Evil things going on at Astellas

I encourage anyone that is aware of the large scale corruption at Astellas to contact the FDA. Do not go to the compliance group. Prior experience has shown that they will immediately begin by destroying any evidence that they can find. And compliance will not protect you from retaliation. HR is a waste of time also. The agents at the FDA will be very happy to speak with you concerning Astellas. All complaints are taken seriously. All complaints are fully investigated.

U.S Food And Drug Administration
Office of Criminal Investigations
901 Warrenville Road
Suite 360
Lisle, IL 60532

TEL. 1-800-521-5782

You may also want to send a letter or email to your congressmen or senators. If you are reporting that federal regulations (laws) are being broken, (non-compliant actions) their staffs must pursue your letter through the appropriate government enforcement agencies (Justice Dept., FDA, etc.) to protect themselves as holders of public office. Some ultra conservative cogressmen and senators staffs might just bury you email/letter, but most will have their staff pursue it properly. Sometimes democracy works; sometimes the (smart/active) little guys win.

I would also start printing out any helpful emails detailing the deep corruption at astellas. My experience is that the managers/crimminals running astellas are incredibly stupidly arrogant and do detail large scale non-compliant (law breaking) actions in sometimes extensive email chains. Be careful once the management /crimminals are on to you, they will have the crooked compliance group wipe out your entire email database (a crimminal act).

Good advice yesterday and today.

I posted this 4 years ago. It is still applicable to astellas today. A hopeless pit of corruption and incompetence, at the highest levels. If you want to know what living in Nazi Germany was like, take a job here. And if your a quality person, run out the door and forget about this corrupt pit.

Folks - Why don't get print out the emails, document, and clinical trail results that demonstrate Astellas' chronic corruption and forward a copy to the FDA, states attorneys' offices, Japanese drug authorities, etc.

Be careful, this company uses agents from kroll to spy on all Internet forums to find out what is being said....then they illegally track you to find who you are.....believe me this is very easy to do.....then if they discover you are an employee they will spy on your family and home until they find something they can blackmail you with.....if they can't find anything they will make something up......unless you have access to the same level of PR consultancy and private spy agencies then you have no hope. Next you will find your phone has been hacked, your private emails sent to their legal teams. If you are unfortunate enough to work for them you will find your boss suddenly start to disenfranchise and bully you until you have enough and leave. Seen it happen time and again.
Enjoy your lives and works for ethical pharma instead.
BTW @kroll - even you guys who are ex CIA/MI6 are still rejects athe the end of the day aren't you? Maybe you got sacked for incompetence, maybe you were always motivated by greed?

Be careful, this company uses agents from kroll to spy on all Internet forums to find out what is being said....then they illegally track you to find who you are.....believe me this is very easy to do.....then if they discover you are an employee they will spy on your family and home until they find something they can blackmail you with.....if they can't find anything they will make something up......unless you have access to the same level of PR consultancy and private spy agencies then you have no hope. Next you will find your phone has been hacked, your private emails sent to their legal teams. If you are unfortunate enough to work for them you will find your boss suddenly start to disenfranchise and bully you until you have enough and leave. Seen it happen time and again.
Enjoy your lives and works for ethical pharma instead.
BTW @kroll - even you guys who are ex CIA/MI6 are still rejects athe the end of the day aren't you? Maybe you got sacked for incompetence, maybe you were always motivated by greed?

I am baffled at the evil things I am seeing at Astellas. I never thought this company would harass employees as I am seeing right now. I makes me horribly sad and I hate it for the innocent people they are targeting. No retaliation if you go to HR...my ASS! It is disgusting and I wonder if it is happening nation wide.

I truly believe what comes around goes around and the people that are getting their jollies by destroying people's reputations and livelihoods...it will come back to them ten fold!!! Absolute evil on their parts and at least when my day of reckoning comes...I can say I didn't intentionally try to harm people for my own benefit. Those that are doing this, will have to answer someday.

I am baffled at the evil things I am seeing at Astellas. I never thought this company would harass employees as I am seeing right now. I makes me horribly sad and I hate it for the innocent people they are targeting. No retaliation if you go to HR...my ASS! It is disgusting and I wonder if it is happening nation wide.

I truly believe what comes around goes around and the people that are getting their jollies by destroying people's reputations and livelihoods...it will come back to them ten fold!!! Absolute evil on their parts and at least when my day of reckoning comes...I can say I didn't intentionally try to harm people for my own benefit. Those that are doing this, will have to answer someday.

In a 1995 Supreme Court ruling (McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission)the court stated: Protections for anonymous speech are vital to democratic discourse. Allowing dissenters to shield their identities frees them to express critical, minority views . . . Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. . . . It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation . . . at the hand of an intolerant society.

Read it and weep. Say no to intimidation.

In a 1995 Supreme Court ruling (McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission)the court stated: Protections for anonymous speech are vital to democratic discourse. Allowing dissenters to shield their identities frees them to express critical, minority views . . . Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. . . . It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation . . . at the hand of an intolerant society.

Read it and weep. Say no to intimidation.

Thank you CP poster. Anonymous or not, one should be shielded from retaliation at Astellas if they speak up in good faith. In fact that is what the global compliance team has been touting. If you see something that is not right speak up! One should not be afraid of retaliation or intimidated.

Thank you CP poster. Anonymous or not, one should be shielded from retaliation at Astellas if they speak up in good faith. In fact that is what the global compliance team has been touting. If you see something that is not right speak up! One should not be afraid of retaliation or intimidated.

If enough people come forward about discrimination and retaliation, then even astellas will be forced to change. More and more are coming forward. Those doing the bad know who they are and know they are being scrutinized now more than ever. They need to be removed from the company entirely for us to get there. Most here are good but the bad always overshadow.

If enough people come forward about discrimination and retaliation, then even astellas will be forced to change. More and more are coming forward. Those doing the bad know who they are and know they are being scrutinized now more than ever. They need to be removed from the company entirely for us to get there. Most here are good but the bad always overshadow.
Wtf are you talking about? Please just quit and go somewhere else if you don't like it here

Wtf are you talking about? Please just quit and go somewhere else if you don't like it here
I am not the same poster as above. You have to realize that the bigotry and the womanizing at this company has gone rampant.

We are suffering from the Pfizer Thug Mentality that is currently taken stronghold of our culture.

If you are being single out by a manager and a director STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!
Don't let the intimidation continue to occur. This place has many problems. You could still control your future.

If enough people come forward about discrimination and retaliation, then even astellas will be forced to change. More and more are coming forward. Those doing the bad know who they are and know they are being scrutinized now more than ever. They need to be removed from the company entirely for us to get there. Most here are good but the bad always overshadow.