I suppose this is based on your extensive knowledge of......?

That's right. You never post anything of substance. One-line remarks are about as much as you can muster. I can't convince you to leave this board, so we'll keep taking swipes at each other, I suppose.

Are you that Delusional that you think there is only one person questioning your sanity?

I'm the one who you think is an LCA attorney, not the one who you just reponded to.

Maybe this can help:


These may include a physical examination or other medical tests. Your doctor may ask several questions when assessing your condition. It is important to remember that your consultation is a two-way process and any extra information you can share with your doctor may help them with their diagnosis.

Some of the questions your doctor may ask are listed below:

May need to get some history from family members and friends. Paranoid people are most likely to present following requests by family and friends. Paranoid people are by nature suspicious of others and they do not often present voluntarily for care
How long have you noticed the paranoia?
Why: to determine if acute or chronic. If acute in nature must consider delirium or a new onset of psychiatric illness as a possible cause of delusion. Delirium is an acute confusional state due to many causes e.g. infection, drug intoxication, alcohol withdrawal, hypoxia (reduced oxygen levels in the blood), stroke or head injury. If the onset is chronic a diagnosis of a psychiatric illness or dementia may be more likely.

What are the symptoms and features of the paranoid thoughts?
Why: e.g. general suspiciousness; fears and beliefs that they are being persecuted, taken advantage of, or wronged in some way; inability to trust or confide in others; hostility if it is perceived that others are prying or scheming against the person; reluctance to sign any sort of paper work; excessive concern about confidentiality; refusal to accept medication or other forms of treatment due to suspiciousness or lack of trust in the clinician's motives; history of repeated terminations of employment.

How would you describe the person's personality?
Why: Paranoia may be a personality trait characterized by social isolation, hypersensitivity and suspiciousness that may lie inside or outside the range of "normal" behavior. People are diverse and some people have more paranoid beliefs or beliefs in conspiracy theories than other people.

Was there a known precipitating factor to the paranoid thoughts and behavior?
Why: e.g. physical illness, starting a different medication, abstaining from alcohol. Paranoid thinking is likely to be heightened by stress.

History of head injury?
Why: Paranoid thinking may occur in association with brain injury.

Past psychiatric history?
Why: Paranoia may be one of the many difficult symptoms associated with a diagnosed mental disorder such as schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, paranoid delusional disorder, paranoid personality disorder or schizotypal personality disorder.

Family history?
Why: e.g. dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, depression and prophyria.

Alcohol history?
Why: to assess chance of alcohol withdrawal, alcohol abuse or head injury.

Illicit drug use history?
Why: Abuse of stimulant or hallucinogenic drugs such as amphetamine, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, PCP may cause paranoid thinking and may also precipitate acute psychosis.

Anyone have any news on the outside investigation regarding the conduct in Florida? Does anyone know about any other newly initiated lawsuits in Florida? Please post if you have any information.

Anyone have any news on the outside investigation regarding the conduct in Florida? Does anyone know about any other newly initiated lawsuits in Florida? Please post if you have any information.

Yes, A number of lawsuits have been filed by employees & patients. Labcorp is going down. Get out while you can.
Don't ask for details because there are none.

Here I'll even post for the psyco:

I am a Menza Millionaire, don't need the money but work for LabCorp anyway. MB is no good and the entire Florida Division is corrupt. Sales is a joke and I'm smarter than anyone who works for LabCorp.

Yes, A number of lawsuits have been filed by employees & patients. Labcorp is going down. Get out while you can.
Don't ask for details because there are none.

Here I'll even post for the psyco:

I am a Menza Millionaire, don't need the money but work for LabCorp anyway. MB is no good and the entire Florida Division is corrupt. Sales is a joke and I'm smarter than anyone who works for LabCorp.

Wow, one of the FL Managers must have posted this

Yeah the guy who started this thread and posted 550 times.

Claims he is some big shot at LabCorp, in reality he's a driver.

WAS a driver...lost him when we did a background and found he had tourettes syndrome and was suceptible to long all consuming filibusters and extended departures from reality. ...from the looks of things looks like they underestimated the extent of the condition

found he had tourettes syndrome and was suceptible to long all consuming filibusters and extended departures from reality. ...from the looks of things looks like they underestimated the extent of the condition

Who ever he may be he really does need help. These are the kind of people that go postal. It's best that CafePharma does not give him this platform to vent. Seems like it just makes him crazier.

Florida is about to get a new Sales V.P.( many think it's the new guy who is acting like he is the new Sr.V.P.), HR (Medusa) is getting moved out, and so are a few RMBD'S. Those who have been having problems with your "male" supervisor, this may be your lucky year!

