Disappointed in VBU Changes

Think you missed the point. Your VBU exercise is about evolving a new ecosystem. Not about cost cutting. If you have too many bodies in 1 area you have cut. Just like every other BU has done and every other pharma company if you paid attention to the broader announcements. It is all over the news. Biopharma has shed more than 7,000 jobs this year alone. Sorry you are going through it. It sucks. It really does. But it is our new reality in the industry. The quicker people can understand that the quicker they can have a game plan for their future.

Think YOU missed the point. Nobody is surprised of an evolving healthcare landscape and downsizing. Rather it’s HOW leadership deceived the sales force and LIED to our faces. about impact.

So back to the displacement question, were the contract teams and public account manager seemingly not impacted from the recent cuts?
Which role or roles were slashed the most?
The contracts team and public account managers pretty much untouched. Adult IS and some account manager with b.s. accounts fired.

Let’s also not forget the new position Truck created for project diamond. John Perkins deserves part of the blame. This project started Q3/Q4 last year and John did not have the balls to push back on this “Pharma” model that does not apply to vaccines. A lot of good people could have been saved with a simple hiring freeze. Shame on all 3.

and a lot of people would have raised their hands if severance packages were offered to them

1% better! Did you get your free $100 in GSK attire though! Hope everyone burns it. At least we had the amazing memories of the aquarium, Abby Wambach, free candy at Mercedes Benz stadium, sitting with strangers for the awards, and Joaquin yelling for motivation! Memories that will last an eternity! $20 million dollars worth. UNITE!!!!

This is what’s so fucked up about this situation. They moved people from AIR to VBU last March saying they need to expand. Then after the moved the AIR reps they gave the AIR division all the large volume docs and clinics and the Vaccines reps an MTrx list with retired docs, low volume docs, docs that are part of no see clinics. They totally screwed everyone that moved to vaccines. Most people did the right thing and still called on large vol docs even though we didn’t get credit for those scripts. So then at the beginning of the year they decide to go back to our previous Incentive comp system. And people were happy! Now after moving all these reps from stable jobs in Air, they decided to go to ecosystem. Joaquin and Truck kept telling people there would not be a headcount reduction so up until now, managers across the company, including vaccines were hiring people externally to fill positions: So all the opportunities in other divisions were filled before Joaquin and Trucks “no headcount reduction” activity. Thats why people are so pissed! There are people that have been loyal to GSK and would have moved to other open positions within the company. But our great leadership in vaccines didn’t have the foresight to reach out to the other business units to ask them to hold those positions for displaced reps. Truck and Joaquin are so inept that no only did they mislead the sales force but they mislead the rest of the senior leaders in the company.

This is what’s so fucked up about this situation. They moved people from AIR to VBU last March saying they need to expand. Then after the moved the AIR reps they gave the AIR division all the large volume docs and clinics and the Vaccines reps an MTrx list with retired docs, low volume docs, docs that are part of no see clinics. They totally screwed everyone that moved to vaccines. Most people did the right thing and still called on large vol docs even though we didn’t get credit for those scripts. So then at the beginning of the year they decide to go back to our previous Incentive comp system. And people were happy! Now after moving all these reps from stable jobs in Air, they decided to go to ecosystem. Joaquin and Truck kept telling people there would not be a headcount reduction so up until now, managers across the company, including vaccines were hiring people externally to fill positions: So all the opportunities in other divisions were filled before Joaquin and Trucks “no headcount reduction” activity. Thats why people are so pissed! There are people that have been loyal to GSK and would have moved to other open positions within the company. But our great leadership in vaccines didn’t have the foresight to reach out to the other business units to ask them to hold those positions for displaced reps. Truck and Joaquin are so inept that no only did they mislead the sales force but they mislead the rest of the senior leaders in the company.

So it's quite obvious to anyone that Senior Management has absolutely no clue what they are doing with this business unit. The amount of change that this division has undergone over the last few years has been nothing less than ridiculous. Then you cut the budget and reorganize again and you're going to expect positive results from all of this disruption? Nothing about this business unit makes any sense whatsoever. Not that the organization is going to care, but there's going to be a lot of attrition because nobody feels confident in leadership or safe in their position.