Dez handles the apology.

seriously, you were offended? You are not part of the solution. You are part of the problem and you are pathetic person.

Its not necessarily about being offended, its about professionalism and judgement. She lacks both. She is uncouth, stupid, and an organizational embarassment. Some people are bad hires. It happens. Its ok to admit it and clean up the mess.
She should be gone, with no questions asked. A functional, healthy organization wouldn't even think twice. She didn't even apologize professionally. God only knows what value they see in her.

I’m a rep who is also deeply offended by her ridiculous answer and bragging about hiring basically outside the company. Additionally the Hitler reference was insensitive. But, I also understand the purpose of an apology. Apologies are a lost art. If you’re ever lucky enough to receive one, you should accept it with grace.

I was offended by that as well. I have neph experience and a solid CV performance w/ Nov and I didn’t even get a phone screen. I think the underlying theme here is that many of the leaders spout on about culture and change and the power of our people but do not think the cultures objectives apply to them. This company’s most important factor in hiring seems to be “who you know” internally and that’s why our culture is so bad.

I don't think very many people read it properly. It wasn't even a real apology, it was a "the hurt that I may have caused" quasi-apology.
It took a week, which means it was filtered through H.R. and legal. It's more than Dez who is looking after her.
She let her boss handle it, she didn't actually apologize, and she didn't get fired over telling Hitler jokes.
Apologies are a lost art, and that thing that Dez posted on her behalf is proof of that.
I think what is being lost here is what certain people are allowed to get away with if they know the right people and have the right connections.
If you have any respect for this company at all, you cannot continue to employ someone who doesn't know better than that. This is not standard issue bad judgement.

This is 100% true. Our leaders should be held to higher standards or at least a basic level of decency and they are not.

I’m going to call this what it is. I’m a person of color, and Des is protecting her because of that. She should be terminated. If me or any of my colleagues would have said that in the spotlight to boot, we would be fired.

I missed the call altogether and I’m sorry I did. The most insulting thing, is that they’ve posted the Townhall in its edited form. It’s almost like watching a foreign movie with dubbed in voices.

Take a bow Novartis. You’re rewarding a person of color and giving the rest of us a bad name by letting her stay in such a high profile position.

Oh my word, the plot thickens. So Obviously, dozens of novartians cruised SD’s LinkedIn profile to see who she was. She is now systematically friend requesting every single person who did this. It looks like she’s making a retaliation list for the rubberneckers. Crazy

I’m going to call this what it is. I’m a person of color, and Des is protecting her because of that. She should be terminated. If me or any of my colleagues would have said that in the spotlight to boot, we would be fired.

I missed the call altogether and I’m sorry I did. The most insulting thing, is that they’ve posted the Townhall in its edited form. It’s almost like watching a foreign movie with dubbed in voices.

Take a bow Novartis. You’re rewarding a person of color and giving the rest of us a bad name by letting her stay in such a high profile position.

Thank you for your comment and honesty. It’s what many people may be thinking but don’t want to say. Regardless of race, that comment was unacceptable. The fact that she’s being protected is even worse

I’m going to call this what it is. I’m a person of color, and Des is protecting her because of that. She should be terminated. If me or any of my colleagues would have said that in the spotlight to boot, we would be fired.

I missed the call altogether and I’m sorry I did. The most insulting thing, is that they’ve posted the Townhall in its edited form. It’s almost like watching a foreign movie with dubbed in voices.

Take a bow Novartis. You’re rewarding a person of color and giving the rest of us a bad name by letting her stay in such a high profile position.
Stepin fetchit

Oh my word, the plot thickens. So Obviously, dozens of novartians cruised SD’s LinkedIn profile to see who she was. She is now systematically friend requesting every single person who did this. It looks like she’s making a retaliation list for the rubberneckers. Crazy

This the last surprising part of all of this.
She rips an entire division. She brags about hiring from outside the organization and implies that anyone who works at Novartis isn't worthy of promotions. She tells a joke so spectacularly inappropriate, on a national call, her boss has to step up and apologize for her.
Since you're currently sending warning shots on LinkedIn, you're probably on CP as well. On behalf of everyone who doesn't have an internal connection that lets us gets away with that kind of unthinkable incompetence, congratulations.
Hell, why stop now? I can't wait to see what comes next. You're bulletproof, so why not go for broke and see how many f-bombs you can drop next time? Still not as bad as a Hitler joke, but at least its a new wrinkle.