WCook is coming back to run the Fl division!

Florida is about to get a new Sales V.P.( many think it's the new guy who is acting like he is the new Sr.V.P.), HR (Medusa) is getting moved out, and so are a few RMBD'S. Those who have been having problems with your "male" supervisor, this may be your lucky year!

WCook is coming back to run the Fl division!

Old News (Yawn)
This is your 30th post about a new VP. Wishing ain't going to make it happen.
Seek help

Look, I work for the current VP in Fl, so that leaves you with 1 out of 8 people. We DONT want him to be taken down. He is an idiot and that in turn helps us not be accountable. No offense, but when operations doesn't do their job, and the senior vp doesn't step in, it makes a nearly impossible situation to work in. It is complete craziness!

Regarding Medusa, she is simply there to take orders. If the orders given to her are dishonest, illegal, unethical....she simply turns her head and does it anyway. She is just doing her job!

Yes, A number of lawsuits have been filed by employees & patients. Labcorp is going down. Get out while you can.
Don't ask for details because there are none.

Here I'll even post for the psyco:

I am a Menza Millionaire, don't need the money but work for LabCorp anyway. MB is no good and the entire Florida Division is corrupt. Sales is a joke and I'm smarter than anyone who works for LabCorp.

Did you mean Mensa, or are you the former drummer for Megadeth, Nick Menza? You really are not that smart if you cannot get the name right.

Look, I work for the current VP in Fl, so that leaves you with 1 out of 8 people. We DONT want him to be taken down. He is an idiot and that in turn helps us not be accountable. No offense, but when operations doesn't do their job, and the senior vp doesn't step in, it makes a nearly impossible situation to work in. It is complete craziness!

Regarding Medusa, she is simply there to take orders. If the orders given to her are dishonest, illegal, unethical....she simply turns her head and does it anyway. She is just doing her job!

Sure you do. The only problem is that there are 20 layers of Management between you and the VP in Florida. Odds are don't even work at LabCorp anymore, fired no doubt. But in your little mind you are sticking it to LabCorp, your stupidity is laughable.

Did you torture all the little kittens to death in your neighborhood and now your only outlet are these boards?

Sure you do. The only problem is that there are 20 layers of Management between you and the VP in Florida. Odds are don't even work at LabCorp anymore, fired no doubt. But in your little mind you are sticking it to LabCorp, your stupidity is laughable.

Did you torture all the little kittens to death in your neighborhood and now your only outlet are these boards?

I hate cats anyway so it was easy.

I hate LabCorp so these posts come easy too.

I don't know about the thousands of people following this thread, but I am an interested third party who happens to think that this case is worth following.This case has the potential to haunt labcorp for years to come.

Looks like Plantiff in MB case filed for sanctions against Labcorp for destruction of evidence and producing evidence late in this case. Palntiff's motion is very compeling. LabCorp filed their response and it is typical LabCorp. They ignored the vast majority of the issues, pointed the finger at their own employee's and took no responsibility. Any intellegent federal court judge will see right through it and should crush them.

As for the trial date, looks like it has once again been put on hold. Has something to do with some outstanding rulings which both paries are waiting on. If I had my guess, the trial should be coming up in the fall.

I don't know about the thousands of people following this thread, but I am an interested third party who happens to think that this case is worth following.This case has the potential to haunt labcorp for years to come.

Looks like Plantiff in MB case filed for sanctions against Labcorp for destruction of evidence and producing evidence late in this case. Palntiff's motion is very compeling. LabCorp filed their response and it is typical LabCorp. They ignored the vast majority of the issues, pointed the finger at their own employee's and took no responsibility. Any intellegent federal court judge will see right through it and should crush them.

As for the trial date, looks like it has once again been put on hold. Has something to do with some outstanding rulings which both paries are waiting on. If I had my guess, the trial should be coming up in the fall.

Get back to us in October

Does anyone know of any other current lawsuits in Florida?

Also, has anyone heard that our non compete agreements are invalid? I thought an attorney put this thing together?

If this is true, what an idiot!

Does anyone know of any other current lawsuits in Florida?

Yeah, here's one;

Florida woman has filed a dental malpractice lawsuit against a dentist who she says left part of a metal drill bit in her head for 11 months.
The complaint, filed by Donna Delgado, charges oral surgeon Ralph Eichstaedt with medical malpractice for allegedly leaving an inch-long piece of metal drill bit in her sinuses. According to a report by the Associated Press, Eichstaedt dismissed Delgado’s concerns about not feeling well and the drill bit was not discovered until this past August, about a year after Delgado went to Eichstaedt to have two teeth removed.