False claims violations by MLS

please refer to us as “ Legendary” reps instead. What we have done can never be duplicated!! We sold our asses off but the word is out on Inform. Our clients know we are a sinking ship. Lets just look at the amount of cases we have lost in various divisions over the last 2 weeks. 1500-2500 cases gone or 3000 bottles. Good luck to thos reps being motivatec for the year. Maybe firing Scotty B wasnt the right move.
Trust me. The resignations are coming. Happy Management GIRL will try to put a positive spin on it at the NSM.

Ha! I have another "L" word that I would call you. Laughable? Loser? Lame? Don't you know we can't wait until you are actually gone? I really am baffled by this demented reality you live in in which you think you will actually be missed, by the company or by our clients.


Great word to describe us. Management may finally have a year where they beat us on their W2!!
Must suck that your employees make more money than you do, that’s what makes us legendary !!

Who is the loser? $$$$$$$
Ill buy you a drink at the hotel for the NSM.

when is the new food stamps/ compensation plan going to provide some clarity? This place is unreal
No internet on planes
No carwashes
Watch my mifi usage
Runzheimer joke
We dont have clarity on your pay plan

Welcome to Labcorp all!! Just a matter of when.

poison the well why we are here!! Expose these phonies!! MB a leader?? Please she quit and came back bc the job was “ too hard”. She quit sales and ASM. She is a joke. Listening to her makes me want to stick a needle in me veins with her constant “ diarrhea” face.
Those 4 that left god bless you, a couple of us are waiting to follow your lead .If we had true leadership we would be fine. CD is a rock star I will follow her into
Battle, same with BC she is awesome, FW another great leader. BM straight joke, never leaves her couch. We need PROVEN leaders please. But this compsny is about playing the game not performance. If it was about performace we would have the right leaders.

Please let me wake up and it be Thursday so I can get away from these wanna be “ leaders”. With everyone gone the award ceremony should be quick so i can get out of there asap. Plz let my offer letter come when I am at the meeting so I can just leave.

Find it interesting if you want to go to a better professional situation you’re a hater. How did all of these nonhaters find their way here? How about being a realist and consider the real issue. We have no differentiated product and the culture is cloaked in secrecy and mistrust.