On this day, 5/21, which is the world day of cultural diversity, she should not be sanctioned in any way. Indeed her contributions to moving the dialogue forward in order to foster a climate of inclusion, restoration and acceptance should be lauded.

What exactly did she say??? Nobody knows but everyone is pissed and calling for her resignation??? QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6877677"]Wow.
Did she not apologize on her own because she is suspended?
If not, why?
If words matter, and we all know she pulled the worst verbal miscue imaginable, why is she even still here?
Why does she get a second chance after dropping an unforgiveable Hitler reference?

Why were decent, hard-working reps fired for cause because they followed managerial direction with the free trial offers for Leqvio?
Lots of good, hard-working reps who were only doing exactly what they were directed to do by management?
Why is that Dez?

This seems problematic. This seems like maybe someone is getting a free pass, when people who were guilty of far less got put out on their ass.
What does that say about you and your leadership, Dez?

Hiding behind having the sniffles for a week, then issuing a legal-approved statement on her behalf, is an egregious abdication of responsibility of leadership.
Everyone who watched you endorse the F.T.O. bullshit, and then sit back and watch reps get fired for it, already knew you were an incompetent clown. But this. Letting her off with a warning when she said what she said, in front of the whole company, is a master-class in favoritism and cowardice.[/QUOTE]

Person of color my ass!! Good try though, seems like you wish you were…terminated for what? Nobody on any of the threads have been able to say exactly what she said to even be offended!? So upset with the people of color in leadership at Novartis, looking for ANYTHING to get it back to only white men! That’s what y’all are comfortable with!
I’m going to call this what it is. I’m a person of color, and Des is protecting her because of that. She should be terminated. If me or any of my colleagues would have said that in the spotlight to boot, we would be fired.

I missed the call altogether and I’m sorry I did. The most insulting thing, is that they’ve posted the Townhall in its edited form. It’s almost like watching a foreign movie with dubbed in voices.

Take a bow Novartis. You’re rewarding a person of color and giving the rest of us a bad name by letting her stay in such a high profile position.

Person of color my ass!! Good try though, seems like you wish you were…terminated for what? Nobody on any of the threads have been able to say exactly what she said to even be offended!? So upset with the people of color in leadership at Novartis, looking for ANYTHING to get it back to only white men! That’s what y’all are comfortable with!

Aren't you adorable.
Do you know why you can't pull the direct quote? Novartis H.R. already scrubbed it. Watch the redacted version that Dez posted, you'll see it has the audio integrity of a grade school A.V. project.
Dez saw it. He knows exactly what she said.
Everybody watching heard some of it and knows she told a Hitler joke. Just because nobody transcribed it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Its unprofessional. Its ignorant. Its embarrassing. And its punishable by dismissal.
You go on a nationwide teams call and tell Hitler jokes & let us know how it ends. I bet it isn't with your boss covering your pathetic ass and issuing the apology that you are too stupid to write yourself.
She should be fired. Period. End of it. The only positive is that she will surely fuck up again, as it is obvious she can't help himself. When it does happen, will Dez cut and paste the previous apology or be forced to write a new one?

Oh my word, the plot thickens. So Obviously, dozens of novartians cruised SD’s LinkedIn profile to see who she was. She is now systematically friend requesting every single person who did this. It looks like she’s making a retaliation list for the rubberneckers. Crazy

Take a look Dez. She's obviously learned her lesson.

Gsk tried getting rid of her for years. Yes, she constantly says stupid things and she is extremely shady…an all around shitty person. Her bosses won’t admit that they shit the bed in hiring her.

Keep Novartis hr her for causing hostile work environment. She’s so stupid and arrogant. Be prepared to hear more ridiculous things from her. She is a maniacal moron

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