Demotivating Managers

Yeah, I completely agree with the above post. These managers are completely WORTHLESS. The majority of them are all negative and on a power trip. They tell you what you do bad, and not what you do good. I am sure that in mid-Sept, they are going to be squirming during their brutal panel interviews. And it will NOT be easy. I hope that the right ones get chosen, and the cocky SOBs are GONE.

Yeah, I completely agree with the above post. These managers are completely WORTHLESS. The majority of them are all negative and on a power trip. They tell you what you do bad, and not what you do good. I am sure that in mid-Sept, they are going to be squirming during their brutal panel interviews. And it will NOT be easy. I hope that the right ones get chosen, and the cocky SOBs are GONE.

wah wah wah wah i didnt get chosen for mdp wah wah wah now i hate managers. wah

To the last douche bag reply. You are the quintessential jnj manager..probably from ees. laziest most useless pieces of garbage who do absolutely NOTHING except leech off of the company and people around them like disgusting parasites.

It will be interesting to see if any of these losers get a DM job in just a few more weeks. I highly doubt it. Then, we can put this thread to rest for good.

High hopes for ending this thread my friend. There are always good managers and bad managers. This is an opportunity for new demotivating managers to appear.

You went clear back to a March 5th thread to quote?

It amazes me you are still holding on to this company, all of the people you have sucked up too are no longer here. BR, Adrian, C4, and now GP. Your security blanket is getting a ton of moth holes in it. YAHHHHHHHH BOYZZZZZZZ!! 2 more weeks!

I'm currently LMAO because a friend recommended a book on Narcissist. I swear to God, it is a biography of my manager. He totally nails 10 out of 11 of the character traits of a classic narissist. My favorite line in the book so far... no matter what you do, you lose.

You went clear back to a March 5th thread to quote?

It amazes me you are still holding on to this company, all of the people you have sucked up too are no longer here. BR, Adrian, C4, and now GP. Your security blanket is getting a ton of moth holes in it. YAHHHHHHHH BOYZZZZZZZ!! 2 more weeks!

This post is hilarious. A total classic. I love it.

They already know which managers they want. They just have to go through this "process" to make everything seem fair. Don't be fooled. Look at the SDs that were chosen....the majority of them our Kip's boys. It's all politics. If you are not in the club, forget it. Find another job now. Or better yet, don't even interview and waste your time.

So if I understand correctly - the managers who got us into this mess are the same folks who have the most say on where we are placed? What if there is a major disagreement between compentencies? My manager says I'm an idiot but I'm only one on team at forecast. So how will I be placed?

So if I understand correctly - the managers who got us into this mess are the same folks who have the most say on where we are placed? What if there is a major disagreement between compentencies? My manager says I'm an idiot but I'm only one on team at forecast. So how will I be placed?

so unless you are part of gynecare, what "mess" are you referring to?

Things are bad in my area - we continue to lose market share, the whole team is demotivated and at each other's throats constantly and our manager spends his day filling out excel spreadsheets and calling constantly to ask what we are doing.

I'm happy for those who are having a different experience. I wish I was one of them.