
You're an at-will employee, rep! You'll fly when and where we tell you. Don't like it? Quit! Either way, shut the fuck up, and stop playing lawyer. Anyone that delivers coffee and lunch should not be pontificating about potential lawsuits.

When the entire Indy metro area is in lockdown, completely quarantined except for very specific incoming truckloads of food and medicine, and the whole world is pointing it's fingers at Lilly conference goers as the patient zeroes, perhaps you will reconsider, old boy!

When the entire Indy metro area is in lockdown, completely quarantined except for very specific incoming truckloads of food and medicine, and the whole world is pointing it's fingers at Lilly conference goers as the patient zeroes, perhaps you will reconsider, old boy!

Thank goodness for well-intentioned, compassionate leaders!

5:09 p.m.
Pelosi, Schumer call for paid sick leave, unemployment insurance in any stimulus plan
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Sunday that any coronavirus economic stimulus plan from the administration must include paid sick leave and unemployment insurance, among other worker-friendly provisions.

Their statement comes as administration officials are considering a variety of economic responses to the coronavirus, including possibly targeted tax breaks for affected travel and tourism industries.

“We are demanding that the administration prioritize the health and safety of American workers and their families over corporate interests,” Schumer and Pelosi said.

They called for inclusion of paid sick leave; enhanced unemployment insurance; expanded food stamp, school lunch and other nutrition programs; widespread and free coronavirus testing; and anti-gouging provisions.

Probably a smart idea to pull reps out of the field least temporarily

I agree reps should be going in and out of offices in the areas where the breakouts are rapidly increasing. Most of the reps probably would be fine even if they did get it, but then we become carriers possibly passing it onto our elderly family neighbors or other offices. I have plenty of work to do from home for now.

I agree reps should be going in and out of offices in the areas where the breakouts are rapidly increasing. Most of the reps probably would be fine even if they did get it, but then we become carriers possibly passing it onto our elderly family neighbors or other offices. I have plenty of work to do from home for now.

Imagine what happens to a reputable pharma company that sends covid-19 vectors to health care facilities.

Imagine what happens to a reputable pharma company that sends covid-19 vectors to health care facilities.

No kidding! It's crazy. "Breaking News" tonight is that Eli Lilly employees are being told to work from home as a preventative measure to reduce risk... Yet they still want reps to be in and out of doctor's offices which would carry the MOST risk. And if our company won't pull us, I can't help but wonder how many offices are going to have signs on their doors tomorrow morning saying "no reps/no vendors until further notice!" (Of course I mean the offices that didn't already outlaw reps).

There is plenty of work I could do from home. And no, I'm not worried about myself and I know the flu is FAR worse. BUT, this thing is extremely contagious and I do worry about my parents and other older adults. I don't want to be responsible for passing it on to them and I would think Lilly and other pharma companies would think about that.

if you think about it, what other potential carrier has a higher risk of spreading this than a pharma rep? Hopping around from primary care office to hospital to pharmacies and back again. I'm doing everything I can ( hand washing, doubling up with antibacterial, not going into certain sections of the hospital) but we are def at risk!!

Yes exactly. But say that to upper management and you will receive a judgements look and told to get out there and sell sell sell! I don’t want to look like a lazy rep but I’m getting less and less inclined to go into these offices. Despite the sanitizer and hand washing the virus could be in the air if someone comes in with it. Please don’t make us go into offices! Where do you go when you’re sick? Primary care and hospital if it’s bad. If a rep gets it from work it would be bad PR for Lilly... a company who cares about their employees. Doesn’t that include field reps?

I agree reps should be going in and out of offices in the areas where the breakouts are rapidly increasing. Most of the reps probably would be fine even if they did get it, but then we become carriers possibly passing it onto our elderly family neighbors or other offices. I have plenty of work to do from home for now.

School teachers had it worse than us.

Schools in areas compromised are being shut down!! They’re deep cleaning the schools. If you think every office/hospital you go into every day deep cleans everything each night you’re crazy. And if one of us DOES get this virus, we then become a carrier as we drive to every other HCP in our area and go in and talk to office staff and practitioners putting them and subsequently their patients in danger. This is not okay.

I won't be telling my DM but I'm feeling uneasy about going into offices as well. While they keep us out working I'm worried about having to use a bathroom during the day. Whether you use a public restroom or in a medical building, in an article by Medscape "Coronavirus May Cause Environmental Contamination Through Fecal Shedding" made me realize no bathroom will be clean and theote public restrooms one uses the more likely you'll catch something. The article states:

"The toilet bowl, sink, and bathroom door handle of an isolation room housing a patient with the novel coronavirus tested positive for the virus, raising the possibility that viral shedding in the stool could represent another route of transmission, investigators reported.
Air outlet fans and other room sites also tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), though an anteroom, a corridor..."

School teachers had it worse than us.
Everything I’ve seen about schools getting it was because of one adult who had come in sick with the don’t usually get it, right? Meanwhile we are going in and out of buildings that attract tons of sick people. Why? I believe that what we do every day is important and we have an impact on many hcps. But it can wait. We can pause the office calls for a small amount of time. No one will die if we work from home. But if we don’t work from home....there’s a higher chance someone could get infected. Benefits of working from home outweigh the risks..that’s what they have determined for the folks working at HQ anyway. We must matter less. At least we know where we stand.