Evil things going on at Astellas

If I had read the postings about astellas on cafe pharma before interviewing, I WOULD NEVER HAVE ACCEPTED A POSITION HERE.

The most fxked corrupt ass kissing joke missmanaged pharma company fxxking ever.

The fu$%ks that run this place would literally drop dead if they told the truth about ANYTHING.

If I had read the postings about astellas on cafe pharma before interviewing, I WOULD NEVER HAVE ACCEPTED A POSITION HERE.

The most fxked corrupt ass kissing joke missmanaged pharma company fxxking ever.

The fu$%ks that run this place would literally drop dead if they told the truth about ANYTHING.

Keep posting on Cafe pharma at 2 PM and you won't have to worry about your job here at Astellas.

Novartis is hiring for primary care and Forest is hiring for hospital. I'm sorry but they do require a personality test and I don't think you'll pass.

Keep posting on Cafe pharma at 2 PM and you won't have to worry about your job here at Astellas.

Novartis is hiring for primary care and Forest is hiring for hospital. I'm sorry but they do require a personality test and I don't think you'll pass.

Yah, I wouldn't pass the test because I have integrity and actually give a damn about others not just myself. I M NOT A lying cheating emotionally undeveloped loser that can only move my career forward by breaking the law and writing up lies about any employees that refuse to go along with the DEEP corruption at astellas.

So uhh I am to understand that you think you are standing on ethical pricipals??


Yah, I wouldn't pass the test because I have integrity and actually give a damn about others not just myself. I M NOT A lying cheating emotionally undeveloped loser that can only move my career forward by breaking the law and writing up lies about any employees that refuse to go along with the DEEP corruption at astellas.

So uhh I am to understand that you think you are standing on ethical pricipals??


Dude it only took you 13 days to respond. I guess mommy and daddy were too busy to help you compose a response. By the way it's PRINCIPLES not PRINCIPALS.

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.

First, it is not correct that “at will” employees can be terminated for “any” reason. While most people, lawyers and judges seem to believe that, it is a very incorrect statement. What is true is that “at will” employees can be terminated for “any proper” reason. So, employers cannot terminate employees for improper reasons, such as discrimination, retaliation, harassment, because they will not engage in improper or illegal behavior, and/or many other “improper” reasons.

Second, employers are not required to pay severance when someone is terminated, but when severance is paid, it is not due to any “requirement.” Rather, severance is paid to reduce risks, including risks that employees will claim they were fired for “improper” reasons.

Performance Improvement Plans are almost always instituted (a) to create a seemingly “proper” reason (and paper trail) to fire someone (b) in order to deny them severance, and possibly even unemployment benefits.

By instituting Performance Improvement Plans (or “PIP’s”), employers (i) humiliate, (ii) infuriate, and (iii) intimidate employees. Then, as a direct result:

• Often after a PIP, an employee will quit in disgust; presto: no severance and even no unemployment benefits, and the employer does not have to explain to anyone why they wanted the employee to leave.
• Often after a PIP, an employee will feel intimidated, and simply accept his or her termination; presto: no employee request or expectation of severance, and the employee will be too intimidated to ask for a reason for his or her being singled out.
• Often, after a PIP, an employee will feel infuriated, and either shout or engage in some other bad conduct; presto: they are then fired for “cause” and given no severance and not entitled to unemployment benefits.
• Often after a PIP, HR will say to an employee, “You know, your resume would look so much better if you resigned, than were fired; we will ‘let you’ resign, as a favor.” Presto: no severance, no unemployment benefits, and the employer does not have to give a reason for pushing the employee out.
• Often, after a PIP, HR will say to an employee: “If you resign, in the future you may come back and work for this company. But if you are fired for performance reasons, you can never come back.” Presto: the employee quits, without request or expectation of severance, and is even denied unemployment benefits.
• Often, after a PIP, HR will say to an employee, “If you resign we can give you a neutral reference, and maybe we will even not contest your application for unemployment.” Presto: no severance, and no need to provide a reason for wanting an employee to leave.

So, many times PIP’s are used to hide improper reasons for wanting an employee to leave, when the real reason is improper. Also, using PIP’s helps employers reduce severance costs, and even lowers their unemployment insurance premiums, which are based on how many of their employees collect unemployment benefits.

While some Performance Improvement Plans are honest and in good faith, such good faith use of PIP’s is quite rare. Most are false and fraudulent, and so very upsetting. I believe it is the humiliating, the infuriating and the intimidating effects of the vast majority of Performance Improvement Plans that are the source of their power for employers, and the essence of their evil.

