
Thankfully we banned travel when we did otherwise we would be Italy. I raise a tall glass for xenophobia.

How's that China manufacturing working out?

Let's sit back and see what a PRIVATE BANK, The Federal Reserve, can pull out of its hat.

Glad I'm old and won't live to see this house of cards topple. However, I'm hoping a couple of thousand die in Carmel, IN so that the housing supply improves, then swoop in and purchase for pennies on the dollar. It would also help alleviate some of the traffic around here. If we are lucky this might open up some promotion opportunities.

Thankfully we banned travel when we did otherwise we would be Italy. I raise a tall glass for xenophobia.

How's that China manufacturing working out?

Let's sit back and see what a PRIVATE BANK, The Federal Reserve, can pull out of its hat.

Glad I'm old and won't live to see this house of cards topple. However, I'm hoping a couple of thousand die in Carmel, IN so that the housing supply improves, then swoop in and purchase for pennies on the dollar. It would also help alleviate some of the traffic around here. If we are lucky this might open up some promotion opportunities.

I was with you until, well, the whole wishing people would die part. Hitting the sauce a little heavier this evening?

I'm not sure if things will ever get back to normal. Think about this....

What happens when people can't pay their bills?
What happens when people won't pay their bills?
What happens when our currency fails because people stop paying their credit cards, and their school debt, and their mortgage, car payments, and stock and bonds aren't worth anything anymore, or when people won't accept paper money because it is worthless?
What happens when the government gives everyone a $1,200 stimulus check but it's not enough and doesn't do any good?
What happens when 10's of thousands of people over 60 pass away because of this virus. Or even millions?

I'm telling you guys, I am not a conspiracy theorist (or a sky is falling type of person), but I'm thinking we are headed for a full on global melt down. I bet we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg and there is much more coming our way. Call me crazy, but watch.

I'm not sure if things will ever get back to normal. Think about this....

What happens when people can't pay their bills?
What happens when people won't pay their bills?
What happens when our currency fails because people stop paying their credit cards, and their school debt, and their mortgage, car payments, and stock and bonds aren't worth anything anymore, or when people won't accept paper money because it is worthless?
What happens when the government gives everyone a $1,200 stimulus check but it's not enough and doesn't do any good?
What happens when 10's of thousands of people over 60 pass away because of this virus. Or even millions?

I'm telling you guys, I am not a conspiracy theorist (or a sky is falling type of person), but I'm thinking we are headed for a full on global melt down. I bet we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg and there is much more coming our way. Call me crazy, but watch.
Remember that we ALL HAVE A FRIEND IN JESUS!!

I'm not sure if things will ever get back to normal. Think about this....

What happens when people can't pay their bills?
What happens when people won't pay their bills?
What happens when our currency fails because people stop paying their credit cards, and their school debt, and their mortgage, car payments, and stock and bonds aren't worth anything anymore, or when people won't accept paper money because it is worthless?
What happens when the government gives everyone a $1,200 stimulus check but it's not enough and doesn't do any good?
What happens when 10's of thousands of people over 60 pass away because of this virus. Or even millions?

I'm telling you guys, I am not a conspiracy theorist (or a sky is falling type of person), but I'm thinking we are headed for a full on global melt down. I bet we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg and there is much more coming our way. Call me crazy, but watch.
Rx stiff drink, chill pill. Don’t go shit crazy.
This is a crisis for sure but by June the worst medically will be over. Govt seems to want to save the economy and substantially can, albeit hit won’t be perfect and some will fall thru the cracks. I think our biggest fear is willingness of offices to reopen to reps- it won’t change overnight but company has pretty deep pockets and will certainly give it some time. The stock market can easily go down another 20%; be patient.

Rx stiff drink, chill pill. Don’t go shit crazy.
This is a crisis for sure but by June the worst medically will be over. Govt seems to want to save the economy and substantially can, albeit hit won’t be perfect and some will fall thru the cracks. I think our biggest fear is willingness of offices to reopen to reps- it won’t change overnight but company has pretty deep pockets and will certainly give it some time. The stock market can easily go down another 20%; be patient.
Remember that we ALL HAVE A FRIEND IN JESUS!!

