False claims violations by MLS

Angry Derm guy you're back. I guess you didn't make the cut for an interview. No worries you ass is gone during the next right sizing. Have to reduce costs; there will be 5 SDs left in January selling all specialties with AMs running around putting the fires out.
What does it has to do with false claims violations by MHD/Inform? Don't deflect.

Happy Management Guy,

You hide in the weeds and take credit for the work/ideas of others. You dont care about runzheimer cuts bc you dont go anywhere, you dont care about our commission cuts bc now you MAY make more than your employees ( but i doubt it) Must a been a tough pill to swallow knowing your employees made more than you.
Who will be these 5 SD’s to run multi speciality? Performers or ass kissers? Or are we going to try and promote some more old TAS’s? Truly, truly how is that amazing idea really working out? Place will see its best employees leave in the new year sfter we burn all our vacation. This place is a joke, nanagement sucks and has no experience and mooney? Jesus where do I start with that guy, i wish he was on his own lighthouse list.

Eeyore, if you are that miserable, please leave now. Put in your notice and get your vacation pay - no reason to burn it. You shouldn't work in an environment that makes you this way. There seems to be plenty of jobs so you should be fine. You can also take a small vacation from your negative job before you start a new one. The next company you go to will be great and will probably pay you lots of money so you won't have to spend all of your time on this website. It is not healthy to be so negative. Inform might not be the right fit for you but I am sure they will be able to find someone to replace you. If it isn't for you, its fine. ....bye

no Ah, no TZ, no GC!!! Imagine this, DERM actually is on the right path. Promotions based on skill/sales and performance. Well done Greg the cleansing is ALMOST complete. Can someone tell me why we need MB? There is no reason for her position. Once she is gone so will the corruption/opinions. Great last conference call today GC:)

no Ah, no TZ, no GC!!! Imagine this, DERM actually is on the right path. Promotions based on skill/sales and performance. Well done Greg the cleansing is ALMOST complete. Can someone tell me why we need MB? There is no reason for her position. Once she is gone so will the corruption/opinions. Great last conference call today GC:)

Angry Derm Guy, once your non-performing ass is gone, the cleansing will be complete!

trust me the cleansing is complete people. Derm is in a better place today with GC gone. He was an ass kissing, sexist, micro manager who was as 2 faced as they come. Guy never sold and didnt motivate us to sell. What am I going to do without hus unnecessary phone calls, conferebce calls and ride alongs? Oh wait I will do my job again, the only reason I was looking for another job was bc of him. Derm can move forward with some good people, Friday sfternoon after Greg let us know is the best work day Ive had in years. G-CYA

Attention: Angry Derm Moron. They have a plan. These moves will all make sense soon. A complete reorg will be implemented before the end of the year. What's your thought on selling multispecialty? That's the plan. How come everyone knows this except you?

the above post wont happen. Multi speciality sounds good in theory but clients dont/wont leave bc of their relationships with SD’s. Lose key SD’s lose business. Volume is all inform has going at the moment

It has begun!! The end is near. Oops the sale to labcorp is near. Who should get let go who hasn’t? Start in Derm please, those pampered bitches have been spoiled for toooo long. Fire Texas, South Florida, Ohio, maryland. All useless and unproven.

No conference call with GC today!! What am I going to do without his “ you guys suck” motivational speech?
Love the fact they realized his true colors, and note this had nothing to do with “ cost cutting” they saw who he really was, KARMA won out!!

No conference call with GC today!! What am I going to do without his “ you guys suck” motivational speech?
Love the fact they realized his true colors, and note this had nothing to do with “ cost cutting” they saw who he really was, KARMA won out!!
Angry Derm Guy, keep taking notes. New leadership is chipping away at the problem. You’re largest contribution to the company is airing your grievances in a public forum.

Soon, you will have a little more time on your hands.


Happy Management!

Company is in a way healthier place without GC. Nobody respected him. He bullied his people, caveman management style cost him his job.
Sorry for those who worked here so long and now are gone. Why did they let go SB? Guy worked hard.

place is still a shit show. Good move on GC but riddle me this why does MB have soooo much say? Getting her unproven bff that job. Unreal. Thought politics here were gone after GC, AH and TZ left.

place is still a shit show. Good move on GC but riddle me this why does MB have soooo much say? Getting her unproven bff that job. Unreal. Thought politics here were gone after GC, AH and TZ left.
You clearly do not understand the way forward, and I don’t mean that from a corporate-anthem standpoint. If you did, you would either get on board or get out. No one has time for your negative attitude.

Company is in a way healthier place without GC. Nobody respected him. He bullied his people, caveman management style cost him his job.
Sorry for those who worked here so long and now are gone. Why did they let go SB? Guy worked hard.

Sorry for everyone gone as well. I’m not sure how cutting so few SDs will really help. If based on performance there should have been a few more.

KS got that job bc of the power that Michelle B has. Lets not forget Michelle was an SD and stunk, then became an AM and quit bc she was away from home too much. Then got hired back then was the only person to interview for a job that wasnt posted, then hired her work booty call BB and then her friend HG. So what surprises you about her throwing her WEIGHT around to get KS the job?