
Surprise Surprise! Everyone in headquarters are told they should work at home....yet the reps, who are the most vulnerable to picking up COVID-19 and spreading it, are told to KEEP WORKING!! HAHAHAHA! We mean nothing to the company!!! I have my elderly parents that live with me. This is just CRAZY

Surprise Surprise! Everyone in headquarters are told they should work at home....yet the reps, who are the most vulnerable to picking up COVID-19 and spreading it, are told to KEEP WORKING!! HAHAHAHA! We mean nothing to the company!!! I have my elderly parents that live with me. This is just CRAZY
Someone has to make the Starbucks runs and deliver food to offices. HQ people cannot do it.

Dear Head Quarter Employees: You are the chosen ones. You have been chosen to survive, and to continue on and populate this Earth. Stay inside, stay safe, and go forth and multiply when this disease ends.

Dear Reps: You are not the chosen ones. Go forth and work in your offices and sell our products. Go luck to you out there. Try to stay safe.

You all are an embarrassment.

If you don't feel safe being in the field, talk to.your manager. Home office employees are not the chosen ones. We work in a cesspool of germs and politics.

Stop complaining, wash your hands and do.your jobs.

Dear Head Quarter Employees: You are the chosen ones. You have been chosen to survive, and to continue on and populate this Earth. Stay inside, stay safe, and go forth and multiply when this disease ends.

Dear Reps: You are not the chosen ones. Go forth and work in your offices and sell our products. Go luck to you out there. Try to stay safe.

May the odds be ever in your favor

May your odds improve through Universal Precautions.

Like what?? All the hand washing, fist bumping, and reduced lunches in the world isn't going to stop someone who has the virus from standing within 6 feet of me while i'm in an office. The virus doesn't even present itself for 5 or more days. So while i'm patiently waiting in an office with 20 sick people around me and one person sneezes, I now have the virus. Yipee. The only universal precaution is to stay home

Like what?? All the hand washing, fist bumping, and reduced lunches in the world isn't going to stop someone who has the virus from standing within 6 feet of me while i'm in an office. The virus doesn't even present itself for 5 or more days. So while i'm patiently waiting in an office with 20 sick people around me and one person sneezes, I now have the virus. Yipee. The only universal precaution is to stay home

Like what?? All the hand washing, fist bumping, and reduced lunches in the world isn't going to stop someone who has the virus from standing within 6 feet of me while i'm in an office. The virus doesn't even present itself for 5 or more days. So while i'm patiently waiting in an office with 20 sick people around me and one person sneezes, I now have the virus. Yipee. The only universal precaution is to stay home

And DSMs are still doing field rides... smh Really think now is a good time to have another person, who doesn’t really need to be there, in the offices with us? Stupid!!

You all are an embarrassment.

If you don't feel safe being in the field, talk to.your manager. Home office employees are not the chosen ones. We work in a cesspool of germs and politics.

Stop complaining, wash your hands and do.your jobs.

Talk to your manager, you say? That's not how this works. It needs to come from the top. If offices start quarantining themselves, I'm staying home. Too bad these no support from management on that and it's business as usual for now.

No kidding! It's crazy. "Breaking News" tonight is that Eli Lilly employees are being told to work from home as a preventative measure to reduce risk... Yet they still want reps to be in and out of doctor's offices which would carry the MOST risk. And if our company won't pull us, I can't help but wonder how many offices are going to have signs on their doors tomorrow morning saying "no reps/no vendors until further notice!" (Of course I mean the offices that didn't already outlaw reps).

There is plenty of work I could do from home. And no, I'm not worried about myself and I know the flu is FAR worse. BUT, this thing is extremely contagious and I do worry about my parents and other older adults. I don't want to be responsible for passing it on to them and I would think Lilly and other pharma companies would think about that.

You are correct and your concerns legitimate. Where you are wrong is stating flu is more dangerous. This is both more contagious and more dangerous, particularly for the elderly.

Hard to believe companies are bunkering down working from home while telling their most vulnerable employees in the field to still travel and go in offices where it would be most likely to contract this virus.

Are we getting combat pay to do this while the rest of these companies employees hide away at home. This is disgusting greed and complete disregard for employees at the highest risk.

You all are an embarrassment.

If you don't feel safe being in the field, talk to.your manager. Home office employees are not the chosen ones. We work in a cesspool of germs and politics.

Stop complaining, wash your hands and do.your jobs.

You think you're at higher risk working from an office or at home? Please share why you think it is okay for a company to tell home office employees to work at home while asking field employees to travel and do business as usual as of nothing is going on.

Spin it anyway you want, field employees going in and out of hospitals and physicians offices where these patients go and are presenting are at far higher risk.

If the rationale for you and office employees bunkering down at home is out of consideration for employee safety, does it apply to all employees or are some more dispensable then others?

Honestly, your post here suggests you are just an self centered asshole.

You are correct and your concerns legitimate. Where you are wrong is stating flu is more dangerous. This is both more contagious and more dangerous, particularly for the elderly.

Hard to believe companies are bunkering down working from home while telling their most vulnerable employees in the field to still travel and go in offices where it would be most likely to contract this virus.

Are we getting combat pay to do this while the rest of these companies employees hide away at home. This is disgusting greed and complete disregard for employees at the highest risk.

Well said. I guess the company HQ is in a restricted area? Oh wait, no that’s just Seattle. Now i’m confused. Special treatment?

I spent all day in between calls checking stores for hand sanitizer, wipes, rubbing alcohol..there was none. I didn't stock up before bc I didn't think I'd need it. I'm not "at risk" however as we continue to work in compromised areas we do need it. When I can I'm using office sanitizer and waiting until I'm outside but it isn't always available.
As for DSMs in field with us that's their choice. They're expected to continue business as usual then they're being put at risk just like us.