Rx stiff drink, chill pill. Don’t go shit crazy.
This is a crisis for sure but by June the worst medically will be over. Govt seems to want to save the economy and substantially can, albeit hit won’t be perfect and some will fall thru the cracks. I think our biggest fear is willingness of offices to reopen to reps- it won’t change overnight but company has pretty deep pockets and will certainly give it some time. The stock market can easily go down another 20%; be patient.

I'm totally chill, but also worried. I think the last think we need to be worrying about right now is if our offices are going to "reopen." We have much bigger things to worry about right now. The world has never seen such a pandemic. Look what has happened in the past week alone. The confirmed cases have tripled. (I understand that much of that is due to testing capacity, but still nonetheless it has tripled). Business are closing, people are being laid off, people can't find food, people are dying by the thousands. This is all in the past week as well. Last Saturday I was eating at a nice restaurant with my family saying things won't get much worse. And tonight, 8 days later, we were eating dinner by ourselves while quarantined saying things will probably get much worse. Again, worrying about offices reopening is the last thing on my mind right now.

I'm totally chill, but also worried. I think the last think we need to be worrying about right now is if our offices are going to "reopen." We have much bigger things to worry about right now. The world has never seen such a pandemic. Look what has happened in the past week alone. The confirmed cases have tripled. (I understand that much of that is due to testing capacity, but still nonetheless it has tripled). Business are closing, people are being laid off, people can't find food, people are dying by the thousands. This is all in the past week as well. Last Saturday I was eating at a nice restaurant with my family saying things won't get much worse. And tonight, 8 days later, we were eating dinner by ourselves while quarantined saying things will probably get much worse. Again, worrying about offices reopening is the last thing on my mind right now.

Make sure you stock up on guns and ammo. Don't be the sheep that gets preyed upon by the wolves. Be the wolf. I'm locked and loaded- ready to defend my property and family. And if need be raid.

Make sure you stock up on guns and ammo. Don't be the sheep that gets preyed upon by the wolves. Be the wolf. I'm locked and loaded- ready to defend my property and family. And if need be raid.

If it comes to that, I would just as soon get sick and die. That is a world that would just not be worth living in to me. Have fun with your bunker mentality.

I would say they are pretty essential. We don't need the inmates running the asylum. Reps want coaching and in my experience reps definitely need coaching. This is being over played by the media- probably political to make Trump look bad. The fact of the matter is you have a much better chance of getting the normal flu than the Corona virus.

You are the reason pharma reps are the biggest joke in the planet

Indianapolis chooses to have people work from home cause they care about our people. But they take a wait and see approach with the field reps who are the most exposed. So what they mean is they are concerned with the Indianapolis employees safety, but us field peasants need to go get those scripts baby!!!

Indianapolis chooses to have people work from home cause they care about our people. But they take a wait and see approach with the field reps who are the most exposed. So what they mean is they are concerned with the Indianapolis employees safety, but us field peasants need to go get those scripts baby!!!

They only told Indy folks to stay home to protect the supply chain initially. They didn't care about the safety of the people more than the manufacturing sites being safe.

I'm totally chill, but also worried. I think the last think we need to be worrying about right now is if our offices are going to "reopen." We have much bigger things to worry about right now. The world has never seen such a pandemic. Look what has happened in the past week alone. The confirmed cases have tripled. (I understand that much of that is due to testing capacity, but still nonetheless it has tripled). Business are closing, people are being laid off, people can't find food, people are dying by the thousands. This is all in the past week as well. Last Saturday I was eating at a nice restaurant with my family saying things won't get much worse. And tonight, 8 days later, we were eating dinner by ourselves while quarantined saying things will probably get much worse. Again, worrying about offices reopening is the last thing on my mind right now.

I'm totally chill, but also worried. I think the last think we need to be worrying about right now is if our offices are going to "reopen." We have much bigger things to worry about right now. The world has never seen such a pandemic. Look what has happened in the past week alone. The confirmed cases have tripled. (I understand that much of that is due to testing capacity, but still nonetheless it has tripled). Business are closing, people are being laid off, people can't find food, people are dying by the thousands. This is all in the past week as well. Last Saturday I was eating at a nice restaurant with my family saying things won't get much worse. And tonight, 8 days later, we were eating dinner by ourselves while quarantined saying things will probably get much worse. Again, worrying about offices reopening is the last thing on my mind right now.