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Do I have enough?

bottom line if you haven't saved you are the problem in this country now aren't you?

Why do you ass-ume shit like this? I could easily get myself out, probably my husband too. I have kids and grandkids. I have elderly parents that I take care of - that's right, I take of them - cook, clean, shop, fix their fucking house. . . . I have between all these households about 10 pets. You think I'm leaving them? Most are old now and would not survive a quarantine. I actually doubt I would be allowed in with that many pets. Last time I had a free 6000, I gave it to my daughter to pay my grandson's medical bills. WTF is wrong with you? Classic! If I do well, it is b/c I'm so fucking smart and if someone else does well, it is luck. If I do poorly, it is bad luck, but if you do poorly, it is b/c you are a dumbass. Right.

Dude, don't blame the poor for being poor. Blame the lack of opportunity in the US. And save for your children because they won't have the same opportunity you do.

I don't blame the poor for being poor. I blame those who keep playing the victim and think they are owed. I grew up poor and I made it. No one gave me handouts.

The poor keep voting democrat and are rewarded with a system that keeps them dependent. There's a way out, but many would rather sit on their butts and blame everyone else.

I don't blame the poor for being poor. I blame those who keep playing the victim and think they are owed. I grew up poor and I made it. No one gave me handouts.

The poor keep voting democrat and are rewarded with a system that keeps them dependent. There's a way out, but many would rather sit on their butts and blame everyone else.

Good for you, you made in into pharmaceutical sales. Now you are going to lose your position because a corporation wants to avoid US taxes. I hope you have saved a lot because getting a good job in this economy is very hard. You have lots of competition and coming from pharma, poor qualifications.

I used to vote Republican but will never do so again because they are trying to gut every social program in the US and hand everything to their corporate masters. The US is becoming more unequal every day. You blame poor people for sitting on their butts but I blame policies that allow corporations to export jobs to other countries. Lost your job? You can't blame the poor for that.

I know many poor people who work two jobs so the "sit on their ass" comment only reflects a small minority of people. Most want to work at good paying jobs. Where are they for many?

Keep thinking you can do it all yourself. I am ready and financially able to retire, you face an uncertain future and I hope your independent self can make it. I kind of hope you don't. Then we can say that you are sitting on your butt, just don't blame anyone for the predicament you find yourself in.

Do I have enough to sell? I have a boat, two jet skis, a corvette 1977, two Harley Davidsons , and a cabin on 3 acres in the Montana mountains. I want to know if I sell these things can I survive for a while longer.

Lord, honey have you taken your pills? you sound postal. LOL

I am postal you moron. Didn't you just ask me why I could not leave the country in a round about way? I answered it and quite thoroughly I might add. I am totally sick of pharma layoffs and downsizing. It has to take the prize for more than any other industry. Not a single takeover has ever amounted to a success. It keeps the taker afloat for another two years max while literally costing people their lives.

Good for you, you made in into pharmaceutical sales. Now you are going to lose your position because a corporation wants to avoid US taxes. I hope you have saved a lot because getting a good job in this economy is very hard. You have lots of competition and coming from pharma, poor qualifications.

I used to vote Republican but will never do so again because they are trying to gut every social program in the US and hand everything to their corporate masters. The US is becoming more unequal every day. You blame poor people for sitting on their butts but I blame policies that allow corporations to export jobs to other countries. Lost your job? You can't blame the poor for that.

I know many poor people who work two jobs so the "sit on their ass" comment only reflects a small minority of people. Most want to work at good paying jobs. Where are they for many?

Keep thinking you can do it all yourself. I am ready and financially able to retire, you face an uncertain future and I hope your independent self can make it. I kind of hope you don't. Then we can say that you are sitting on your butt, just don't blame anyone for the predicament you find yourself in.

1. your vote doesn't mean shit. its the same party, morons.
2. stop being a fear monger. life is really not as complicated as you make it out to be.
3. the future has been bleak for thousands of years, because we are all going to die.
4. lol. learn to give thanks and honor the One who put you here, and you will be blessed.
5. corporate sales is for losers. find a real sals job, like real estate or something similiar.
6. why I waste my time here is beyond comprehension, because you people are really slow.
7. learn to think outside of what the media is suggesting in your pea sized brain and you will live a much happier life. drink from the living waters, not from the sewer, where you have allowed MTV and Fox News and CNN to tell you how to live, all lies my friend.

The fact that you think there is a difference in political parties truly points to how naive you are.

Good for you, you made in into pharmaceutical sales. Now you are going to lose your position because a corporation wants to avoid US taxes. I hope you have saved a lot because getting a good job in this economy is very hard. You have lots of competition and coming from pharma, poor qualifications.

