COVID Vaccine Mandate

This is a world class game of chicken and management is betting on employees blinking first. Behind closed doors they are scared shitless.

Imagine a company losing 20% of its workforce suddenly and in random locations and roles. We’re talking utter chaos.

But they believe they can bend you over by threatening your livelihood. Sadly many will fold and the company will probably win.
I'll bet my salary that none of you shit talking losers leave the company.

I'll bet my salary that none of you shit talking losers leave the company.
I'll bet my 401k, especially against the folks at the home office in Indy, who are spoiled by the low cost of living and don't want to move their families. Lilly is the best job most will have unless they move to one of the coasts and pay 4X for half the house. They ARE over a barrel. And if they find some unicorn pharma employer who doesn't also require the vax, they will be living in a blue state where you are denied entry to restaurants/bars and sports stadiums without it. Best of luck to them.

You all realize continual 6 month boosters are coming this Fall\early winter, right?

When that happens, your status as “vaccinated” will be dependent on receiving the booster shot about every 6 months. If you don’t or start to have problems or reactions to the vaccine like many did with second shot, you will not be able to say “no” and still keep your job...

None of you vaccinated are even thinking about that... you’re not done yet, in fact, you never will be. You’ll have to keep taking it until your heart gives out.

This post gets it. Already vaccinated? You’ll be soon told you need to take another or lose your job. Then again next spring or summer 2022. 4 shots in a year or so. No one understands this is the next shoe to drop. I’ve already talked to 3 people who are vaccinated who said they will leave if boosters become part of the mandate.

I'll bet my 401k, especially against the folks at the home office in Indy, who are spoiled by the low cost of living and don't want to move their families. Lilly is the best job most will have unless they move to one of the coasts and pay 4X for half the house. They ARE over a barrel. And if they find some unicorn pharma employer who doesn't also require the vax, they will be living in a blue state where you are denied entry to restaurants/bars and sports stadiums without it. Best of luck to them.

Not an anti vaxer, but will Lilly take responsibility for employees who have an adverse reaction to the vax?
This is a sincere question. If an employee becomes sick, disabled or dies will they compensate the employee's family?
If you become sick the company provides health insurance and paid time off.
If you become disabled, there is paid time off until you exhaust your eligibility and then disability retirement (after 5 yrs employment).
If you die, the company benefits include life insurance. When you pick benefits, pay for a big payout.
Only a small percentage of people have an adverse reaction to the vaccine that requires anything more than laying on the couch for a few days. Yes, males under 25 seem to have a potential risk for myocarditis after the 2nd RNA shot. If this is you, have your doctor write a letter supporting only a single dose, which is pretty good protection.

I'll bet my 401k, especially against the folks at the home office in Indy, who are spoiled by the low cost of living and don't want to move their families. Lilly is the best job most will have unless they move to one of the coasts and pay 4X for half the house. They ARE over a barrel. And if they find some unicorn pharma employer who doesn't also require the vax, they will be living in a blue state where you are denied entry to restaurants/bars and sports stadiums without it. Best of luck to them.

This post is getting to the heart of the matter. Most people, not just Indy residents, are attached to their lifestyle which is supported by their income. Telling Lilly good-bye will be difficult for most employees unless they have a strong professional network, unique skills/relationships and have strong interviewing skills. When was the last time you had to summarize your career in STAR format? It’s not pleasant. I wouldn’t want to be unemployed during the next wave of Covid (Delta). Actually, with the way this industry is evolving, just having a 6 figure income and staying employed is a blessing. I’m actually vaccinated and live in Indy but I don’t agree with the mandate due to the vaccine’s diminishing efficacy and the potential I could still be an asymptomatic carrier.

This post is getting to the heart of the matter. Most people, not just Indy residents, are attached to their lifestyle which is supported by their income. Telling Lilly good-bye will be difficult for most employees unless they have a strong professional network, unique skills/relationships and have strong interviewing skills. When was the last time you had to summarize your career in STAR format? It’s not pleasant. I wouldn’t want to be unemployed during the next wave of Covid (Delta). Actually, with the way this industry is evolving, just having a 6 figure income and staying employed is a blessing. I’m actually vaccinated and live in Indy but I don’t agree with the mandate due to the vaccine’s diminishing efficacy and the potential I could still be an asymptomatic carrier.

Agreed, lifestyle and comfort has made people complacent and soft, willing to submit to any authority to maintain a style of living. If that is you, then you are in fact enslaved to your lifestyle and your possessions.

Freedom often requires real sacrifice. Too many people in this country have forgotten that fact.

Agreed, lifestyle and comfort has made people complacent and soft, willing to submit to any authority to maintain a style of living. If that is you, then you are in fact enslaved to your lifestyle and your possessions.

Freedom often requires real sacrifice. Too many people in this country have forgotten that fact.
You don’t own your stuff, your stuff owns you.

You're not wrong. But go out and look at other companies in CafePharma and you will find the same thing said about their leadership. If you want to work in this industry you will probably need to be vaxed anywhere you go. So, roll up your sleeve and get it over with, this is not a hill worth dying on. Lilly got it right on this one.

