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Do I have enough?

Good for you, you made in into pharmaceutical sales. Now you are going to lose your position because a corporation wants to avoid US taxes. I hope you have saved a lot because getting a good job in this economy is very hard. You have lots of competition and coming from pharma, poor qualifications.

I used to vote Republican but will never do so again because they are trying to gut every social program in the US and hand everything to their corporate masters. The US is becoming more unequal every day. You blame poor people for sitting on their butts but I blame policies that allow corporations to export jobs to other countries. Lost your job? You can't blame the poor for that.

I know many poor people who work two jobs so the "sit on their ass" comment only reflects a small minority of people. Most want to work at good paying jobs. Where are they for many?

Keep thinking you can do it all yourself. I am ready and financially able to retire, you face an uncertain future and I hope your independent self can make it. I kind of hope you don't. Then we can say that you are sitting on your butt, just don't blame anyone for the predicament you find yourself in.

Actually, I work for another pharma and I have worked hard and will be just fine for retirement. You sound bitter and betrayed. I don't know where you live, but I see many people taking advantage of system where I live. You can get free or subsidized housing, EBT, free healthcare, free breakfast/lunches for your kids, clothing vouchers, furniture vouchers, welfare money and on. Why work if you don't have to? You are drinking the lefty Kool-Aid if believe this is a small minority. What we have is a system that rewards laziness and punishes hard working people trying to make it.

It may shock you to learn that republicans are not against social programs. They are against wasteful spending and people who game the system.

BTW, you didn't answer my question if you had gone to church and were told how to vote.

Actually, I work for another pharma and I have worked hard and will be just fine for retirement. You sound bitter and betrayed. I don't know where you live, but I see many people taking advantage of system where I live. You can get free or subsidized housing, EBT, free healthcare, free breakfast/lunches for your kids, clothing vouchers, furniture vouchers, welfare money and on. Why work if you don't have to? You are drinking the lefty Kool-Aid if believe this is a small minority. What we have is a system that rewards laziness and punishes hard working people trying to make it.

It may shock you to learn that republicans are not against social programs. They are against wasteful spending and people who game the system.

BTW, you didn't answer my question if you had gone to church and were told how to vote.

Right on!

lol so true. 700k buys a mansion in the South. Not much in Boston, DC, LA, SFO, NYC. Average home in Manhattan now over 900k. So much ignorance.

That sounds great, but if you don't have any kids why wouldn't you move to a more affordable area where your money gets you more. For instance, you could buy a 4bdrm beautiful brick home in a very desirable neighborhood in the south for 300k. If you're so worried about surviving and don't have kids to worry about or support, make some changes. If you're not willing to do that, it's your problem. If you're living in the high rent district, you could sell your house, make a 150-200k for retirement and live in a better home than you would have in New York or SF.

Right. Why WOULD anyone want to live in 4 of the country's most populous cities, loaded with the top universities, medical centers, cultural centers, and schools in the country? Aint nobody just cain't figure it out, Jethro!

Yabba Dabba Dooo you city slicker. You're the same SOB that's complaining about not having enough money because you can't live without going to Broadway or the fashion show. Too bad for you. I bet your wife drives a nice Benz and you're wearing your armani suits thinking you look great. If you're in the pharma industry in these areas, you're considered a peasant. Enjoy your lifestyle and don't complain when you are sixty and don't know why you don't have enough for retirement. Us in the south ain't gonna worry about how we gonna live cuz we ain't so concerned about cultural centers, big ole universities, or broadway.

That sounds great, but if you don't have any kids why wouldn't you move to a more affordable area where your money gets you more. For instance, you could buy a 4bdrm beautiful brick home in a very desirable neighborhood in the south for 300k. If you're so worried about surviving and don't have kids to worry about or support, make some changes. If you're not willing to do that, it's your problem. If you're living in the high rent district, you could sell your house, make a 150-200k for retirement and live in a better home than you would have in New York or SF.

People with no kids or not married like the bigger cities because there is more to do, more work, and more different types of people to meet.

I hear you though. You can save more in other areas. But, that is a bit of a silly why to look at it, because it is only the rent that you lose, and you are only going to spend about 200-600 dollars a month more when you rent in a bigger city. Also, if you share an apartment, you don't lose anything.

That sounds great, but if you don't have any kids why wouldn't you move to a more affordable area where your money gets you more. For instance, you could buy a 4bdrm beautiful brick home in a very desirable neighborhood in the south for 300k. If you're so worried about surviving and don't have kids to worry about or support, make some changes. If you're not willing to do that, it's your problem. If you're living in the high rent district, you could sell your house, make a 150-200k for retirement and live in a better home than you would have in New York or SF.

None of you business but I have a shitload of responsibilities that prevent me from moving. Plus, I am not moving twice in ten years and I have no idea where I really want to spend the end of my life.

I am 49, and feel the end is here with Pfizer. I have 1.325 million in retirement and owe about 200,000 on a 700,000 home. Otherwise I have no debt. I don't live an extravagant life, and have been a career rep. I have a wife who is stay-at-home, no kids just furry pets. Wondering what the heck I will do when this gig is done. I think in my next life I will just do something I enjoy--maybe owning a small shop or a small business with just one other employee. I am not having too much anxiety, just I want to do something I feel passionate for, just like my first job here 15 years ago. I will also volunteer for underpriveliged folks. Thank you and God bless all you other folks.

