False claims violations by MLS

nobody working in Derm, its a lost cause. Everybody looking for new jobs under this clown car management team. AM’s as SD’s? Labcorp here we come.
Totally! Promoting service reps with no sales experience or even sales training and at best they have a medical assistant certificate rather than a 4 year college degree? This is a joke, but then, who cares? Glad I don’t work for this train wreck of a company!

nobody working in Derm, its a lost cause. Everybody looking for new jobs under this clown car management team. AM’s as SD’s? Labcorp here we come.
Totally! Promoting service reps with no sales experience or even sales training and at best they have a medical assistant certificate rather than a 4 year college degree? This is a joke, but then, who cares? Glad I don’t work for this train wreck of a company!

So true ☝️. You mentioned BM&GC. Lets not forget AH and MB. Lets do this math, between the 4 of them how many global cases ever have they brouggt in? AH was almost fired he was so bad, GR sent DH down to try and fix him but he “ decided” to go to corporate, BM zero, GC landed nothing big, only tc/pc and MB left sales to go to ASM and then quit the company bc she couldnt handle the travel but then assigns her employees massive territories. Your pronlem Gregory is above. Ive never seen a team with less leadership skills and experience than yours.
If you wsnt our meeting in Big D to be a success gives us leaders who are proven, who inspire us, who know the industry and whontreat us well.
As far as the AM’s that got promoted to SD’s that is a joke, zero sales experience and zero talkpaths. Those promotions were rushed to to try and control vlient perception.
And oh by the way 2 mire derm people called me to discuss ML and told me they are interviewing this week. I don’t have a problem with my company I have a problem with my leadership, I can’t handle fake bosses

Angry Derm rep I thought we schooled you last week. It's over. New leadership won't bring back the past. The only way you're getting back to your happy place is if Marty McFly and Doc bring you back to 2103 when reimbursement was good. Now get your toxic lazy ass off this board and find a new job.

I dont really see a person complaining about their salary or commissions. I see a person who cares about how they are treated and who wants to be valued. You have to realize we know reimbursements have been destroyed, thats not our issue. Our issue is we love our jobs, our company and our mission of every patient deserves the right answer. What is toxic is the abusive ways of our so called leaders. Bring us someone who treats us well, motivates us and has our backs and we will be happy. This is not about the money nor do I see anyone complaining about it. We want to be here but give us someone who is a leader. Leaders dont have to be our best friends but we have to know they care, we have to be inspired by them and know they understand our challenges. Pretty simple concept. I seem to recall a former RVP who fits that description to a tee.

Angry Derm rep I thought we schooled you last week. It's over. New leadership won't bring back the past. The only way you're getting back to your happy place is if Marty McFly and Doc bring you back to 2103 when reimbursement was good. Now get your toxic lazy ass off this board and find a new job.

Ha! Angry Derm guy, sorry, but the truth is get off the board and get another job. So many have left (voluntarily or not) and most would not come back to such a dysfunctional organization. Honestly, most of the people that lost employment in April were put out of their misery. With the weak leaders in place (KS) that cause a downward spiral, the company will not recover.

Sure every person deserves the right answer and the cause is noble. Go to Quest or Lab Corp where they actually have the ability to deliver on treating people humanely and developing people.

Continuing to bitch publicly about a ship that is sinking and not focusing efforts on plugging the leak or jumping off is very telling of one’s character.

Happy Management Guy continues to think this is about the money. Well its not, money helps but everyonne realizes those days are gone. Some of us don’t have any management aspirations, why would we when we make more money than them every fiscal year. And we don’t want to go to another company,, we want Greg and Moonshiney Head to realize we need people who care and are proven. Not just proven sales people but proven quality human beings. GC , BM, AH and MB its hard to find 4 more unproven subpar human beings. All 4 should be fired or demoted.

Happy Management Guy continues to think this is about the money. Well its not, money helps but everyonne realizes those days are gone. Some of us don’t have any management aspirations, why would we when we make more money than them every fiscal year. And we don’t want to go to another company,, we want Greg and Moonshiney Head to realize we need people who care and are proven. Not just proven sales people but proven quality human beings. GC , BM, AH and MB its hard to find 4 more unproven subpar human beings. All 4 should be fired or demoted.

Good luck with all that.

Seriously, for your sanity, please place your hope and confidence on an organization with the ability to provide for its people.

Agreed. Any organization that thinks AH can lead or inspire is a sinking ship. With GR and TZ gone his days are numbered. See if his next job lets him work from home everyday and not respond to emails. Douche

As you may have heard, Miraca Holdings announced today its intent to pay $63.5M to settle a four-year old government investigation. As mentioned in Miraca’s press release, Miraca “has consistently denied liability, but has decided to put the matter behind it and enter into a settlement.”
Because the agreement isn’t final, and Miraca needs to complete its discussions with the government, we can’t share more details with you or with our clients regarding the settlement, which I understand is frustrating.
The timing of Miraca Holdings’ announcement likely stems from its desire to disclose the financial impact to its investors, even before the agreement with the government is complete.
When will that happen? When there is no one left to disclose(clients or employees!)?

false claims should be filed against the derm rvp’s for pretending they care about us. False claims should be filed in regards to runzheimer as well. Losing money but i would rather lose mooney!! Guys a joke.

Read this quote and couldn't think of a more perfect quote for our issues!!

“In weak companies politics win, in strong companies best ideas do”

Company politics, favoritism and sexist behavior make people quit and ruin companies. We need to clean up our own backyard in order to have a motivated workforce. I know who needs to go, does our leadership. ( if you can call them that)

Read this quote and couldn't think of a more perfect quote for our issues!!

“In weak companies politics win, in strong companies best ideas do”

Company politics, favoritism and sexist behavior make people quit and ruin companies. We need to clean up our own backyard in order to have a motivated workforce. I know who needs to go, does our leadership. ( if you can call them that)
Where is the leadership?

where is leadership? They are all over this board. Trust me on that. They live for these facts/opinions. Place is an sbsolute shit show. Look at shos in charge!
MB- in charge of AM’s?? Why
BB and HG supervisors? How and Why?
GC and BM rvp’s? I feel like i am in an alternate universe with these people. And yes I am leaving soon, several companies caught my eye. The interviewing has begun, hiring in the new year. If we make it that far

I wonder why the C suite management remains to be hidden behind closed doors.

They are marking the days on the calendar until they can finalize a sell. Avista will make $$$$ on this sell. Bought at a fire price, haven't put any talent in place to turn it around, just sweating the asset until they close a deal but know they can't let the client list continue to deteriorate...

They are marking the days on the calendar until they can finalize a sell. Avista will make $$$$ on this sell. Bought at a fire price, haven't put any talent in place to turn it around, just sweating the asset until they close a deal but know they can't let the client list continue to deteriorate...
The management of biggest independent anatomic pathology laboratory in the nation does not want to show their faces on company tells only one thing. They are in trouble and don't want to be associated with it once its all done.

This place is high school, its who you know to get promoted. MB had to interview for her job, against who? How do you get beat out in a one person interview? Then she promoted her wirk romance BB and her friend HG. BM never leaves arizona, she never answers her phone either. GC jesus where do I start, guy has 9 lives, no talent hack.
These times are self-inflicted bc we love ass kissers not performers!!

Angry Derm guy you're back. I guess you didn't make the cut for an interview. No worries you ass is gone during the next right sizing. Have to reduce costs; there will be 5 SDs left in January selling all specialties with AMs running around putting the fires out.