please refer to us as “ Legendary” reps instead. What we have done can never be duplicated!! We sold our asses off but the word is out on Inform. Our clients know we are a sinking ship. Lets just look at the amount of cases we have lost in various divisions over the last 2 weeks. 1500-2500 cases gone or 3000 bottles. Good luck to thos reps being motivatec for the year. Maybe firing Scotty B wasnt the right move.
Trust me. The resignations are coming. Happy Management GIRL will try to put a positive spin on it at the NSM.
Ha! I have another "L" word that I would call you. Laughable? Loser? Lame? Don't you know we can't wait until you are actually gone? I really am baffled by this demented reality you live in in which you think you will actually be missed, by the company or by our clients.