Electric vehicle garage fire

Charger Owners Manuals require copper wiring. Installers are using higher gauge aluminum wiring from panel box to junction box. Then copper wiring from junction box to charger. This passes code but charger manufacturers say it violates their manual. Aluminum much cheaper than copper. Everyone following ?? You want answers follow the money

This alone is not enough to pull any heads out of any asses. They're up there way too far.

People aren't buying EV's. Production is being slashed across the board. Even Tesla is losing money, so they're being dumped into fleets.

There is way too much money behind this. Someone's going to have to die to get it to stop. A house fire isn't enough.

Sue AZ...Make sure as many media news outlets know. Should be interesting to see AZ spin doctors weasel their way around this fiasco. Share price drop and bad press around not looking out for employees' best interest "should" get them to see the error of their ways. "Should" is in quotations because maybe stupidity will still reign supreme.

Sue AZ...Make sure as many media news outlets know. Should be interesting to see AZ spin doctors weasel their way around this fiasco. Share price drop and bad press around not looking out for employees' best interest "should" get them to see the error of their ways. "Should" is in quotations because maybe stupidity will still reign supreme.
Remember you are a lowly rep and shut your pie hole.

It’s been almost 2 weeks and crickets. Pathetic lack of response from leadership way to go AZ-everyone is watching and waiting for your response. With thousands of people getting EV’s in the US it’s imminent there will be another issue.

Sue AZ...Make sure as many media news outlets know. Should be interesting to see AZ spin doctors weasel their way around this fiasco. Share price drop and bad press around not looking out for employees' best interest "should" get them to see the error of their ways. "Should" is in quotations because maybe stupidity will still reign supreme.

It doesn’t matter if it was a trailer park, someone had a fire at their house where they lost memories, possessions and it could have been catastrophic had there been casualties. It’s all a matter of time before someone does and then the blame shifts to the reps regarding “well did you have a secondary inspection” or “did you contact the company regarding any concerns” email HR your concerns. Email fleet with your concerns. This is all a CYA. The company will be shifting to put the blame on reps. am sure the rep is getting a nice payout, as she should.

The pics look like it was an old, shitty garage that burned down. Probably had bad wiring to begin with.

Wow... wonderful demonstration of empathy.

If wired correctly and according to the instructions, the licensed electrician wouldn't be using any old wiring to try and play host to the load requirement of the charger. Since they are contracted by AZ, and if that was the case, the owner has two defendants to sue.

The pics look like it was an old, shitty garage that burned down. Probably had bad wiring to begin with.

The company-contracted electrician installed the charger. If there was an issue with the wiring in the garage, the electrician should have fixed it or refused to do the job, as their license is on the line.

Way to try to blame the victim, asshole.

I hope the rep sues the shit out of AZ, as they are ultimately responsible for this boondoggle. Whether the charger, or the installation, or the vehicle was the cause of the fire, none of that would have been there if not for AZ.

If anyone is leery of putting the charger in your home - don't do it. Email EV communications and document your concerns. The more people do, the better the chance of getting the company to reconsider this whole thing.

If the company was really concerned about employee safety, they would have immediately paused the EV roll-out until the cause of the fire was determined. The program should only resume if they can guarantee employee safety, and have identified concrete steps to prevent another fire.

If the company was really concerned about employee safety, they would have immediately paused the EV roll-out until the cause of the fire was determined. The program should only resume if they can guarantee employee safety, and have identified concrete steps to prevent another fire.
The ones on order were paused. We were notified.