Evil things going on at Astellas

I was checking out Astellas threads and could not agree with this one. I recently got fired from another company with same management styles. They must be taking the same management classes/training seminars. This industry sure has changed over the last 5 years.
Get away with getting into you personal life,whining,harrassing, the famous " Are you really committed" or " I think you lost your passion" or " I get a lot of resumes with bad economy, there is a lot of pepole that want your job" also leveraging everything against you instead of helping with increased sales and building solid relationships with reps and doctors!

Don't feel bad Astellas, this stuff is going on everywhere. Next time your boss gives you grief, take him or her back to there hotel and tell them to kiss you ass.

Maybe we shopuld all get together and form a pharmaceutical rep union against management. All we are asking for is to be profeesional and SELL!

I always worked hard, was a solid (not phenomenal) rep, was ethical and had a great work ethic. None of those things mattered when it came to my mgr at Astellas. This manager was not only unethical (lied, slept with a rep, quite literally stole, defensive when asked routine questions, pit reps against each other, backstabbing, alienating doctors), but offered no form of TRUE leadership or management skills that are realistic in today's pharma world.

I honestly think he felt threatened and is a very insecure man. Truly good managers know how to motivate, lead and are confident in their abilities. They do NOT have to lead by fear b.c. their employes respect them. I put up with a lot of abuse and health being hurt for a stupid job. It saddens me b.c. I really loved Astellas when I started. I never felt entitled or disrespectful. NOW, I have zero respect for the company.

Truth is, the industry most likely will not be around (at least PCP and continued downsizing). I have left the industry and am much happier. You don't realize how crazy and stupid all the things you are asked to do in pharma until you are out. I hope all of you that are struggling right now find some peace and a career that you enjoy.

I've been reading these posts for years and I think you can summarize almost every negative comment into a couple categories:

1. Some posters are not happy with their direct manager. Seems typical for any company, and no doubt there are some bad managers like there are everywhere. I feel for you if that's the case - hopefully their mgr will catch on eventually, they usually do.

2. Some posters feel that they have heard from enough others to believe that there is a HQ (perhaps HR) driven program underway to push out numbers of reps through 'harassment', improvement plans or outright firing. I suppose this could be a result of the focus on retaining only 'high performers', and in that case it makes sense that these incidents are increasing. In some cases, I agree the wrong folks could be targeted (especially if they have one of those bad managers) but in general its probably good for the company in these competitive times. Good for my PIP points, anyway.

3. Some posters believe there is 'corruption' and ethical violations going on. Yet I have yet to see in any post a single real example of this, and it's getting frustrating to hear these without any evidence. The Vesicare warning letter was typical of a marketing error, not an intential ethical breach - hell, if that's the only intended corruption then you need to rethink why and what would make a violation worthwhile.

So PLEASE, prove me wrong about #3 - can just one of you out there crying about calling the FDA share the details? Just one?

So, to those posters asking about whether you should work at Astellas, I say vehemently yes. It's a hardworking company, with issues like everyone else, but with a lot of promise and some brilliant folks sprinkled around in mgmt and the field as well. I enjoy it.

I've been reading these posts for years and I think you can summarize almost every negative comment into a couple categories:

1. Some posters are not happy with their direct manager. Seems typical for any company, and no doubt there are some bad managers like there are everywhere. I feel for you if that's the case - hopefully their mgr will catch on eventually, they usually do.

2. Some posters feel that they have heard from enough others to believe that there is a HQ (perhaps HR) driven program underway to push out numbers of reps through 'harassment', improvement plans or outright firing. I suppose this could be a result of the focus on retaining only 'high performers', and in that case it makes sense that these incidents are increasing. In some cases, I agree the wrong folks could be targeted (especially if they have one of those bad managers) but in general its probably good for the company in these competitive times. Good for my PIP points, anyway.

3. Some posters believe there is 'corruption' and ethical violations going on. Yet I have yet to see in any post a single real example of this, and it's getting frustrating to hear these without any evidence. The Vesicare warning letter was typical of a marketing error, not an intential ethical breach - hell, if that's the only intended corruption then you need to rethink why and what would make a violation worthwhile.

So PLEASE, prove me wrong about #3 - can just one of you out there crying about calling the FDA share the details? Just one?

