What they are doing is unconscionable. When the vaccine is being mandated without clinical trials even being competed and without FDA approval, for ALL employees including those who work remotely and are therefore a ZERO threat to anyone, as well as those who have long lasting and natural immunity from having had Covid, it is NOT about workplace “safety.” This is about advancing an agenda to increase the number of shots in arms, period. Whether Lilly is being paid or pressured by our current administration or someone else, the employees are the sacrificial lambs.
If it were really safe for ALL, why would so many people, including healthcare workers and pharma employees alike, be refusing it? If it were really safe and no one was suffering SAEs, people would be lined up for miles to receive it! That they are not doing so is the elephant in the room that no one wants to address. My family is pro-science and pro-vax but I have family members who experienced serious life-changing SAEs from the vaccine (both the mRNA and the chimp adenovirus) including hospitalization, and thousands of other people have, too. You don’t hear a lot it in the MSM because their stories are being censored. Like it or not, those are the facts. If the company goes through with this, and employees suffer AEs or die afterward, I hope they are prepared for the lawsuits to come. They are opening themselves up to significant legal risk and it is totally unnecessary.