COVID Vaccine Mandate

Off topic but I have to comment. Lilly is on the lower range of “normal” when compared to other pharma companies. Everyone that I know who has left Lilly, left and received an increase in pay. Internally, Lilly requires us to operate in a “lattice” environment, moving from one parallel role to another (P3-P3 or P4-P4) with minimal annual merit increases. This lattice structure enables us to learn more aspects of the business which supposedly prepares us for the few leadership positions that exist. When we leave, we take all of our experience and get SIGNIFICANT increases in pay. Just start to pay attention to the “leaders” that have left or will be leaving. They aren’t leaving for less pay.
It is off topic, but this is one of the more intelligent posts I've seen in a while.

Two things can be true at once. Lilly can have competitive compensation for a given job title/level. But they can also be stingy with promotions, the net result being that people in certain roles are getting great experience and punching way above their pay grade. Lilly is betting most people will become addicted to their lifestyle and low cost of living in Indianapolis, and just suck it up. But some will cash in their chips and get higher-level positions with other companies, oftentimes with much higher pay. This is probably more of a headquarters than a sales force phenomenon, though.

Back on topic. Even so, odds are that anyone who chooses to resign over a vaccine mandate will find it difficult to get a higher-level position at another company, no matter how good they are. Prospective employers in this industry expect you are already vaccinated. So if you have to ask about a mandate, they assume you are not and conclude you have poor judgement. And they would be right.

Off topic but I have to comment. Lilly is on the lower range of “normal” when compared to other pharma companies. Everyone that I know who has left Lilly, left and received an increase in pay. Internally, Lilly requires us to operate in a “lattice” environment, moving from one parallel role to another (P3-P3 or P4-P4) with minimal annual merit increases. This lattice structure enables us to learn more aspects of the business which supposedly prepares us for the few leadership positions that exist. When we leave, we take all of our experience and get SIGNIFICANT increases in pay. Just start to pay attention to the “leaders” that have left or will be leaving. They aren’t leaving for less pay.

Dude. It’s the same thing at almost every pharma/biotech and even beyond. There is plenty of data out there about how much more you will make in a lifetime if you job hop versus staying in one place. When I was a manager it was a huge frustration that I could only give a shit raise of 3-5% but I could hire someone new with just as much experience at a much higher salary given the range as long as it could be justified (proof of income at previous job). EVERYONE has a story of someone who left for WAY more money. Lilly is no different. almost every company page on this site is full of complaints about how they’d company pays the least in salaries for a comparable job and people assuming that they know the ranges. The range for each level/band is HUGE, like $40k.

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You work for a pharma company and you sell drugs Take the damn vaccine it’s safe and if you get sick it just may keep u from dying. It did me. Bottom line you need to conform or possibly just die. Don’t be an Aston Rogers take the medication

NO. I'm NOT taking the damn vaccine. I got an exemption and will quit next year. I want to LIVE.

The interesting thing about all of this is that everyone has the same argument. Everyone wants the freedom to live their life. The people who want everyone to get the vaccine want the freedom to go back to living how we did before COVID. The people against getting the vaccine want the freedom to make their own decisions when it comes to their health and live their lives how they want.

This argument is no different from any other vaccine. Do we chastise people for not getting an HPV vaccine? HPV is directly linked to many cancers.

The problem is that the argument on both sides is so flawed. We all lose.

The truth is that this mandate by Lilly has emboldened our leadership. The slippery slope has been greased.

The post about we both want the same thing and we both lose is very good. Really shows no one is listening to the other . The biggest challenge though is that the vaxxed, are believing the unvaxxed are the problem. The vaccine only helps the person who gets it. It doesn’t stop the spread , or a persons ability to transmit. Both sides can get and give it. With mortality rate at 1% it’s possible our God given immune system is working and is best.

The post about we both want the same thing and we both lose is very good. Really shows no one is listening to the other . The biggest challenge though is that the vaxxed, are believing the unvaxxed are the problem. The vaccine only helps the person who gets it. It doesn’t stop the spread , or a persons ability to transmit. Both sides can get and give it. With mortality rate at 1% it’s possible our God given immune system is working and is best.

If that were true I would agree with you. With 46.7M cases in the US and over 1M deaths, that is roughly a 5% mortality rate. In no other time in history did people object to wiping out a pandemic because of their personal beliefs. They were lined up in school and given the vaccine and people begged for it because they didn't want to get sick and die or infect someone else to get sick and die. That's the problem with liars, they lie for themselves because it's how they live with themselves. Don't get the vaccine and stay home. Get it, give it to your family and hopefully if anyone dies, it's not someone you gave it to on the street.

If that were true I would agree with you. With 46.7M cases in the US and over 1M deaths, that is roughly a 5% mortality rate. In no other time in history did people object to wiping out a pandemic because of their personal beliefs. They were lined up in school and given the vaccine and people begged for it because they didn't want to get sick and die or infect someone else to get sick and die. That's the problem with liars, they lie for themselves because it's how they live with themselves. Don't get the vaccine and stay home. Get it, give it to your family and hopefully if anyone dies, it's not someone you gave it to on the street.
Over 1 million deaths in the US? Where did you see that? There have only been 5 million deaths world-wide. Run those numbers again with 7.7 billion people vs 5 million deaths. That doesn't even come close to making sense with other population dense countries. I wonder why our deaths (if you even trust that number) is so high even-though we are so highly vaccinated? It's almost like we have a monetary investment in the vaccine and want to have scary numbers to sell a product. You fell for the scare tactics and now feel the need to press on others to jump in the hole with you.

time to retire!

if you work in pharma and are anti-vaxxer, maybe head for some holler in Appalacia with your hunting rifle and live off the land. Hang out with Moscow Mitch And Joe Coal Manchin

You need to head to China since you actually believe what the corrupt, protect our phony baloney jobs at all costs government, that rules us has to say.

FDA Refuses To Provide Key COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Analyses | ZeroHedge

Also, please learn how to spell Appalachia before you start casting aspersions about it.

You need to head to China since you actually believe what the corrupt, protect our phony baloney jobs at all costs government, that rules us has to say.

FDA Refuses To Provide Key COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Analyses | ZeroHedge

Also, please learn how to spell Appalachia before you start casting aspersions about it.

Find another source where the author doesn’t hide behind a fictional movie character. If ZeroHedge were reputable “Tyler Durden” would be using his real name.

Everyone needs to get the vaccine to help stop transmission and the spread. Selfish if you don’t. Same with those not wearing masks. Do your part. We are all in this together.

Anti-science, anti-vaxxers have no place here, let alone in the pharma industry or in society in general

How can you do your jobs with a straight face denying science?

Your doctor is Fox News.

Move to Fascist Florida already