I am glad I am not the only one that feels that way. I put in a good, honest days work and then some and while I feel blessed to have met MANY wonderful people at this organization and happy to have a job, the abuse and BS that I and others have been put through is not worth it. I say fight fire with fire is the only option in this economy. Do what you have to do to protect yourself, your livelihood, reputations and family.

There is a law that states an employer cannot "force" you to resign/quit. It's called forced resignation. It is illegal. period. Get a lawyer and stick it up their ass.

Actually, the administration of personality tests to any job applicant is illegal if made prior to hire under ERISA. Obviously any companies that do this lack PRINCIPLES and this may be a PRINCIPAL flaw in their expectation of longevity should potential applicants use their noggins and report them asap. So this is a moot point....report the sobs....

Yah, I wouldn't pass the test because I have integrity and actually give a damn about others not just myself. I M NOT A lying cheating emotionally undeveloped loser that can only move my career forward by breaking the law and writing up lies about any employees that refuse to go along with the DEEP corruption at astellas.

So uhh I am to understand that you think you are standing on ethical pricipals??


Wow, all this talk about 'bad managers' or bad 'HR' and nobody on this anonymous board wants to name names or talk about specifics except for Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs)? Let's get details and perhaps people could make a real case - or determine that these gripes are groundless.

I can't really sympathize when it's simply the infamous 'they' that folks are complaining about.

Who cares if you sympathize? Who are you, almighty Oz? This is a blog site, and the complainers have as much right to post their concerns as you. True, they set themselves up for responses by Koolaiders like you, but unless you want to let us all know who you are, it really doesn't matter who sympathizes with whom.

On that note, all the best to everyone at Astellas. I hope situations improve, and we thrive in the industry.

encourage anyone that is aware of the large scale corruption at Astellas to contact the FDA. Do not go to the compliance group. Prior experience has shown that they will immediately begin by destroying any evidence that they can find. And compliance will not protect you from retaliation. HR is a waste of time also. The agents at the FDA will be very happy to speak with you concerning Astellas. All complaints are taken seriously. All complaints are fully investigated.

U.S Food And Drug Administration
Office of Criminal Investigations
901 Warrenville Road
Suite 360
Lisle, IL 60532

TEL. 1-800-521-5782

You may also want to send a letter or email to your congressmen or senators. If you are reporting that federal regulations (laws) are being broken, (non-compliant actions) their staffs must pursue your letter through the appropriate government enforcement agencies (Justice Dept., FDA, etc.) to protect themselves as holders of public office. Some ultra conservative cogressmen and senators staffs might just bury you email/letter, but most will have their staff pursue it properly. Sometimes democracy works; sometimes the (smart/active) little guys win.

I would also start printing out any helpful emails detailing the deep corruption at astellas. My experience is that the managers/crimminals running astellas are incredibly stupidly arrogant and do detail large scale non-compliant (law breaking) actions in sometimes extensive email chains. Be careful once the management /crimminals are on to you, they will have the crooked compliance group wipe out your entire email database (a crimminal act).

Good advice yesterday and today.

Thanks for the advice. Hadn't even occurred to me to send a letter to my Congressman. It's like you said, the letter must be at least pursued. If nothing else, it will give Astellas a little work to do to have to formulate a reply and answer some questions! I will pursue this immediately and hope others out there will too!

Of course he is...it's people like this who are untouchable! Unbelievable!

Untouchable until rankings fall like they have and then let's hope the higher ups realize he is the reason so many reps have left and the region is underperforming like it has been for some time. He can't hid for much longer! Here is hoping!

In an environment as highly corrupt as astellas

a manager can blame all their groups shortfalls on their subordinates.

Managers are never at fault at astellas; it, astellas management, is pure corruption baby.

Of course it is going on nationwide! It begins at the top and runs down, like any kind of slime.

These evil things have been going on for over two years now. It's hard to ignore, because it happens right out in the open - shamelessly.

Here Here!!! WOW, someone gets it!!! All the anti-Astellas posts are from people who can't handle change. Life moves on folks! Did you really thinks Astellas could operate as a small "mom and pop" pharma company forever?!?!?! We'd be bought out if we didn't adopt some more modern practices...you HAVE A JOB, GET OVER IT!!!

Douche...seriously...appreciate the optimism but you just sound like a naive fool - Good Luck wiz kid