Man, what arrogance. Just because you didn’t have issues with the 2nd shot or ignored issues doesn’t mean it won’t show up on the 3rd, 4th , 5th. How do people who do this for a living not understand the significance this was only tested in trials for about 5 months with a poor clinical trial design and no in-human clinical trials on boosters? 5 months is a drop in the bucket. Fauci doesn’t care if you drop dead, you’re just a statistical aberration if that happens. You don’t realize you’re dealing with an 80-year who is very desensitized to bad decisions.
Take your health and future seriously. Being a cheerleader to a risky vaccine that doesn’t last or work well, isn’t “doing your part” or making you part of some greater calling to prop up Biden and hurt your political opponents. That’s all this is for people like you, just a childish game. Don’t blame the food companies when your heart starts to give out within 3 years