Guess who's not requiring it? Pfizer, Moderna and J&J.

I’m curious why folks in the field are in an uproar? In order to step foot into many clinics and facilities we have to get flu shots every year, TB tests and other vaccines. Covid is being added to their protocol. How can you do your job without it?

Serious question: Is this a policy that has been added to the employee handbook? Is it a condition of new employment? And must current employees maintain full vaccination status going forward (whatever that will look like)? Or is this a one-time mandate not really about safety but about achieving some sort of value-signaling "compliance quota" and low effort/expense headcount reduction.

You're not wrong. But go out and look at other companies in CafePharma and you will find the same thing said about their leadership. If you want to work in this industry you will probably need to be vaxed anywhere you go. So, roll up your sleeve and get it over with, this is not a hill worth dying on. Lilly got it right on this one.

For the record, I am vaccinated. Have been since early on because of high risk status. But I don't agree with the mandate. There are too many unknowns that each person should be able to navigate for themselves and their family.

We only returned to the office for economic reasons. Look at the press conference Dave had with the Indianapolis mayor am hour after they told us we were going back. He cited Harvard studies that were published in a pre COVID world. Now Harvard has published studies about how to navigate hybrid work. Where is the reference to that?

There was nothing brave or altruistic about this mandate. Dave is calculated. This was all about money.

Guess who's not requiring it? Pfizer, Moderna and J&J.
Not yet, but they will. Pfizer and Moderna have inside information on when full FDA approval will come, so they're in a better position to time it. And Moderna probably doesn't need to anyway because they are still a relatively small company based mostly in Massachusetts, where the vax rate is already so high. JNJ is a different story, but they will cave eventually too. OF COURSE you will mandate the vax for your own employees when it's in your best economic interest for as many employers as possible to do so.

I'll bet my salary that none of you shit talking losers leave the company.

The company is already in a world of hurt with the rate of attrition. The market is hot, people can make significantly more and be remote. They were already discussing how to address the wage issue with so many companies stealing our talent with the promise of remote work.

Serious question: Is this a policy that has been added to the employee handbook? Is it a condition of new employment? And must current employees maintain full vaccination status going forward (whatever that will look like)? Or is this a one-time mandate not really about safety but about achieving some sort of value-signaling "compliance quota" and low effort/expense headcount reduction.

No one knows the answer to that

For the record, I am vaccinated. Have been since early on because of high risk status. But I don't agree with the mandate. There are too many unknowns that each person should be able to navigate for themselves and their family.

We only returned to the office for economic reasons. Look at the press conference Dave had with the Indianapolis mayor am hour after they told us we were going back. He cited Harvard studies that were published in a pre COVID world. Now Harvard has published studies about how to navigate hybrid work. Where is the reference to that?

There was nothing brave or altruistic about this mandate. Dave is calculated. This was all about money.

Correct. Indianapolis downtown was becoming such a crap hole that apparently Dave was given additional tax breaks to announce he was bringing office workers back. Hence the sudden announcement. It’s also likely the local government is leaning on major employers, like Lilly, to announce mandates as a way to try and convince other employers to do it. Maybe more money involved. Dave’s commit to hiring black people into family sustaining wage jobs might take a hit though given the low jab numbers in blacks in Marion County.

The company is already in a world of hurt with the rate of attrition. The market is hot, people can make significantly more and be remote. They were already discussing how to address the wage issue with so many companies stealing our talent with the promise of remote work.
You may be right, but every company still has lines it will not cross. For example, a negative drug test is a precondition of employment at many companies, even if you live in a state where weed is legal. Others require you to sign draconian non-compete clauses (one good thing about Lilly is that they do not). Companies lose people all the time over stuff like this. So my guess is that this was all part of the calculation, and they expect some attrition. Maybe they should care, maybe they shouldn't, but they won't budge on the vax requirement.

It’s funny all these people complaining about getting a vaccine . These are the same people that are out all weekend in packed places not wearing masks. Then they feel a little sick and call out because they think they were exposed to COVID. Another excuse to not work. For field reps, you’re going into office and hospitals exposed to sick patients. Stop complaining. Office should be mandating it as well and if you don’t like it then go work for someone else.

What you just described is a rep. Like to have fun and live on the edge. How long are you going to be a Sheep and put your life on hold fir another 15 days....or 15 years. If they wear a mask in the office doesn’t that prevent COVID from being spread.

If you become sick the company provides health insurance and paid time off.
If you become disabled, there is paid time off until you exhaust your eligibility and then disability retirement (after 5 yrs employment).
If you die, the company benefits include life insurance. When you pick benefits, pay for a big payout.
Only a small percentage of people have an adverse reaction to the vaccine that requires anything more than laying on the couch for a few days. Yes, males under 25 seem to have a potential risk for myocarditis after the 2nd RNA shot. If this is you, have your doctor write a letter supporting only a single dose, which is pretty good protection.
Check fine print on life insurance- non-FDA approved therapy. Hmmm, Loophole