I don't think you have enough.

The market could cut that 1.3 million to 600k overnight. Pay off your mortgage and hope Obama doesn't tax you into nonexistence. He wants to transfer the wealth you've earned to people like him, who do nothing except have children, receive government benefit, and vote democrat.

The reason that Pfizer is interested is to shield the tax hit.

Good luck.

I don't think you have enough.

The market could cut that 1.3 million to 600k overnight. Pay off your mortgage and hope Obama doesn't tax you into nonexistence. He wants to transfer the wealth you've earned to people like him, who do nothing except have children, receive government benefit, and vote democrat.

The reason that Pfizer is interested is to shield the tax hit.

Good luck.

Really, are you that stupid?

Right now is a great time to sell off all stock and just sit put in a CD with the credit union, at 2 percent, assuming you are too lazy to buy and rent real estate.

No need to lose half, as you put it. Stupid.

I know you are just fooling around, but I will assume you are not. Anyway, I would DOWNSIZE everything, and buy a nice, easy to maintain condo in an area you want to retire in. You will have little up keep and that is what you should go for in old age.

losing half? L.O.L. So crazy. Sell the stock now, good move, especially if you are over 50.

1. your vote doesn't mean shit. its the same party, morons.
2. stop being a fear monger. life is really not as complicated as you make it out to be.
3. the future has been bleak for thousands of years, because we are all going to die.
4. lol. learn to give thanks and honor the One who put you here, and you will be blessed.
5. corporate sales is for losers. find a real sals job, like real estate or something similiar.
6. why I waste my time here is beyond comprehension, because you people are really slow.
7. learn to think outside of what the media is suggesting in your pea sized brain and you will live a much happier life. drink from the living waters, not from the sewer, where you have allowed MTV and Fox News and CNN to tell you how to live, all lies my friend.

The fact that you think there is a difference in political parties truly points to how naive you are.

The fact that you don't shows that you are truly one of the most uneducated misfits to ever walk this planet. I hope you don't vote because your lack of knowledge and awareness should make you ineligible.

Is anybody scared?

Yes, but nothing I can do about it right now. I choose to stay and ride this puppy right down. My spouse has zero benefits. I care for a disabled adult child and an elderly parent. So, a lot of people count on me and will from now to forever. We have maybe 490k in our 401k, 300k equity in our home, 150k in land, 15k in gold and our only debt is our mortgage. We are 56 and have to wait until (if lucky) live to 65 to retire, where we will have hopefully the above plus our two SS incomes (if China does not call our debt), and one 14k pension and another 8k pension. I know we do not have enough to live like we do now. That's a given, but I do know that if we scale way, way back, we can probably get by and still enjoy life. It is all in unloading debt and staying healthy. You have no control over whether AZ decides to accept Pfizer's offer or if Pfizer decides to just take AZ.

You have struggled certainly with your family but you are saving well and taking control. You go lady! shout out!

Well, thank you! If all fails and I end up alone, I am buying my other kid a big house and moving in with them. It is nice to know they love me and her brother enough to agree. Then there is always a mobile home in the woods by a lake.

Well, thank you! If all fails and I end up alone, I am buying my other kid a big house and moving in with them. It is nice to know they love me and her brother enough to agree. Then there is always a mobile home in the woods by a lake.
I used to be on that treadmill and almost fell into the American Dream trap created by marketing types and sold to us as the pathway to happiness. It goes something like this:
Get a good college education then get a good job in a company where you can build a career. Get married have a couple of kids and a big house where everyone has their own suite. Dual oven gormet kitchen, granite and stainless steel of course. Then finish the basement with a man cave with a 72" T.V., killer stereo, wet bar. Fill that three or four car garage with a luxury SUV, luxury sedan, and a sports car just for fun. Maybe throw in a motorcyle or a golf cart. Make sure the kids have the latest designer clothes. Fill your own closets to the top with designer labels, $200 designer shoes, $1500 purses and upgrade that diamond to reflect your success. You just have to have that I phone 5s gold of course and one for the spouse and each of the kids. Of course we are on the family plan, unlimited talk, text, and internet access. We have the deluxe Direct T.V. package where we can record up to 10 programs and watch them from any of our seven big screen T.V.s. And it goes on and on. The really sick part is that even people without kids still think they have to have all of this shit to make them happy. Guess what? When it all comes crashing down in the next few months you will find like I did that none of it matters. None of it.

When I was in my 20s and 30s, I worked in the arts and my family lived on 38k annually. On that, we never took a loan on a car, we bought a nice home and we carried no credit card debt while saving 150k. I have never thought the American Dream was all about acquiring stuff. I believed it was about working hard gets you someplace. Based on where I am, I might have turned a wrong corner....

None of you business but I have a shitload of responsibilities that prevent me from moving. Plus, I am not moving twice in ten years and I have no idea where I really want to spend the end of my life.

I'm not judging you and feel for you in terms of moving being a pain in the ass and possible family/social responsibilities. However, if things are bad and you have make decisions, you do have options...