So hear is a toast to those who have spent a great deal of their personal money and preservered to get the truth out.

And Yes, the current non compete agreements are a farse. They won't hold up and lca legal is now in the process of trying to create a new one for everyone to quickly sign.

Word of caution:Tell LCA you must have your attorney review the non compete first. Then, delay and use your attorney as an excuse. They CAN'T fire you because you want legal to review it. You have a right to have an attorney review anything before you sign it.

Be wise, use the time to GET OUT and negotiate a better gig with the competition!

And Yes, the current non compete agreements are a farse. They won't hold up and lca legal is now in the process of trying to create a new one for everyone to quickly sign.

Word of caution:Tell LCA you must have your attorney review the non compete first. Then, delay and use your attorney as an excuse. They CAN'T fire you because you want legal to review it. You have a right to have an attorney review anything before you sign it.

Be wise, use the time to GET OUT and negotiate a better gig with the competition!

Why don't all you whinny loser just shut the F*** UP

Have you not been reading these post? If you are applying in Florida, RUN. The guy in charge of sales is a LIAR and you won't ever see your commissions. This is by far the worst company anyone could have on your resume!