Who is old enough to remember the surprise field visits of the old Astra?

If you worked in an office, your boss could pop in your cube at any time. Why should it be any different just because you're in the field? Why should it matter if you're working ALL day EVERY day? Remember? That's what you're paid to do. I love how the lazy, selfish, entitled mentality of the drug rep thinks this is somehow unfair. It just shows how out of touch the people have become.

It's because I am NOT working all day that I would not want an unannounced field ride! I don't ever plan on working a full day…EVER! I don't need to, I don't want to, so therefore I won't. Am I lazy? You bet! Do I give a rat's ass? No, hell no! My system works just fine, so there's no need to change.

It's because I am NOT working all day that I would not want an unannounced field ride! I don't ever plan on working a full day…EVER! I don't need to, I don't want to, so therefore I won't. Am I lazy? You bet! Do I give a rat's ass? No, hell no! My system works just fine, so there's no need to change.
How many DMs work with you from 9-5? I have had 6 DMs during my time at AZ and not one worked with me a full day. One would arrive for a breakfast meeting at 10 a.m at Panera and lunch at 12:30 pm and then usually back to her hotel for a teleconference by 2:30. That was the typical day with her. She never said a word during the one call I had time to make not counting a couple of sample drops. Her field visits with me were a total waste of time and money since she spent the night in a nice Marriott and I am sure went out for a nice dinner with local friends or family members who live in my territory.

So did you just get out and now you are checking in to see what you missed the last 15 years?
Fucking scum sucking Astra legacy.

You sound angry, tsk tsk. I checked in as I'm still in the biz but in a much different role. Cashed out through downsizing a few years back in the Brennan era. This was a spot of fun as an Astra legacy thread but you're not worth my time now . No idea why zeneckers would give a hoot about the old original Astra, maybe it's Envy. Bye thread.

You sound angry, tsk tsk. I checked in as I'm still in the biz but in a much different role. Cashed out through downsizing a few years back in the Brennan era. This was a spot of fun as an Astra legacy thread but you're not worth my time now . No idea why zeneckers would give a hoot about the old original Astra, maybe it's Envy. Bye thread.
Yep, you guessed it. We were so envious of the Astra people. What a wonderful company you had of encouraged debauchery, sexual harassment, and a management culture that didn't trust the reps or each other. We loved the wonderful leaders you brought to us like ultra backstabbing TZ, or the always mentally stimulating JC. Indeed, brilliant leaders all.

Yep, you guessed it. We were so envious of the Astra people. What a wonderful company you had of encouraged debauchery, sexual harassment, and a management culture that didn't trust the reps or each other. We loved the wonderful leaders you brought to us like ultra backstabbing TZ, or the always mentally stimulating JC. Indeed, brilliant leaders all.
There excuse for excessive partying, crude and rude behavior in public places and sexual harassment was that we work hard and then we play hard. Well they got the playing hard part down for certain. How many of your leaders were prosecuted for their bad behavior and they were the ones running the company?

Had one last week. DSM sent a text at 9:00 am wanting to meet up as her schedule changed. I always dress/prepare as if someone is riding with me. It was a bit challenging as I had already used my mngr friendly offices earlier in the week which are getting far and few between... She doesn't understand that a ride along schedule benefits her as we can plan more productive days with people she needs to see with advance notice. Has not put out a calendar for over a year usually texts the night before and when She changes her mind won't tell You until 10 or so the next day while Your waiting. The icing on the cake is we had 3 managers in the same territory in the same week with the same products. They said after the merger they would never be in the same territory and understand our offices don't need to be bombarded. They flat out lied saying they would use a calendar to collaborate... what a farce that was. One manager is more than enough from what I can see. That's my coaching advice to leadership as duplication of non-revenue producing mngrs. pretending to bring value is very over rated. It's almost comical how some mngrs believe they are making a difference when they " coach you up" at a expensive restaurant, order app/entrée/desert and take 3/4's home with them. A mngr who is a entrepreneur would volunteer to take a few no see accounts with low market share and lead by example in my opinion and allow the rep to "coach them up" 360 style or better yet, have the rsd work with the mngr in these accounts to see how effective they are with access/total office call/growing the mkt etc.

