COVID Vaccine Mandate

I think the clever response is indicative that some of these poor souls are gone.

It is so sad because some of these people who could complete the mandate had legit things, like myocarditis after first vaccine.

They had to make a choice of second vaccine and possible death or doing an exemption.

I hate it for these people. It seems not fair that they put forth the effort to vaccinate and now they are stuck with an illness and possible job loss.

As the “vacate” date approaches, anyone planning on getting the vaccine at the last minute?

Many in the company believe the remaining 5% of unvaccinated employees will ultimately decide to be vaccinated instead of being unemployed.
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No one is entitled to a job at Lilly. You don’t walk into work and say things that are against company policy — isn’t that a move against your freedom? I could list dozens of things you don’t do at work (wear offensive clothes, park in the middle of the road, bring all your relatives into a secure area). — all of which impinge on your personal freedom. But it’s Lilly’s workplace and it’s Lilly’s road and it’s Lilly’s secure area. Not yours and not mine. If you want to be non-vaccinated at home or smoke at home or park in your yard that’s your choice. If you want to stay employed at Lilly, you abide by policy. Employees all signed off on the training for conduct as a condition of our employment. We all do this once per year. It is a choice with valid information provided and time to consider given to you by Lilly. But it’s still not your company and leadership makes the decisions. It’s never been any different. And it’s not any different any where else.

Well stated.
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As the “vacate” date approaches, anyone planning on getting the vaccine at the last minute?

Many in the company believe the remaining 5% of unvaccinated employees will ultimately decide to be vaccinated instead of being unemployed.
Are they really going to fire someone for not being vaccinated? That is ridiculous if it is true.

Sheep - I SAY NOT! Insightful thoughts about the narrative surrounding Vaccine

If it requires coercion, manipulation
gaslighting, 24/7 advertising, fear mongering
, silencing of dissenting opinions and experts,
slandering of alternative options, tons of
questionable incentives and indemnification
from liability, then it isn't required for health.

We will see the safety outcomes 2-5 years. Let’s see who is arrogant then.
Yes! Let's see the safety data from the people who have gotten vaccinated 5 -10 years from now. They started with the older crowd because many will die in 5 - 10 years anyway.

Yes! Let's see the safety data from the people who have gotten vaccinated 5 -10 years from now. They started with the older crowd because many will die in 5 - 10 years anyway.
We have seen the data for 1 year of not being vaccinated. It resulted in half a million deaths, the world economy being put on hold and all of our lives disrupted.
You’re making assumptions about the results of a trial that you yourself admit isnt being run. The safety data is better than most of the drugs we produce.
Leading your life based upon your feelings versus evidence? Its probably best you leave. Your feelings maybe real, it doesnt make them true.

Vaccine mandates on vaccines that have been studied for less than a year- with a higher rate of getting an enlarged heart or blood clot vs. actually dying from Covid is new. Forcing a vaccine on a population when it is proven that it doesn't stop transmission is new. Forging vaccination records for children isn't new either.
Hey, genius ... companies can test their vaccines a LOT quicker during a pandemic than they could under normal circumstances, because there is a lot more disease circulating on which to test. So stop this stupid argument that the vaccines were developed too fast (and hence unsafe). You're full of BS and a sad excuse for a Lilly employee.
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Why are people still arguing with the people who won’t get vaccinated? Most will end up vaccinated because they want to keep their jobs - or at least have one in this industry. You can wave at the rest in the unemployment line.
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Benchmarked against several other companies - true. Competitive in pay - false
Significantly underpaid compared to industry - true.
Not true or accurate in any way, shape or form. Benchmarked against pharma peer companies nationally. Well paid and benefited. Now get back to work.

You work for a pharma company and you sell drugs Take the damn vaccine it’s safe and if you get sick it just may keep u from dying. It did me. Bottom line you need to conform or possibly just die. Don’t be an Aston Rogers take the medication
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Not true or accurate in any way, shape or form. Benchmarked against pharma peer companies nationally. Well paid and benefited. Now get back to work.

Off topic but I have to comment. Lilly is on the lower range of “normal” when compared to other pharma companies. Everyone that I know who has left Lilly, left and received an increase in pay. Internally, Lilly requires us to operate in a “lattice” environment, moving from one parallel role to another (P3-P3 or P4-P4) with minimal annual merit increases. This lattice structure enables us to learn more aspects of the business which supposedly prepares us for the few leadership positions that exist. When we leave, we take all of our experience and get SIGNIFICANT increases in pay. Just start to pay attention to the “leaders” that have left or will be leaving. They aren’t leaving for less pay.