Dez handles the apology.

Honestly people do misspeak and say dicey things at times. She is a human like all of us. Personally I think the bigger issue that she needs to atone for is why she friended dozens of associates who visited her Linked In profile shortly after the scandal. Did anyone report this to the speak up line? I know several employees she did this too and some of them think they are on some sort of “gotcha” list. As in “you had the nerve to rubberneck my profile in my time of embarrassment so I will hold on to your name to harm you if you attempt to join renal”. This is bad.
You see Hitler as "dicey". A large number of people don't. There are lines you do not cross in a professional environment, and that's one of them.
She should be fired. Full stop. Instead she's in Hawaii on the company dime.
Nobody needs to hear it again, but Novartis is rotting from the top down. In a healthy environment that shit never happens and, if it does, they disappear.
The LinkedIn activity is awful, but if she survives the Hitler reference she's bulletproof. She'll do worse, and when she does, Dez's will fidgit nervously, stare st his shoes, and not do a fucking thing.

You see Hitler as "dicey". A large number of people don't. There are lines you do not cross in a professional environment, and that's one of them.
She should be fired. Full stop. Instead she's in Hawaii on the company dime.
Nobody needs to hear it again, but Novartis is rotting from the top down. In a healthy environment that shit never happens and, if it does, they disappear.
The LinkedIn activity is awful, but if she survives the Hitler reference she's bulletproof. She'll do worse, and when she does, Dez's will fidgit nervously, stare st his shoes, and not do a fucking thing.
She’s obviously a very sketchy lady and another lousy leader at Novartis surprise surprise. But honestly, you sound like one of those woke cancel culture idiots so your compass is way off. I’ve heard plenty of employees make Nazi references over the years. It’s just they’re not at her pedestal level so people didn’t care and we were not in the current Biden cancel Karen era.

She’s obviously a very sketchy lady and another lousy leader at Novartis surprise surprise. But honestly, you sound like one of those woke cancel culture idiots so your compass is way off. I’ve heard plenty of employees make Nazi references over the years. It’s just they’re not at her pedestal level so people didn’t care and we were not in the current Biden cancel Karen era.
I can almost smell your ignorance through the screen. "Woke". "Cancel culture". "Karen". Nothing like completely showing your ass.

I can almost smell your ignorance through the screen. "Woke". "Cancel culture". "Karen". Nothing like completely showing your ass.
Ignorance? Are you serious? People are tired of all this cancel culture nonsense. When you stifle communication it breeds contempt. I had to remove my daughter from her local lacrosse team because a disturbing number of the kids have changed their pronouns. There’s even a biological boy on the team and despite widespread outrage by parents, we are threatened and labeled as bigots when we simply relate common sense biology. Also, since you attempted to make it personal, I can “smell” the fact that you’re an insecure uptight, woke liberal female just from the way you write. It’s amazing how corporate affirmative action has created a whole demographic of entitled privileged and very often unqualified female employees. You want the lofty job title and the big paycheck, but then you also want us to hold the door for you when you get out of the car and pick up the dinner tab. Sickening.

Ignorance? Are you serious? People are tired of all this cancel culture nonsense. When you stifle communication it breeds contempt. I had to remove my daughter from her local lacrosse team because a disturbing number of the kids have changed their pronouns. There’s even a biological boy on the team and despite widespread outrage by parents, we are threatened and labeled as bigots when we simply relate common sense biology. Also, since you attempted to make it personal, I can “smell” the fact that you’re an insecure uptight, woke liberal female just from the way you write. It’s amazing how corporate affirmative action has created a whole demographic of entitled privileged and very often unqualified female employees. You want the lofty job title and the big paycheck, but then you also want us to hold the door for you when you get out of the car and pick up the dinner tab. Sickening.
What is your point, pussy? Crying on the internet will not change a thing.

Ignorance? Are you serious? People are tired of all this cancel culture nonsense. When you stifle communication it breeds contempt. I had to remove my daughter from her local lacrosse team because a disturbing number of the kids have changed their pronouns. There’s even a biological boy on the team and despite widespread outrage by parents, we are threatened and labeled as bigots when we simply relate common sense biology. Also, since you attempted to make it personal, I can “smell” the fact that you’re an insecure uptight, woke liberal female just from the way you write. It’s amazing how corporate affirmative action has created a whole demographic of entitled privileged and very often unqualified female employees. You want the lofty job title and the big paycheck, but then you also want us to hold the door for you when you get out of the car and pick up the dinner tab. Sickening.
On a thread about a senior executive referring to her subordinate as "Hitler" on a national call, you told us about your daughters lacrosse team.
I think we're done here.

On a thread about a senior executive referring to her subordinate as "Hitler" on a national call, you told us about your daughters lacrosse team.
I think we're done here.
Absolutely not. Someone in a previous post brought up cancel culture because that is what this is about. What you can’t say the word Hitler? Says who? Is it the same as saying the N-word? And who is the arbiter of that? Is it like saying bomb on an airplane or something? Overall, this is not a big deal and it’s liberal woke idiots who are stirring the hornets nest on this. The lady apologized now move on to your next “pride” rally and don’t forget your Covid booster.

She actually did not apologize. Dez did it for her although I agree with your overall point. It’s getting a little overblown. Reason it’s overblown is due to Novartis screwing up the response in typical Novartis fashion. Prob would have best if she apologized and did not go parade around Pres Club trip.

She actually did not apologize. Dez did it for her although I agree with your overall point. It’s getting a little overblown. Reason it’s overblown is due to Novartis screwing up the response in typical Novartis fashion. Prob would have best if she apologized and did not go parade around Pres Club trip.
Finally a voice of reason.