So, to those posters asking about whether you should work at Astellas, I say vehemently yes. It's a hardworking company, with issues like everyone else, but with a lot of promise and some brilliant folks sprinkled around in mgmt and the field as well. I enjoy it.

Good points, but there has been plenty posted on here about what is going on and it has been erased. Quite honestly, my situation is unique and you can call it cowardly if you want---but I don't want to be identified for fear of retaliation. I will just say that I and others, have been asked to promote off label--- not to mention other unethical things that could be considered "buying the business". How about those call plans folks with lots that could be said about those and unethical behaviors. Unfortunately, no one will come forward b.c. of the economy and fear of retaliation. I believe this is happening a lot more frequently, but it is the little guys word against the managers. Managers always win whether it is truth or not and why risk your income until you find another job.

So true...I am living proof that is does not pay to speak up and be honest with management. I was the target of a huge campaign to force me out. It is unbelievable how a few individuals paved the way to cause my hair to fall out, panic attacks, etc...I thought I was "handling" everything that was happening to me. I was placed on a PIP for a lame reason (there were several others on my team who had lower rankings than I did!)....just totally unbeliveable how I was treated. My conscience is clear that I was honest, did my job, worked hard, helped teammates etc... I'm wondering if those who were strategic in harrassing me can say the same? Hopefully, they are now reflecting on how they treated me and others on the team...But then again, when you have no conscience or morals, you just go on without a second thought. Heaven help you!

So true...I am living proof that is does not pay to speak up and be honest with management. I was the target of a huge campaign to force me out. It is unbelievable how a few individuals paved the way to cause my hair to fall out, panic attacks, etc...I thought I was "handling" everything that was happening to me. I was placed on a PIP for a lame reason (there were several others on my team who had lower rankings than I did!)....just totally unbeliveable how I was treated. My conscience is clear that I was honest, did my job, worked hard, helped teammates etc... I'm wondering if those who were strategic in harrassing me can say the same? Hopefully, they are now reflecting on how they treated me and others on the team...But then again, when you have no conscience or morals, you just go on without a second thought. Heaven help you!

Who are 'those' and 'they?'

The "those" and "they" involved were: my manager (who lacked managerial experience, which translated into being insecure and vindictive when anyone disagreed).....my manager's manager (who supported the manager at any cost - although it was glaringly obvious that some inappropriate things had occurred)....Human Resources (who appeared to be concerned by the allegations brought forth, but in the long run, simply "coached" the manager) - but how does one get "coached" into having morals and integrity? You are either a moral person or not, no one can coach a person into being good.
When push comes to shove, the rep ends up on the short ends of things. I hope others comment here, because I can relay at least 4 other similar stories.....This was very upsetting. Not one of the people who experienced this would misrepresent the truth. We did our jobs and came to Astellas because we love the company...

CLEARLY, there is A LOT of CORRUPTION at astellas.

99% of the posts here attest to this corruption.

Anyone that is educated and even halfway competent can discern the truth of the situation.

Clearly these posts are hurting astellas. I and others have made crimminal complaints with the FDA and EEOC. Investigations are in progress. Managers at VP and director level have already lost their jobs as a result. The last thing astellas needs now is even more people going to the FDA to make crimminal complaints.

That kook manager is on here because these postings of truth are hurting astellas. People aren't showing up for interviews during the worst economic calamity since the Great Depression. Every time that manager kook posts, she once again attests to the fact that these postings of truth are in fact hurting astellas.

20 year pharma veteran of three companies. Yes pharma industry as a whole is corrupt. But I have never seen it on such a large and pervasive scale as at astellas.

I was at tap home office when the marketing department was investigated by FDA in early 2000s. FDA requested records, then left. They returned a year later and handed indictments to 10 people who thought they were in the clear because the FDA took so long to return.

So I say, keep being arrogant, you incompetent cheating crimminal astellas managers, because the FDA will be coming back with indictments. The corruption at home office is TOO DEEP and pervasive and their are too too many emails to delete. Astellas couldn't delete all the incrimminating emails if they had a task force working day and night.

And astellas managers in HR and Compliance know this, I am going to dance on your graves once those indictments are handed out. But post some more misinformation and tick me off more, so I send the letter that I already wrote documenting all the corruption at your home office to every representative and senator in the country. I studied history to see how cover-ups have been uncovered in US history. This is my next move.

