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Compliance Inteview (Urology)

I like how people can defend the ethics of a total Sloar ....
I work for Actavis side and we all know who Z is . She ruined careers on our side as well . I'm shocked she had the nerve to show her face after the stunts she pulled on the actavis side . Allergan should have left her on the street where she belongs . She would over order product through her dad won trips then he returned the products . She is a total joke . I have to say I'm enjoying the fact allergan fired her fat ass .

I have to say I have been here since the NDO launch and there are still about 10 cheaters that i know who should have gone down with all the others . KH when you hang out with garbage u begin to stink . Glad they were able to find you and Cassie in your sad escape to cosmetics . Now you can really hate Allergan

I have to say I have been here since the NDO launch and there are still about 10 cheaters that i know who should have gone down with all the others . KH when you hang out with garbage u begin to stink . Glad they were able to find you and Cassie in your sad escape to cosmetics . Now you can really hate Allergan

When you look at all people that have been here for a year or less, that's telling. How many people have been here over two years?

AC taught all the new hires he liked how to "create Arbo" how to manipulate numbers and "play the game" Melissa there is no doubt u are part of ACs possi if everyone worked hard and don't play the numbers you would still have all your jobs. Not saying Zaina didn't have anything to do with it but if all you think she is is a dumb home wrecker I find it hard to believe she alone brought down such an amazing business unit. People got fired because they LIED AND CHEATED not because Zaina slept with married men!

Wow there are a lot of bitter people out there in urology land . Who is this famous Z ? She seems like a character in a novel or straight out of a half way house . Urology seems like the best place not to be . Ill stay in actavis land where we are drama free.

I wish I knew AC. He had his on possi. I feel like I'm watching Happy Days and Fonzi. Who ever is writing about AC is a big jackass. How would you know what he taught or did for anyone since you weren't cool enough to be in his possi. You are one of those kids who in junior high who wrote bad things about the cool kids on the bathroom wall because you didn't have the balls to say anything to their face. Please explain how you know what AC and his possi was doing. By the way AC best friend in the company wasn't fired so if he taught everyone to cheat why is she still here. I know why because you are a big JACKASS that has no idea what you are talking about

I'm on the west coast not part of any AC possie and what I can tell you for certain is u dont need AC to figure out how to play the up down game or add on 100 percent allocations to accounts . He is not the only person in the USA who understands how to add and drop allocations. The game is older then time get over it .

Let me clear my name, I have the balls to admit it's AC. This is the first time I am writing something on here. If you are going to write false lies about me, have the balls to say who you are spineless coward. I have never cheated. The first two years I won there was no arbo then the third year I was in second and management asked me to cheat and I still have the texts to prove it. I told them know because I wasn't going to win be cheating, I said it wasn't right. I arbo twice . I was fired for two reasons, first I did change a letter for arbo I took money away. I had a letter for 8 patients and I decreases it to 3. So if you like to call that cheating go right ahead. Secondly Tina Webb the compliance lady who goes up on stage every meeting and makes fun of me, said I threatened her, which is totally false. I did have over allocation but everyone did and I was the one who sat in meetings and fought for the team and told Lori we need to be able to lower our allocations, yes me I was the one who fought not you spineless coward. Last don't lie and say I walked Zaina to her room, because I wasn't even there the night all this BS happened. There was someone with the same first initial but different last initial you can ask any new or old hire, I would yell and scream do not arbo because I thought it would hurt you in the long run and I would say it's breaking hippa rules. Now if you have any balls admit who you are and tell the truth but you won't because your spineless and you have no balls

The personal attacks on AC are out of jeoulsy. I've worked with him for a number of years. I've always seen him to be a standup guy, who his customers loved. He's also been a very generous person with his time and knowledge, really tried to help anyone open to listen. His downfall was maybe he was too nice and open, people see that as weakness and pounce. Like the people here. I do know he's been ringing the alarm on certain issues for at least two years. Everything he said would happen, has, from a sales and allocation perspective. To get back on track here, anything that happened was given with orders and direction from the top down. I'm not going to get into the evidence here, but let's just say it meets the burden of proof. The company "Actavis", has made a strategic error, I can only hope I'm instrumental in making them financially liable. They will wish the had just paid us what we were owed. Just remember people on the inside, you have no idea what we all know. We're not rolling over.

