False claims violations by MLS

Consultant - We dont want to pay you all at once, so allow us to spread it over the next 6 months. They wont be consultants come january 1st.
Also they do need to clean house, especially in derm. Leadership is hated bc they are unproven and try to lecture us on sales, please!! Thats why nobody in derm is working. Bring in fresh blood or bring back LC, we still miss her exceptional leadership style we would run thru walls for her.

Let's face it..Avista failed during their due diligence..They got a business for a little bit of cash, but didn't anticipate having to clean house of incompetent SVP's that drove the value down in the first place..Big Fail! And then to keep them on as consultants says they are scrambling to restructure, show some organizational strength and then sell sooner vs. later. Don't waste your time complaining about the incompetence..use this time as a stepping stone to somewhere else or become a Labcorp employee in ~12 months.
With a $90 million indemnity from Miraca Holdings(for a doj investigation), and getting a company(total assets 560M, annual sales 265M) for FREE, Avista knew what they were getting into.

With a $90 million indemnity from Miraca Holdings(for a doj investigation), and getting a company(total assets 560M, annual sales 265M) for FREE, Avista knew what they were getting into.

Agreed. Avista knows what they are doing. Avista didn't pick up this company to make a quick $5 million. There is a plan. Granted, it is fair to believe the "sputtering engine could not be salvaged" scenario has adjusted the preliminary plan.

The bottom line is - what is the ROI on repair vs. parting out?

If there is not a part out, quick definitive action will need to occur quickly. Otherwise, "those that can" will leave and the company will only be left with "those that can't".

The revenue numbers above are very eye opening if indeed they are accurate. Just remember those numbers directly reflect the sales force. Not unproven rvp’s and vps. Imagine if they were let go and replaced with people who were proven and knowledgeable in the business. The reason we are not growing now is that the sales force has become disengaged. We have had mixed messages and support from leaders with no spine or vision. We have no proven leaders, just bc you look
At a spread sheet and cut couriers and employees to tweak profits doesnt make you valuable anyone with accounting experience can do that. The problem is we HATE who we report to bc they are unproven and spineless and that my prople is why the derm pipeline sucks and people want to leave and are trying very hard to. By NSM in january the sales force will look very different unless Greg has the vision to realize he needs to clean house on useless middle management

The revenue numbers above are very eye opening if indeed they are accurate. Just remember those numbers directly reflect the sales force. Not unproven rvp’s and vps. Imagine if they were let go and replaced with people who were proven and knowledgeable in the business. The reason we are not growing now is that the sales force has become disengaged. We have had mixed messages and support from leaders with no spine or vision. We have no proven leaders, just bc you look
At a spread sheet and cut couriers and employees to tweak profits doesnt make you valuable anyone with accounting experience can do that. The problem is we HATE who we report to bc they are unproven and spineless and that my prople is why the derm pipeline sucks and people want to leave and are trying very hard to. By NSM in january the sales force will look very different unless Greg has the vision to realize he needs to clean house on useless middle management

There is a multitude of consistency between the complainers. (For you knuckle draggers, multitude was a big word. It means 'a lot'.)

Complain relentlesy about the senior leadership of sales / strategy - poof - its gone.

In an immediate shift, the complaint is now that Sales middle management is now clipping your wings. What if middle management was gone? What would then be the strategy?

Has there ever been a larger group of combined victims?

A very sound strategy could be that Sales Leadership made a bunch of shitty hiring decisions...which would again be "leadership's" fault.

Best sales force hands down, minus the promotions of the AM’s. Those promotions are exactly the issue. For years we have tried to run this business by doing quick hiring decisions to fill a void, Instead of searching for the correct/qualified/experienced candidate we simply focus on the void. This is most evident in derm with AH,GC and BM. Also in GI with BC.
Promoting internal candidates bc you are familiar/comfortable with them isnt a smart and effective way to run a business. Familiarity doesnt equate to sales. This is exactly why we needed new senior leadership, now the new senior leadership needs to replace mediocre rvps and vps. In pro sports and big business when goals arent being met they dont keep the coach and fire all the players, they realize there is a lack of respect for the coach by the players, the coach lost their way on how to get the most out of his/her players. That is exactly where we are, our players simply arent motivated by their managers. Im not sure bringing back GA was the correct move, we need someone with an open mind and no prexisting relationships to turn this ship around. He did himself no favors on that conference call either, tough love is not what your people need right now, they need genuine honest proven leaders.

As you may have heard, Miraca Holdings announced today its intent to pay $63.5M to settle a four-year old government investigation. As mentioned in Miraca’s press release, Miraca “has consistently denied liability, but has decided to put the matter behind it and enter into a settlement.”
Because the agreement isn’t final, and Miraca needs to complete its discussions with the government, we can’t share more details with you or with our clients regarding the settlement, which I understand is frustrating.
The timing of Miraca Holdings’ announcement likely stems from its desire to disclose the financial impact to its investors, even before the agreement with the government is complete.


Winter is coming. Be prepared for all of the corporate talent that "does the work" to leave in the next few weeks.

Corporate will be stuck with the consistently inept mid-level leaders incapable of moving the needle.

This organization is the best at drinking the Kool aide valuing internal "process knowledge" over fresh ideas and new strategy.

The truth is so many existing VPs have been promoted to their level of incompetency. If I were a new inbound exec, any existing employee would have to prove "they weren't part of the problem"...which is almost harder than starting a new job.

is the most accurate thing said on this entire thread. This is especially true in derm with BM, GC and AH none of them proven, actually they are proven to be useless brown nosers. Our derm pipeline sucks bc we despise them, no talent suckups who treated us terribly and now they are scared and suddenly they pretend to care!! Please we are smarter then you think.