Remember time will tell, time will tell, time will tell...

And now I am off to enjoy the beautiful summer...

Who are you finding fault with? Seems you are the big toad with issues.
Nothing is going on at Astellas. As I said before, if it were and had been
reported then something would have happened already.

The FDA does not concern itself with a company's internal employee issues.
Otherwise your ass would have been hauled out of here a long time ago.

I am certain your first name is spelled B O R I N G. One can only chuckle at
the possibilities for your last name.

Why not quit and go elsewhere. If you identify the problem, you own it, are it.

We will breathe a sigh of relief when your chair is vacated for good. Some of
us work for our money and support our employees. You seem to be destructive
and non-productive and miserable. GO AWAY.

Hey whoever started this thread long ago, it is quite a long running testament to the deep deep and intractable corruption at astellas.

Keep posting the truth people. Many have already benefited from our efforts; declining job offers; not showing up for scheduled interviews; VP and directors being shown the door (not enough of course); and multiple federal investigations.

As anyone in the mob could tell ya, don't ever take federal agents and their investigations lightly.

CLEARLY, there is A LOT of CORRUPTION at astellas.

I was at tap home office when the marketing department was investigated by FDA in early 2000s. FDA requested records, then left. They returned a year later and handed indictments to 10 people who thought they were in the clear because the FDA took so long to return.

So I say, keep being arrogant, you incompetent cheating crimminal astellas managers, because the FDA will be coming back with indictments.

Yeah, but you forgot to mention that Doug was a lying piece of crap and they were all acquited.....

There are people everywhere that do the wrong thing. Astellas is no better or worse in that regard. All things considered, it is a pretty damn nice place to be right now.

Yeah, but you forgot to mention that Doug was a lying piece of crap and they were all acquited.....

There are people everywhere that do the wrong thing. Astellas is no better or worse in that regard. All things considered, it is a pretty damn nice place to be right now.

And two weeks after the company worked out a plea agreement and agreed to every single demand the FDA made, every person indicted was separated from the company.
They all decided to persue other interests or in pharma newspeak, they were shoved out the door.

Hey when you get caught breaking the law be sure to build your defense around the argument that everyone or many others have broken the same laws before you.
Hey I was charged with murder, but hey wait a mniute, many others have murdered before me. You got to let me off.

Wow, poster #89, you are out there, aren't you? The reason this board is 99% complaints is that it's the only outlet for folks to make statements that aren't grounded in facts. If you have a real complaint, if you really believe deep down that the PIP plan you are on has no merit, then bring it up in a forum that isn't anonymous. Folks with real messages actually share them - good or bad - without wearing a mask.

The comments on this board are ridiculous in their brainwashed simplicity. Comments like this:
"Anyone that is educated and even halfway competent can discern the truth of the situation." are sprinkled though out all sorts of conspiracy blogs, scam artist pitches and off base rants - no real content, just inflammatory or accusatory statements.

Hope you find a place where you are happier, though it seems like you are simply a griper by choice and nothing will change at your next miserable job.

My hope is that the Astellas Sales Leadership and HR Dept. will one day have an epiphany and come to terms with the manner in which they have destroyed some employees' careers, health and lives. Hope you can live with your consciences!!

My hope is that the Astellas Sales Leadership and HR Dept. will one day have an epiphany and come to terms with the manner in which they have destroyed some employees' careers, health and lives. Hope you can live with your consciences!!

doubtful. what isn't doubtful is that there is a special place in hell reserved for these people. astellas leadership (most of them) and HR are right up there with hitler, stalin, mason, bundy and dahmer. butchers of humanity.

You guys at astellas are lying on clinical studies.

I was just shocked and appalled to hear this. I am beside myself.


I'm sorry to be making fun of such really serious crimminal conduct BUT MY GOD THIS COMPANY IS SO UTTERLY CORRUPT.

Don't know whether to laugh or cry or both.

You guys at astellas are lying on clinical studies.

I was just shocked and appalled to hear this. I am beside myself.


I'm sorry to be making fun of such really serious crimminal conduct BUT MY GOD THIS COMPANY IS SO UTTERLY CORRUPT.

Don't know whether to laugh or cry or both.

Why are all Astellas copromoted with other Pharma companies, ie, GSK, Gilead, or contract companies like PSS?