Let me clear my name, I have the balls to admit it's AC. This is the first time I am writing something on here. If you are going to write false lies about me, have the balls to say who you are spineless coward. I have never cheated. The first two years I won there was no arbo then the third year I was in second and management asked me to cheat and I still have the texts to prove it. I told them know because I wasn't going to win be cheating, I said it wasn't right. I arbo twice . I was fired for two reasons, first I did change a letter for arbo I took money away. I had a letter for 8 patients and I decreases it to 3. So if you like to call that cheating go right ahead. Secondly Tina Webb the compliance lady who goes up on stage every meeting and makes fun of me, said I threatened her, which is totally false. I did have over allocation but everyone did and I was the one who sat in meetings and fought for the team and told Lori we need to be able to lower our allocations, yes me I was the one who fought not you spineless coward. Last don't lie and say I walked Zaina to her room, because I wasn't even there the night all this BS happened. There was someone with the same first initial but different last initial you can ask any new or old hire, I would yell and scream do not arbo because I thought it would hurt you in the long run and I would say it's breaking hippa rules. Now if you have any balls admit who you are and tell the truth but you won't because your spineless and you have no balls

What about telling physicians that "120 is the starting dose" for OAB?

The personal attacks on AC are out of jeoulsy. I've worked with him for a number of years. I've always seen him to be a standup guy, who his customers loved. He's also been a very generous person with his time and knowledge, really tried to help anyone open to listen. His downfall was maybe he was too nice and open, people see that as weakness and pounce. Like the people here. I do know he's been ringing the alarm on certain issues for at least two years. Everything he said would happen, has, from a sales and allocation perspective. To get back on track here, anything that happened was given with orders and direction from the top down. I'm not going to get into the evidence here, but let's just say it meets the burden of proof. The company "Actavis", has made a strategic error, I can only hope I'm instrumental in making them financially liable. They will wish the had just paid us what we were owed. Just remember people on the inside, you have no idea what we all know. We're not rolling over.

Review your employment contract. Everything has to go through an arbitration progress per the employment contract we all signed after we were hired.

They have to interview additional reps for "fairly balance" because Actavis is all about fair balance. This will limit their liability once the "hostile work envirnonment" lawsuits start hitting them.

Once the final reps are interviewed and Actavis receives more intel on "suspected cheaters", they will then get to the managers.
LL will be safe because it began before her and she was quietly changing the comp plan. Her two BFFs, CB and DM, will be her scape goats. EB was doing as he was told by RC so he is NOT safe because the Actavis lawyers didn't care if your manager made you do something improper.

Nothing happened at the manager meeting in Dallas. All they did was talk about what to tell the 15 new hires and were arranging "final interview" dates so they could tag team the final candidates.
The reps were sacrificed and the managers get off free. WTF?:mad:

Review your employment contract. Everything has to go through an arbitration progress per the employment contract we all signed after we were hired.

Just because something is stated in a contract (any contract) doesn't make it true or legal. But if you are foolish enough to rule your life according to the employment contract, by all means, go ahead. Don't let me stand in your way.

Place a quick call to your state labor board and see if they agree.

***Bingo*** precedent has already been set in a number of instances of how companies skirt paying employees, based on the semantics concerning "bonus" vs commission and or earned wages. It's amazing what you can learn when you dig a little deeper.

I need to understand what is wrong with 120 units ? Medicare allows u to waste 80 it is totally legal assholes . And maybe Tina should get off her fat ass and teach people what is wrong with 120 units instead of pretending to be scared of AC . Sorry Tina u are the worst compliance person at allergan . That is why actavis is leading the investigation . All the cheating is under your nose and u will not have a job in two months . Hope u can get out on disability better be quick .