I used to vote Republican but will never do so again because they are trying to gut every social program in the US and hand everything to their corporate masters. The US is becoming more unequal every day. You blame poor people for sitting on their butts but I blame policies that allow corporations to export jobs to other countries. Lost your job? You can't blame the poor for that.

I know many poor people who work two jobs so the "sit on their ass" comment only reflects a small minority of people. Most want to work at good paying jobs. Where are they for many?

Keep thinking you can do it all yourself. I am ready and financially able to retire, you face an uncertain future and I hope your independent self can make it. I kind of hope you don't. Then we can say that you are sitting on your butt, just don't blame anyone for the predicament you find yourself in.

Totally agree. Glad you are retired. I am not going to make it. I needed five more years at 100k-plus to save enough to retire. Now, not going to happen. I doubt I will ever find a job that pays what I made at AZ. So, saving what I need to is also not going to happen. It is very sad to one day really feel like you have a chance and the next to know it will never happen. My frustration and sorrow are pretty tangible.

Totally agree. Glad you are retired. I am not going to make it. I needed five more years at 100k-plus to save enough to retire. Now, not going to happen. I doubt I will ever find a job that pays what I made at AZ. So, saving what I need to is also not going to happen. It is very sad to one day really feel like you have a chance and the next to know it will never happen. My frustration and sorrow are pretty tangible.

Don't give up. There are opportunities out there. Despite what I said about pharma not preparing you, I have worked in device and diagnostic sales with a pharmaceutical background, among other sales jobs. Having two jobs at one time has allowed me to retire early.

Keep your head up and you will find opportunity if you have any sales ability. Good luck to you!

1. your vote doesn't mean shit. its the same party, morons.
2. stop being a fear monger. life is really not as complicated as you make it out to be.
3. the future has been bleak for thousands of years, because we are all going to die.
4. lol. learn to give thanks and honor the One who put you here, and you will be blessed.
5. corporate sales is for losers. find a real sals job, like real estate or something similiar.
6. why I waste my time here is beyond comprehension, because you people are really slow.
7. learn to think outside of what the media is suggesting in your pea sized brain and you will live a much happier life. drink from the living waters, not from the sewer, where you have allowed MTV and Fox News and CNN to tell you how to live, all lies my friend.

The fact that you think there is a difference in political parties truly points to how naive you are.

Don't give up. There are opportunities out there. Despite what I said about pharma not preparing you, I have worked in device and diagnostic sales with a pharmaceutical background, among other sales jobs. Having two jobs at one time has allowed me to retire early.

Keep your head up and you will find opportunity if you have any sales ability. Good luck to you!

Thanks and I am really not being negative, but at 56, nope. No one will hire me. It is like the kiss of death. I am probably going to sell cars. I am not interested in selling insurance and live in a piss poor area for real estate. I do not have the energy to work two jobs. Not a chance.

1. your vote doesn't mean shit. its the same party, morons.
2. stop being a fear monger. life is really not as complicated as you make it out to be.
3. the future has been bleak for thousands of years, because we are all going to die.
4. lol. learn to give thanks and honor the One who put you here, and you will be blessed.
5. corporate sales is for losers. find a real sals job, like real estate or something similiar.
6. why I waste my time here is beyond comprehension, because you people are really slow.
7. learn to think outside of what the media is suggesting in your pea sized brain and you will live a much happier life. drink from the living waters, not from the sewer, where you have allowed MTV and Fox News and CNN to tell you how to live, all lies my friend.

The fact that you think there is a difference in political parties truly points to how naive you are.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom oh Great One. Just don't do us any more favors.

Thanks and I am really not being negative, but at 56, nope. No one will hire me. It is like the kiss of death. I am probably going to sell cars. I am not interested in selling insurance and live in a piss poor area for real estate. I do not have the energy to work two jobs. Not a chance.

Selling cars could be fun. Or, sell hinges for cabinets, surgical instruments, wood stoves, anything that interests you. You might find that there is something you like to do outside of pharmaceutical sales. Really, don't be afraid to try anything.

Thanks and I am really not being negative, but at 56, nope. No one will hire me. It is like the kiss of death. I am probably going to sell cars. I am not interested in selling insurance and live in a piss poor area for real estate. I do not have the energy to work two jobs. Not a chance.

My good friend pulls in 85k in a city with less than 100k people. Not bad. Easy job too. Easier if you are in a warm weather climate, because you don't have to clean up the cars.

You will be fine.

don't pay attention to the whore/fear mongers that are lazy.