COVID Vaccine Mandate

Why isn't anyone demanding for Dave to disclose the conversations he has with the federal officials to put this mandate in place? What were the incentives? Why is a generally conservative company that never leads being so aggressive? We all know he was in kahoots with the mayor of Indy for the return to work. Why should a public company not have to disclose the behind closed doors discussions with politicians?

Why isn't anyone demanding for Dave to disclose the conversations he has with the federal officials to put this mandate in place? What were the incentives? Why is a generally conservative company that never leads being so aggressive? We all know he was in kahoots with the mayor of Indy for the return to work. Why should a public company not have to disclose the behind closed doors discussions with politicians?
LOL! paranoid much?

You are incorrect. Why are equivalent people roles at other companies paying $25-50k more? Lilly has always benchmarked to Roche Diagnostics in Indianapolis.
Not true. Lilly pay is aligned and competitive with national pay data of our peers. And there is no benchmarking to a specific company - that is against the law.

The vaccines are not effective at preventing the transmission of the virus.

They are more like prophylactic treatment in case you get Covid.

Perhaps we should mandate the vaccine for HPV too. Yeah let’s do that 2 - 82 years old, no exemptions. It would eliminate cervical cancer completely- the greater good right.

For those that are complaining about the mandate, just leave already! It’s not going to change. No one on Cafe Pharma can change the mandate, and no one on here cares about your reasons for standing up to the man. If it’s against what you believe in then best of luck to you in your new career because it won’t be in pharma.
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For those that are complaining about the mandate, just leave already! It’s not going to change. No one on Cafe Pharma can change the mandate, and no one on here cares about your reasons for standing up to the man. If it’s against what you believe in then best of luck to you in your new career because it won’t be in pharma.

maybe next time mandates will be about something that impacts you sheep more personally. China mandates family size in some cases. Maybe US admin mandates the percentage of your earnings you get to keep after you’ve already paid income taxes or how big your house be or maybe who is allowed to own a house or a car.

So foolish to surrender a basic right in the face of manipulation and fear mongering.

maybe next time mandates will be about something that impacts you sheep more personally. China mandates family size in some cases. Maybe US admin mandates the percentage of your earnings you get to keep after you’ve already paid income taxes or how big your house be or maybe who is allowed to own a house or a car.

So foolish to surrender a basic right in the face of manipulation and fear mongering.

I find it funny that the people that are calling us the sheep are the ones that are taking a livestock medication.

Not true. Lilly pay is aligned and competitive with national pay data of our peers. And there is no benchmarking to a specific company - that is against the law.

Please tell me then why people are leaving in droves for significantly higher pay at pretty much every company in the industry? When the equivalent of a p3 is making $130k without blinking with only a few years experience at other companies, there is an issue.

I hope people leave over this. I hope Dave and the Exec Committee are held accountable for this and all their other terrible decisions.

Actually, older people are not dying this time around. Please get your facts straight. It’s a younger population in the hospitals now. Pediatric patients making up a large amount as well. They may not be dying but they are sick and many will have many symptoms that will last for a while.

Pediatric not true at all. Johns Hopkins study just showed only 1 health child died from Covid. Yes 1. Those with comorbid 112.

For those that are complaining about the mandate, just leave already! It’s not going to change. No one on Cafe Pharma can change the mandate, and no one on here cares about your reasons for standing up to the man. If it’s against what you believe in then best of luck to you in your new career because it won’t be in pharma.

Amen to that! It’s not like we aren’t replaceable, especially in the minds of senior leadership. 70% of adults in the US have had at least one dose, and it’s likely much higher in our industry. There aren’t enough of you who won’t get vaccinated for anyone to have an impact,

We have reached herd immunity. I’m vaccinated, but, this makes me uncomfortable forcing people and it doesn’t align with our republic’s US Constitution.

Bottom line is this feels like the 1930’s Germany… blaming, dividing, dehumanizing, canceling people.

It is an extension of the overall ignorance from the delusional Marxist movement underway in the world.
Yay, another dumb ass Nazi reference!

Do you know what I got from my kids school yesterday? A notice that my child needs the meningitis vaccine for next school year. So, yes, vaccine mandates are NOT NEW!
This site is anonymous, stupid. How would anyone on here know that you have a kid, let alone what that kid’s school gave to you about a vaccine requirement? STFU.

This site is anonymous, stupid. How would anyone on here know that you have a kid, let alone what that kid’s school gave to you about a vaccine requirement? STFU.

you clearly don’t have school aged children. Oh and you’re an idiot. I’ll spell it out to you - It’s mandatory to vaccinate your children for school. Mandates aren’t new.