Evil things going on at Astellas

If there is a decent, honest, professional Astellas manager reading these posts, can we hear from you? I recognize that some of these posts are a little extreme and it's likely that some of the comments made are from reps just wanting to be funny or entertaining... BUT you cannot deny that there is a huge problem here. There is a recurring theme here of reps feeling totally frustrated by the direction of this company. Is it a mere "coincidence" that so many reps are being forced out (especially females)? Why have so many PIP's been given and IRONICALLY all within the same timeframe? Was there some huge "directive" given to every manager to place a person in there district on a PIP? If this was not the case, this was a very STRANGE coincidence...Do you really think that people are stupid? Would someone in management with some integrity and a conscience offer some comments here? It would be greatly appreciated...

If there is a decent, honest, professional Astellas manager reading these posts, can we hear from you? I recognize that some of these posts are a little extreme and it's likely that some of the comments made are from reps just wanting to be funny or entertaining... BUT you cannot deny that there is a huge problem here. There is a recurring theme here of reps feeling totally frustrated by the direction of this company. Is it a mere "coincidence" that so many reps are being forced out (especially females)? Why have so many PIP's been given and IRONICALLY all within the same timeframe? Was there some huge "directive" given to every manager to place a person in there district on a PIP? If this was not the case, this was a very STRANGE coincidence...Do you really think that people are stupid? Would someone in management with some integrity and a conscience offer some comments here? It would be greatly appreciated...

This environment/culture at astellas is so toxic if any manager that was in possession of any integrity or a conscious acted, they would shortly be out of a job themselves. The main problem is that the managers running astellas are incompetant. And they show this with all their lying cheating slimey behaviors. Competant managers don't have to break regulations and threaten and harras employees. Competant managers can do their jobs. It is only the incompetant managers who have to be human filth, which is what astellas specializes in, managers that are lying human fith.

I have been considering applying to a reg affairs position and found this board. The posts seem overwhelmingly negative. Is it even possible that a successful and functioning pharma company could persist under the managerial guidance of so many malefactors as are alleged in this thread? How long do new employees last? Are the crooked managers home-grown? Where did all the good ones go?

I have been considering applying to a reg affairs position and found this board. The posts seem overwhelmingly negative. Is it even possible that a successful and functioning pharma company could persist under the managerial guidance of so many malefactors as are alleged in this thread? How long do new employees last? Are the crooked managers home-grown? Where did all the good ones go?

To answer the above poster....Good questions! I will be truthful.

First, it IS questionable how long Astellas can persist under this type of guidance. It seems that some kind of "directive" has been ordered by upper management to "clean house" as such (ie Veteran Reps with solid track records being placed on PIP's for "lame" reasons - such as not collaborating enough with team mates; or others placed on PIP's for "so called" admin. issues). These things were UNHEARD OF in past years. Since the Veterans tend to be 40 yrs or older, one wonders if it's the salaries which is the issue!

Next question: New employees tend to be in a better position because they are "molded" upon being hired, as they have no history with the company to know anything different, so they tend to "drink the kool-aid" if you will. The new employees tend to be 22+ year olds with no work history. These individuals are preferred because they will "follow" directions and not challenge authority! The company no longer wants minds who use deductive reasoning!

Finally- the managers. The managers who were recruited to form the original company, (ie those with good track records at other companies and who had ACTUALLY gone through Managerial Training) have dwindled down to a few -Approx. 3 or 4 of those original managers are left. Those managers helped build the company culture. The new model of "manager" is based on pure politics, not skill, or leadership qualities. They are "policemen" of sorts; simply "managing" a team, not actually exhibiting any leadership skills (mostly asking for business plans, constantly "policing" reps because expense reports are due, holding senseless conference calls, ordering reps to meet reach and frequency - you get the picture!
The lack of skill gets lost in all the "busy work" activities. They do 2 day field rides, not so much because they offer any real assistance in moving the business along, rather to satisfy some "quota" that they have to maintain for number of days in the field.

Hopefully, you'll get some other responses here as well...

To answer the above poster....Good questions! I will be truthful.

First, it IS questionable how long Astellas can persist under this type of guidance. It seems that some kind of "directive" has been ordered by upper management to "clean house" as such (ie Veteran Reps with solid track records being placed on PIP's for "lame" reasons - such as not collaborating enough with team mates; or others placed on PIP's for "so called" admin. issues). These things were UNHEARD OF in past years. Since the Veterans tend to be 40 yrs or older, one wonders if it's the salaries which is the issue!

Next question: New employees tend to be in a better position because they are "molded" upon being hired, as they have no history with the company to know anything different, so they tend to "drink the kool-aid" if you will. The new employees tend to be 22+ year olds with no work history. These individuals are preferred because they will "follow" directions and not challenge authority! The company no longer wants minds who use deductive reasoning!

