COVID Vaccine Mandate

Who said I’d leave before I got another job?
And the pharma job market has been red hot all spring and summer. Lots of companies are hiring and definitely paying more than Lilly. Hence the enormous amount of turn over at Lilly. People are going through training, getting a year of experience & then other companies come swoop Lilly employees up for more pay and it’s not just a little more pay either.
YOU may not be saying that... sounds like you have a plan you're already working on, which is good. But I suspect there are many others out there who either have no exit plan, or are just getting started on one, and thinking they can just die on Mount Vax and figure out the rest as they go. Not much time left for them to be in a new job before they are dismissed for insubordination. Steve Fry was pretty clear in the Town Hall... this is how the company sees it.

This is completely false. Lilly offers one of the lowest annual target commission structures.
Lilly is actually discussing changing their pay grade because they are being raided by other companies that offer higher base & higher annual target bonus.
Our medical benefits are ok and definitely not the greatest.
And the pension plan helps but if you are under the newer pension plan then you need to look in to how little it will help you.

Lilly has been hiring young people with no experience so they can pay them bottom dollar and thought they’d keep them, but so many have left and are looking to leave because other companies pay much much better. So Lilly loses all that money constantly training turn over positions. Abs milky is so big on customer continuity & won’t promote people unless they’ve been in their position for 2 years but because of their low ball pay they can’t keep customer continuity because of the turn over
Nope. But thanks for sharing your opinion.

Nope. But thanks for sharing your opinion.

You can say it’s not true all you want but Lilly’s annual target bonus IS very low. Lilly has some of the lowest in the industry.
It’s also very unattractive to sales people who’s commission pay out is based off how the district or nation performs and not their own individual performance.
Lilly’s base pay is also below average.
Lilly is losing too many reps to other companies because of pay. It is 100% being discussed in home office. Will they make pay adjustments? No one knows that yet.
But with more pharma job openings in the industry than we have had in a long time, it has become a real problem for Lilly losing reps to other companies.

You can say it’s not true all you want but Lilly’s annual target bonus IS very low. Lilly has some of the lowest in the industry.
It’s also very unattractive to sales people who’s commission pay out is based off how the district or nation performs and not their own individual performance.
Lilly’s base pay is also below average.
Lilly is losing too many reps to other companies because of pay. It is 100% being discussed in home office. Will they make pay adjustments? No one knows that yet.
But with more pharma job openings in the industry than we have had in a long time, it has become a real problem for Lilly losing reps to other companies.
So have we all lost interest in the vaccine mandate then?

So have we all lost interest in the vaccine mandate then?

Looks like it. The mandate is BS. The vaccine has proven ineffective in highly vaccinated countries like Israel and Iceland. Get ready for your quarterly booster shots. Didn’t get it? You’re fired.

You can support the vaccine and not demand other people be forced to take it. Masks should be enough if you are unvaccinated.

Mandates are not about health and safety, they’re about control. If it was about health and safety, people would be told to exercise, eat better, and get more sunlight. Also, insulin would be free.

I’m already interviewing and will leave well before November. After 5 years here, I was ready for a change and this mandate made the decision easier than ever.

Looks like it. The mandate is BS. The vaccine has proven ineffective in highly vaccinated countries like Israel and Iceland. Get ready for your quarterly booster shots. Didn’t get it? You’re fired.

You can support the vaccine and not demand other people be forced to take it. Masks should be enough if you are unvaccinated.

Mandates are not about health and safety, they’re about control. If it was about health and safety, people would be told to exercise, eat better, and get more sunlight. Also, insulin would be free.

I’m already interviewing and will leave well before November. After 5 years here, I was ready for a change and this mandate made the decision easier than ever.
Ah, so the truth comes out. For those of you who are seriously thinking about refusing the jab, remember... the people who are cheering for you to go down with the plane are probably already strapped into their parachutes.

Looks like it. The mandate is BS. The vaccine has proven ineffective in highly vaccinated countries like Israel and Iceland. Get ready for your quarterly booster shots. Didn’t get it? You’re fired.

You can support the vaccine and not demand other people be forced to take it. Masks should be enough if you are unvaccinated.

Mandates are not about health and safety, they’re about control. If it was about health and safety, people would be told to exercise, eat better, and get more sunlight. Also, insulin would be free.

I’m already interviewing and will leave well before November. After 5 years here, I was ready for a change and this mandate made the decision easier than ever.

good luck! Lots of other companies and businesses will soon follow suit. Run run run. You should be somewhere else then!

good luck! Lots of other companies and businesses will soon follow suit. Run run run. You should be somewhere else then!
Yup. Flood gates were opened today. Just wait until Biden makes it a requirement for domestic air travel, to deflect attention from Afghanistan. It's a winning issue, 70% of Americans support it.

For internal roles, Lilly is woefully under the national average. They have always used cost of living in Indiana as a crutch. People are leaving internal roles left and right

No way this happens unless you brag about it and someone reports it to the Compliance Hotline. And when have you ever known an anti-vaxer to pass up a chance to own the libs? They can't help themselves. It's actually pretty easy to verify in Indiana, and I suspect many other states. All you have to do is tell an employee you're doing a random "audit", and ask them to download a screen shot of the digital certificate they got from the state in addition to the paper card.

I didn’t get a digital certificate from the state…lol!! Is that something I should’ve received? I got mine at CVS so who the hell knows

I didn’t get a digital certificate from the state…lol!! Is that something I should’ve received? I got mine at CVS so who the hell knows
Beyond the card digital exists even if it’s not very visible. My husband had to provide his proof as digital recently. Cards weren’t enough proof.
CVS entered vaccines into an electronic tracking system. They ask for name, insurance, etc prior to being vaccinated — that was entered into the state (?) health system. Digital proof exists. Cards are being faked all over the place. I doubt they’ll be enough proof anywhere soon.

I didn’t get a digital certificate from the state…lol!! Is that something I should’ve received? I got mine at CVS so who the hell knows
CVS should have it electronically. I downloaded the Clear app and was able to connect it to CVS once i created a CVS account, a true vaccine passport with a secure QR code. It was pretty easy for me. You may need it, maybe not for Lilly, but somewhere in the future. Glad you’re vaxed!

With the FDA approved version of the Pfizer vaccine (Comirnaty) not available before November 15 is Lilly mandating employees take the EUA version? The Nov date was chosen because in Dave's words full approval was "imminent" by then.

For internal roles, Lilly is woefully under the national average. They have always used cost of living in Indiana as a crutch. People are leaving internal roles left and right
Not true. Lilly compensation is based on national data, without regard to location.

Not true. Lilly compensation is based on national data, without regard to location.

Lilly salaries are low relative to other companies especially for P3-P5 roles. The cost of living in Indiana makes it possible and justified to earn a lower salary. I suspect the low internal salaries are why many of the newer associates are less tenured (2-5yrs experience). They can “afford” to come inside, while more tenured professionals can’t afford to make the transition.

With the FDA approved version of the Pfizer vaccine (Comirnaty) not available before November 15 is Lilly mandating employees take the EUA version? The Nov date was chosen because in Dave's words full approval was "imminent" by then.
They’re the exact same thing. Only difference is the design on the label and the package insert. But the formulation and dose are the same. Nice try.

Bonus much higher at Roche Diagnostics, pay about the same, retirement benefits much better at Lilly. But retirement benefits are moot when practice is to force people out early involuntarily.

How can someone working in a pharmaceutical company not know this?

Just because the formulation is the same doesn't make the products the equivalent legally. If you don't understand the differences between a product issued under an EUA vs. a BLA you shouldn't be weighing in on the conversation OR working in Pharma.