I agree with 80% of what you said. The people that got the severance are the real winners. There is Covid fatigue, the leadership is beyond clueless and are downright dysfunctional. But I had access to busy clinics but in the adult space, we were not even given time to demonstrate that we can grow. The mTRx data is extremely flawed. And I would explain why they shouldn’t use that data but I’m going to let those fools fuck up and move on with my severance. And that’s the same data they are using to drive opportunity engine. Opportunity engine may work if it was based on solid data but unfortunately they don’t want to listen to people on the ground. Give me my severance and I will go be successful somewhere else! I’m tired of GSKs constant dysfunction! I have been in vaccines for 2 years and it’s been the most unstable 2 years of my life. Damn near traumatizing! I was hired as adult rep. Did that for a year and then they decided to go full line and I had to learn ped. Then they decided that wasn’t going to work and they flipped me back to adult. Then they started this mTRx bullshit. And they wonder why the products are declining with all the unnecessary disruption from leadership.