Finally- the managers. The managers who were recruited to form the original company, (ie those with good track records at other companies and who had ACTUALLY gone through Managerial Training) have dwindled down to a few -Approx. 3 or 4 of those original managers are left. Those managers helped build the company culture. The new model of "manager" is based on pure politics, not skill, or leadership qualities. They are "policemen" of sorts; simply "managing" a team, not actually exhibiting any leadership skills (mostly asking for business plans, constantly "policing" reps because expense reports are due, holding senseless conference calls, ordering reps to meet reach and frequency - you get the picture!
The lack of skill gets lost in all the "busy work" activities. They do 2 day field rides, not so much because they offer any real assistance in moving the business along, rather to satisfy some "quota" that they have to maintain for number of days in the field.

Hopefully, you'll get some other responses here as well...

I think you are SPOT ON with your description!!! I know of a manager who is the exact summary of your description.

This manager is so insecure, gets extremely defensive even when reps are asking for help even if it is to improve business, screams, yells, slams doors, pits his reps against each other noting that "we can't trust our teammates" to build a sense of paranoia rather than teamwork and has the worst communication/leadership skills of any (rep/manager/etc) employee I have met during my career.

Obviously this manager is so afraid that his reps are talking about him and has gotten rid of anyone that he thinks would remotely challenge him and show him for the weak manager/person he is, that he rules by fear and policing vs. true management, sales and leadership skills. Sad, but the company has gone down hill. I went from having the best manager I have EVER had in the business, to beyond the most reprehensible human being I have ever met. Way to go ASS tellas!

To the person above who is applying for a Regulatory Affairs position (Poster #64), please apply! Maybe you can bring some honesty, integrity, and professionalism back to this company. It is what's needed desperately. If you do get the job, do not be surprised by what you find here - you have been warned!

To answer the above poster....Good questions! I will be truthful.

Thanks for your response. I intend to apply; however, not without some skepticism based on what I've read here. Best of luck to all of you. Maybe we'll work together some day, and I hope under better conditions than those described on this forum.

I encourage anyone that is aware of the large scale corruption at Astellas to contact the FDA. Do not go to the compliance group. Prior experience has shown that they will immediately begin by destroying any evidence that they can find. And compliance will not protect you from retaliation. HR is a waste of time also. The agents at the FDA will be very happy to speak with you concerning Astellas. All complaints are taken seriously. All complaints are fully investigated.

U.S Food And Drug Administration
Office of Criminal Investigations
901 Warrenville Road
Suite 360
Lisle, IL 60532

TEL. 1-800-521-5782

Oh stop ....this sight is for Sales employees not regulatory applicants. Oh and yes, I hope this one person changes the company..I am a dreamer.

Maybe we will all work together someday...like a team!!

For years I have read these postings and it seems for those who
spill their guts here, there are rebuttal comments to the tune
of if you don't like it here, leave. Has anyone done anything
about the truths displayed here other than have them removed?

Being a witness, it appears not. If you have tales to tell, then do so.
Post them on a half page in the Chicago Tribune. Has anyone checked out
the cost of a half-page of text?

Go to the FDA. Take action or you are a part of the problem.

I encourage anyone that is aware of the large scale corruption at Astellas to contact the FDA. Do not go to the compliance group. Prior experience has shown that they will immediately begin by destroying any evidence that they can find. And compliance will not protect you from retaliation. HR is a waste of time also. The agents at the FDA will be very happy to speak with you concerning Astellas. All complaints are taken seriously. All complaints are fully investigated.

U.S Food And Drug Administration
Office of Criminal Investigations
901 Warrenville Road
Suite 360
Lisle, IL 60532

TEL. 1-800-521-5782

The pharmaceutical business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the scientific community, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason.

The pharmaceutical business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the scientific community, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason.

"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."

Winston Churchill

No one needs to go to the FDA. Visit the legal and compliance people with facts.
Give them an opportunity to fix the problems. Try a positive approach. breathe
in some clean air. Sober up, get a life. You have a drinking problem and it has
been noticed by management. I am also recommending a drug test for you.

No one needs to go to the FDA. Visit the legal and compliance people with facts.
Give them an opportunity to fix the problems. Try a positive approach. breathe
in some clean air. Sober up, get a life. You have a drinking problem and it has
been noticed by management. I am also recommending a drug test for you.

You must have worked for Medicis at one time as one of JOnah's puppets and learned his koolaid tactics. Get real.

No one needs to go to the FDA. Visit the legal and compliance people with facts.
Give them an opportunity to fix the problems. Try a positive approach. breathe
in some clean air. Sober up, get a life. You have a drinking problem and it has
been noticed by management. I am also recommending a drug test for you.

what an idiot.