Disappointed in VBU Changes

Maya is the root cause of the VBU dysfunction. Just a couple months ago she said this "When you have people who like what they do and believe they are having a impact you can do anything- more than any project or investment. Prioritize your teams and people because they're your biggest asset." Enough said.

Nobody likes Joaquin and Truck! Do they think they can run a division that does not respect or trust them! Fuck them both! Maya said she wanted a “fresh set of eyes” on the business… damn, couldn’t we get some brains to go with those eyes! This is pathetic!

Joaquin was literally an embarrassment on stage at the national meeting. He looked like a fat slob and can barely speak. His version of trying to motivate people is yelling into the crowd. He couldn’t have been more awkward. And fuck Truck too. Billions in 4 months from Arexvy and thanks but we’re slashing budgets and laying off reps (no reduction in head count). Anyone who thinks they know a reps territory better than the rep does with their joke of an opportunity engine couldn’t be more clueless. Their fresh set of eyes (bug eyes in Joaquin’s case) just eliminated a hell of a lot of good people without taking into consideration performance. Nothing more pathetic than that. But hey as long as Emma got her 15 million dollar salary the company is fine. I actually feel sorry for anyone who’s left that has to work under these morons. Fuck GSK.

The number of people who were kept and seem more upset than those displaced is a concern. They really screwed the culture of the business unit even more than it was.

How can anyone trust the leadership in this company? They can’t. How can you not feel like when am I next. They lied through their teeth to squeeze out every cent from reps through Q1 only to pull the rug out at the last minute. How anyone has one iota of respect for this management team is beyond me. I actually think those who got displaced in the long run are the lucky ones. They don’t have to deal with this inept leadership ever again. There’s better jobs out there than GSK, that’s for damn sure.

Maya is the root cause of the VBU dysfunction. Just a couple months ago she said this "When you have people who like what they do and believe they are having a impact you can do anything- more than any project or investment. Prioritize your teams and people because they're your biggest asset." Enough said.

Love Maya's own words on march, "When you have people who like what they do and believe they are having a impact you can do anything", including firing them for a job well done.

They have lost all trust with the FLL’s too. They were notified of their displacements the afternoon before. They were made to do the dirty work. I bet they don’t even attempt to motivate their teams after this. This did a LOT of damage to our morale and culture. I don’t know if they’ll ever get it back. Like someone said, we are all going to be thinking I am next. They better throw some very attainable high dollar spiffs to even have a chance.

Yes, someone needs to send the memo to Maya and Emma and the board that Joaquin and Truck don’t know what the hell they are doing and need to be replaced by someone with experience in vaccines. Also, the way the rolled this out has created distrust and lack of respect in the division. They don’t even listen to the people on the ground that actually care about sales and our customers and try to tell them they are making fucked up decisions that will ruin the business!

Never commit yourself to the company you work for 100%. At the end of the day you are just a number. They are always going to beholden to the shareholders. Be true to yourself and take care of your family because nobody gives a shit about you but your family. To those who were let go, lean into your faith. Good people always land on their feet. Good luck and God bless.

Never commit yourself to the company you work for 100%. At the end of the day you are just a number. They are always going to beholden to the shareholders. Be true to yourself and take care of your family because nobody gives a shit about you but your family. To those who were let go, lean into your faith. Good people always land on their feet. Good luck and God bless.

thank you, sadly many of us did commit ourselves to a company that stabbed us in the back after many successful years not based on our performance but instead on where we live. The part that really pisses us off in the opportunities we’ve had along the way but passed up (stupidly) to stay with GSK. It’s disgraceful what they have done to a lot of good reps and a lot of good people. Karma is always a bitch and I hope it hits every single person involved in the no head count reduction lie. I wish all of us the best moving forward too. There are bigger and better things out there. I hope those who stayed are also exploring their options, hard not to think if they’ll be next when it’s convenient. As I’ve told my family, everything is going to be ok. And it will.

You guys will like this one. About 3 years ago (after 2 consecutive IPT awards - important for context) I got displaced because Boston consulting group came in and gave our LT advice to make my role from director to senior director, left the scope unchanged, and I was accordingly laid off. This company is so stupid they do stuff that is completely irrational all the time. I am now at a better Pharma at this time. The whole industry knows that GSK is nothing but a giant moving re org every 12-18 months. When you have no pipeline this is how to you hit bottom line.

You guys will like this one. About 3 years ago (after 2 consecutive IPT awards - important for context) I got displaced because Boston consulting group came in and gave our LT advice to make my role from director to senior director, left the scope unchanged, and I was accordingly laid off. This company is so stupid they do stuff that is completely irrational all the time. I am now at a better Pharma at this time. The whole industry knows that GSK is nothing but a giant moving re org every 12-18 months. When you have no pipeline this is how to you hit bottom line.

I don't like it. You are a liar and cannot be trusted.