When are Indianapolis field reps going back?
I am the original poster here, and yes, I was hitting the sauce. I also had a couple of puts on the QQQ, so made a little money.I was with you until, well, the whole wishing people would die part. Hitting the sauce a little heavier this evening?
I'm totally chill, but also worried. I think the last think we need to be worrying about right now is if our offices are going to "reopen." We have much bigger things to worry about right now. The world has never seen such a pandemic. Look what has happened in the past week alone. The confirmed cases have tripled. (I understand that much of that is due to testing capacity, but still nonetheless it has tripled). Business are closing, people are being laid off, people can't find food, people are dying by the thousands. This is all in the past week as well. Last Saturday I was eating at a nice restaurant with my family saying things won't get much worse. And tonight, 8 days later, we were eating dinner by ourselves while quarantined saying things will probably get much worse. Again, worrying about offices reopening is the last thing on my mind right now.
I'm totally chill, but also worried. I think the last think we need to be worrying about right now is if our offices are going to "reopen." We have much bigger things to worry about right now. The world has never seen such a pandemic. Look what has happened in the past week alone. The confirmed cases have tripled. (I understand that much of that is due to testing capacity, but still nonetheless it has tripled). Business are closing, people are being laid off, people can't find food, people are dying by the thousands. This is all in the past week as well. Last Saturday I was eating at a nice restaurant with my family saying things won't get much worse. And tonight, 8 days later, we were eating dinner by ourselves while quarantined saying things will probably get much worse. Again, worrying about offices reopening is the last thing on my mind right now.
The world has never seen such a pandemic? Good to know! There was no Spanish flu that wiped out 18 Million in 1918, more than all killed in WW1? There was no Black Plague in the Middle Ages that killed millions in Europe? Wow, either the history books are filled with crazed propaganda, or maybe you might want to read one.
When are Indianapolis field reps going back?
Um, going back? I’d be getting your resume ship shape. What doctors office or hospital will let you in anytime soon without a treatment or vaccine? None. Here’s my address to ship the samples, bye.