Had one last week. DSM sent a text at 9:00 am wanting to meet up as her schedule changed. I always dress/prepare as if someone is riding with me. It was a bit challenging as I had already used my mngr friendly offices earlier in the week which are getting far and few between... She doesn't understand that a ride along schedule benefits her as we can plan more productive days with people she needs to see with advance notice. Has not put out a calendar for over a year usually texts the night before and when She changes her mind won't tell You until 10 or so the next day while Your waiting. The icing on the cake is we had 3 managers in the same territory in the same week with the same products. They said after the merger they would never be in the same territory and understand our offices don't need to be bombarded. They flat out lied saying they would use a calendar to collaborate... what a farce that was. One manager is more than enough from what I can see. That's my coaching advice to leadership as duplication of non-revenue producing mngrs. pretending to bring value is very over rated. It's almost comical how some mngrs believe they are making a difference when they " coach you up" at a expensive restaurant, order app/entrée/desert and take 3/4's home with them. A mngr who is a entrepreneur would volunteer to take a few no see accounts with low market share and lead by example in my opinion and allow the rep to "coach them up" 360 style or better yet, have the rsd work with the mngr in these accounts to see how effective they are with access/total office call/growing the mkt etc.

Amen. Had a manager not long ago tell me that he was going to show up on a day I had a 7 AM appointment, then later told me he would not work with me that day. I had an immediate family member diagnosed with cancer in the family and was on the phone long into the evening and debated whether or not to go. Did go and was a couple of minutes late. There sitting in the office was the manager. Things went okay, but you know, don't pull this subterfuge bullshit, either show up when you say you will, or don't.

Had one last week. DSM sent a text at 9:00 am wanting to meet up as her schedule changed. I always dress/prepare as if someone is riding with me. It was a bit challenging as I had already used my mngr friendly offices earlier in the week which are getting far and few between... She doesn't understand that a ride along schedule benefits her as we can plan more productive days with people she needs to see with advance notice. Has not put out a calendar for over a year usually texts the night before and when She changes her mind won't tell You until 10 or so the next day while Your waiting. The icing on the cake is we had 3 managers in the same territory in the same week with the same products. They said after the merger they would never be in the same territory and understand our offices don't need to be bombarded. They flat out lied saying they would use a calendar to collaborate... what a farce that was. One manager is more than enough from what I can see. That's my coaching advice to leadership as duplication of non-revenue producing mngrs. pretending to bring value is very over rated. It's almost comical how some mngrs believe they are making a difference when they " coach you up" at a expensive restaurant, order app/entrée/desert and take 3/4's home with them. A mngr who is a entrepreneur would volunteer to take a few no see accounts with low market share and lead by example in my opinion and allow the rep to "coach them up" 360 style or better yet, have the rsd work with the mngr in these accounts to see how effective they are with access/total office call/growing the mkt etc.

The best post I have read on here in a very long time. Kudos! Your observations mirror those of big-time consulting agencies like Hay Group. Changes are a-coming, and I almost fear for RSD and district managers' careers, post-pharma.

The best post I have read on here in a very long time. Kudos! Your observations mirror those of big-time consulting agencies like Hay Group. Changes are a-coming, and I almost fear for RSD and district managers' careers, post-pharma.
The RSD and DM positions have been antiquated for years and all AZ does is realign when the real solution is to eliminate and change the entire management strategy. But AZ will be last to that table as usual.

The RSD and DM positions have been antiquated for years and all AZ does is realign when the real solution is to eliminate and change the entire management strategy. But AZ will be last to that table as usual.
Here is a no brainer; get rid of the managed care directors. All of them and let the RSDs take over their accounts. It might take two days each month by the RSDs to handle what these worthless dinosaurs are paid six figures to do. Most of them never leave the house unless it is to run personal errands or go to the gym. On second thought, having seen these cows in the chow line, I guess we can exclude going to the gym.

Here is a no brainer; get rid of the managed care directors. All of them and let the RSDs take over their accounts. It might take two days each month by the RSDs to handle what these worthless dinosaurs are paid six figures to do. Most of them never leave the house unless it is to run personal errands or go to the gym. On second thought, having seen these cows in the chow line, I guess we can exclude going to the gym.

The industry as a whole suffers from fat layers. And as a middle level manager, I know of what I speak. Ask your friends at other companies what KAMs or Managed Care folks do. Shoot, I personally asked a former DBM colleague that is now a KAM at another company what she did, and she struggled to explain. She has 20 group practices and one hospital system. Sounds exactly like what I had as a territory rep at Merck 20 years ago!

passing through.....was there at ASTRA when it was a cult. "Send me over your calendar with the location and time of your first call...I may or may be there but you better have a day planned in case." It did get you out there everyday at least until noon. The perks-- The women were hot, we stayed out late and had fun. Bonuses were great, stock was moving in the right direction but the CEO couldn't keep his pants on. Now I hear he lives in VT and still is trying to sue AZ. Not sure if this is true or not but I would pay money for his purple suit.
"please no noise when Lars is playing tennis" ...."Hello A Team this Bob Vogel" LOL

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