False claims violations by MLS

is the most accurate thing said on this entire thread. This is especially true in derm with BM, GC and AH none of them proven, actually they are proven to be useless brown nosers. Our derm pipeline sucks bc we despise them, no talent suckups who treated us terribly and now they are scared and suddenly they pretend to care!! Please we are smarter then you think.
You work on commission....yet you won't bring in business because you despise your boss? Are you sure you are smarter than you think?

MHD invested almost $1.5 billion into US operations. That is exactly how much they have lost in market cap in last six months. It is all real money and stock market almost never undervalue.

3 very important people in derm very close to moving on. This WILL absolutely impact numbers in a negative way and force GA to look at his leaders. They are all going to voice their opinions on their direct rvp’s on the way out. Goal is to make it better for those who stay. Be proactive not reactive Greg, your rvp’s are hated.

Agreed. Avista knows what they are doing. Avista didn't pick up this company to make a quick $5 million. There is a plan. Granted, it is fair to believe the "sputtering engine could not be salvaged" scenario has adjusted the preliminary plan.

The bottom line is - what is the ROI on repair vs. parting out?

If there is not a part out, quick definitive action will need to occur quickly. Otherwise, "those that can" will leave and the company will only be left with "those that can't".

Looks caught with our pants down or skirts up(in the day and age of gender equality) kind of a scenario.

who else is pumped for our derm meeting/get together/ morale building meeting? Nothing will turn us around and get us motivated like hearing 3 unproven sales leaders who are hated trying to motivate us. So pumped to hear the ideas of AH, BM and GC. This will surely save us all. The only way this meeting will be a success is if those three are fired by the meeting!!

Is so accurate. So we have now 3 unproven leaders in derm and 3 new sd’s with zero sales experience. How can you not see the issue here. Place is a joke. Don Mooney in charge? He is a spread sheet guy not a sales guy, sound familiar ? Iceberg dead ahead for the SS Misinformed diagnostics, not even a “ LIGHTHOUSE” ( wink wink) can save us now.

Why does the same person continue replying to their own threads at ~ 6:15 in the am and continue to agree with themself?

We get your opinion on Derm and it’s leadership. If you are the sole source of conflict, perhaps out the door is the best place.

Hopefully your three unproven leaders know who you are and will take action.

I do agree with that person, The morale in dermatology is at an all time low, the other divisions are concerned but they have faith and respect for their leaders. This is what happens when promotions are based offFriendships and ass kissing, and not performance.

the derm rvps are a cancer. They think they are untouchable. Everyone in derm hates them. Because of that hate everyone, well everyone I know well enough to trust is coasting, updating their linkedin and interviewing. Greg you had your chance to fix it, bc you slept at the wheel the departure of solid employees will begin shortly 5,4,3,2,1..., blast off.

Employees leave bosses, not company's.

Angry Derm guy is at it again. It's over buddy. Reimbursement is decreasing every year. It's a new game and new leadership won't help. Either learn to navigate the new environment or find a new career.

ML you will be missed. You built the dinner program and EMA strategy with JB. You were mistreated and disrespected by management at every turn. You came up with secure messaging idea as well and still overlooked. MB is a good person with a great heart but she is not a leader, she quit and then came back, is that leadership? But bc of the good old boy network she has the job you badically created. The company owes you a lot, congrats on being free of the bs, go get em.

Angry Derm guy is at it again. It's over buddy. Reimbursement is decreasing every year. It's a new game and new leadership won't help. Either learn to navigate the new environment or find a new career.

Couldn’t have said it better. Good luck Angry Derm guy. The company is over. They will be acquired soon. There is a reason there are no SVPs.