COVID Vaccine Mandate

Serious question: Is this a policy that has been added to the employee handbook? Is it a condition of new employment? And must current employees maintain full vaccination status going forward (whatever that will look like)? Or is this a one-time mandate not really about safety but about achieving some sort of value-signaling "compliance quota" and low effort/expense headcount reduction.

Some in HR are letting it be known to to the right people they are close with, that boosters, once approved and green lighted for all, will be mandated. They’re warning some to look for other jobs if they don’t feel comfortable taking a 3rd jab.

Everyone at Lilly should be very concerned. Look at who is being vocal against the mandate. It is the people on the manufacturing side. Go ahead and sell the shit out of our products. If there is no one to make them. Just sayin'

Some in HR are letting it be known to to the right people they are close with, that boosters, once approved and green lighted for all, will be mandated. They’re warning some to look for other jobs if they don’t feel comfortable taking a 3rd jab.
People are already going rogue and finding ways to get the 3rd jab, to protect themselves from the unvaxed. It’s pretty easy. This will not be the great wake up call the holdouts are hoping for.

"Going rouge" is refusing the merry-go-round of jabs They WANT to give you as many jabs as possible. Not the badge of honor the sheep think.
If lashing out and calling people names makes you feel better, we're here for you. But you are still stuck. Just wait until full FDA approval comes and vaccinations become a requirement for domestic air travel, just in time for Thanksgiving. It's coming. Biden needs something to distract from his debacle overseas, and this is a winning issue.

Regardless of the external politics and eating at restaurants, to continue working at Lilly and to remain “VACCINATED”, you ALL will need to take the next booster, and the next and the next.

So if you had a rough time or had some significant complications with the second shot and worried the 3rd or 4th could be worse for your heart or body, Lilly does not care. Lilly is going to make you take it to stay employed. You will need to take a 4th booster again at 8 months or that will shorten down to 6 months.

No matter how bad your body starts to react to additional mRNA vaccines in short periods of time, you cannot escape it if you want to stay employed. Your heart, liver and arteries will not care if you support Biden or watch CNN or listen to NPR, your body can only take so much and we have zero idea what the long term issues will be. You’re not popping cough drops or Advil here.

Get the shot or leave. No one cares about your beliefs and politics. Either you're here to work and make money, and certain requirements, like any job, you need to meet for employment. You don't like it. There's plenty of opportunity in the work force, instead of throwing a tantrum be an adult and go get that other job. Save us all your Qanon BS being ranted once again on here, and lillynow.

Get the shot or leave. No one cares about your beliefs and politics. Either you're here to work and make money, and certain requirements, like any job, you need to meet for employment. You don't like it. There's plenty of opportunity in the work force, instead of throwing a tantrum be an adult and go get that other job. Save us all your Qanon BS being ranted once again on here, and lillynow.

Thank you for being my moral conscience. I hope you remember to get on your pedestal when you are falsifying your sales calls.

Is HR reaching out to those who are on LillyNow complaining? Managers? I just don’t understand the purpose of posting videos and rants on the company intranet. Call HR, call your manager.

Everyone at Lilly should be very concerned. Look at who is being vocal against the mandate. It is the people on the manufacturing side. Go ahead and sell the shit out of our products. If there is no one to make them. Just sayin'

I wondered if that is where the biggest pushback was from. I think they will find other manufacturers will be likely start requiring it too, especially after FDA approval.

I wondered if that is where the biggest pushback was from. I think they will find other manufacturers will be likely start requiring it too, especially after FDA approval.
If the pushback is coming from manufacturing, pharma companies won't be too concerned about attrition. Unless you are willing to move your family, you're likely wearing golden handcuffs. Manufacturing jobs can't be done remotely. And Lilly is not unionized. It may not feel like it, but I suspect they have gamed this whole thing out.

Get the shot or leave. No one cares about your beliefs and politics. Either you're here to work and make money, and certain requirements, like any job, you need to meet for employment. You don't like it. There's plenty of opportunity in the work force, instead of throwing a tantrum be an adult and go get that other job. Save us all your Qanon BS being ranted once again on here, and lillynow.

Man, what arrogance. Just because you didn’t have issues with the 2nd shot or ignored issues doesn’t mean it won’t show up on the 3rd, 4th , 5th. How do people who do this for a living not understand the significance this was only tested in trials for about 5 months with a poor clinical trial design and no in-human clinical trials on boosters? 5 months is a drop in the bucket. Fauci doesn’t care if you drop dead, you’re just a statistical aberration if that happens. You don’t realize you’re dealing with an 80-year who is very desensitized to bad decisions.

Take your health and future seriously. Being a cheerleader to a risky vaccine that doesn’t last or work well, isn’t “doing your part” or making you part of some greater calling to prop up Biden and hurt your political opponents. That’s all this is for people like you, just a childish game. Don’t blame the food companies when your heart starts to give out within 3 years

Man, what arrogance. Just because you didn’t have issues with the 2nd shot or ignored issues doesn’t mean it won’t show up on the 3rd, 4th , 5th. How do people who do this for a living not understand the significance this was only tested in trials for about 5 months with a poor clinical trial design and no in-human clinical trials on boosters? 5 months is a drop in the bucket. Fauci doesn’t care if you drop dead, you’re just a statistical aberration if that happens. You don’t realize you’re dealing with an 80-year who is very desensitized to bad decisions.

Take your health and future seriously. Being a cheerleader to a risky vaccine that doesn’t last or work well, isn’t “doing your part” or making you part of some greater calling to prop up Biden and hurt your political opponents. That’s all this is for people like you, just a childish game. Don’t blame the food companies when your heart starts to give out within 3 years

You are literally making this political and using OAN talking points. Go bitch on LillyNow. You are in the MINORITY.

Man, what arrogance. Just because you didn’t have issues with the 2nd shot or ignored issues doesn’t mean it won’t show up on the 3rd, 4th , 5th. How do people who do this for a living not understand the significance this was only tested in trials for about 5 months with a poor clinical trial design and no in-human clinical trials on boosters? 5 months is a drop in the bucket. Fauci doesn’t care if you drop dead, you’re just a statistical aberration if that happens. You don’t realize you’re dealing with an 80-year who is very desensitized to bad decisions.

Take your health and future seriously. Being a cheerleader to a risky vaccine that doesn’t last or work well, isn’t “doing your part” or making you part of some greater calling to prop up Biden and hurt your political opponents. That’s all this is for people like you, just a childish game. Don’t blame the food companies when your heart starts to give out within 3 years
Only took 5 screens for the ageism to emerge.