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Compliance Inteview (Urology)

Oh there will be legal actions beleive me .... If people interview and say it is rainbows and butterflies they are fools and will still be let go by June . Only way to save yourself is to admit to the Arbo pressure and allocation pressure . I was told they are looking into allocations next . Good luck to all who pretend they are honest and have over allocated hospitals

More reps next week ? I hope they are bringing in all the managers .
More slaughter of the sales force and managers get to survive ? This is getting old . The upper management needs to go . And the head of arbitration needs to be questioned before other reps continue to fired!!

Don't forget sales ops. They had a hand in this too.

Sales is and allergan compliance all going down ! Compliance never taught us a dam thing about Botox and emails and the alledged 120 units. She is on cracked ice ! No one tells u how to handle a situation when a dr needs more than 100 but 200 is to much .... Compliance at irvine will go down in flames . Sorry Tina u suck

Sooooo funny just wondering how EB and Tina can survive this mess ? They are all involved . Funny thing is the West coast doesn't see the new pharma company has marching orders out if NYC and NJ . Irvine is a home to them. Half that campus will be the first to go . U dont need 7 marketing women for a 30 million dollar drug . LL hurt her friends in all of this .

I'm totally laughing how actavis is about fair balance when everyone i know there hates it . Watson was a good company and forest sucks . At this rate pfizer won't need to fire a sole nobody wants to work for shitty actavis or Pfizer . Poor allergan got sucked into a bad deal . People at the top wanted the $$ and were promised the company would stay in tact. As we can see from urology Actavis is on a witch hunt to prove allergan is a shit show to survive this shitty merger . Actavis /Forest will be all that's left

I agree I bump into pfizer reps daily and they all hate the militant culture which is also a large part of actavis due to Forrest, who always thought they were pfizer to begin with . The truth is Allergan was a special place and from what I see with urology , it is all gone . If allergan still existed the reps would have been saved because they were only following managers orders . Actavis decided to fire a ton of hard working reps to prove a point . They are in charge . Allergan is not . They made that quite clear .

I agree I bump into pfizer reps daily and they all hate the militant culture which is also a large part of actavis due to Forrest, who always thought they were pfizer to begin with . The truth is Allergan was a special place and from what I see with urology , it is all gone . If allergan still existed the reps would have been saved because they were only following managers orders . Actavis decided to fire a ton of hard working reps to prove a point . They are in charge . Allergan is not . They made that quite clear .

I didn't even get called in for a interview but for you to justify Z actions are ridiculous. Secondly there are people who lied and cheated but there are others who got cut for doing what their managers asked them to do. Z is a disgrace to anyone who has any morals.

I didn't even get called in for a interview but for you to justify Z actions are ridiculous. Secondly there are people who lied and cheated but there are others who got cut for doing what their managers asked them to do. Z is a disgrace to anyone who has any morals.

Everybody has a degree of dishonesty/guilt here. If anyone can say all of their allocations are legit, they're lying. Don't even get me started with the runaway accounts no one corrected. Which is a mix of the rep and manager. Nobody is clean. But, if you want to keep lying to yourself to feel better, or vindicated, have at it. It will all be over soon enough.

Everybody has a degree of dishonesty/guilt here. If anyone can say all of their allocations are legit, they're lying. Don't even get me started with the runaway accounts no one corrected. Which is a mix of the rep and manager. Nobody is clean. But, if you want to keep lying to yourself to feel better, or vindicated, have at it. It will all be over soon enough.

The level of corruption is larger than anyone realizes. Executives lied/double counted the business unit to mislead the value. Middle-management and reps are just escape goats to avoid much larger scale problems. Don't be fools, legal and compliance are not going to take down executive leadership, instead they are going to protect them by firing managers and reps. If investors knew the level of corruption they would sue. Actavist opened the books and probably had serious questions about the urology business unit. Now, they know Pfizer will see this and it is getting harder to cover up. Therefore, they are attempting to clean it up, quickly. No worries, the old Allergan and new Allergan executatives have made and will make their millions$$$.

Everybody has a degree of dishonesty/guilt here. If anyone can say all of their allocations are legit, they're lying. Don't even get me started with the runaway accounts no one corrected. Which is a mix of the rep and manager. Nobody is clean. But, if you want to keep lying to yourself to feel better, or vindicated, have at it. It will all be over soon enough.

This is bull. I am a urology rep & I did NOT lie or cheat. And I did correct runaway accounts. I just love how you people tell yourselves that "everybody is doing it" so it makes YOU feel better. Not everyone has the crappy morals that so many of you have & those of us non-cheaters are so sick of hearing it. Not everyone in this division cheats. There are actual SALES reps that go out every day & SELL instead of sitting behind a laptop manipulating numbers so end this nonsense of making the whole division look bad. I'm sure there are still guilty parties but assuming everyone is crooked sucks so stop it!

This is bull. I am a urology rep & I did NOT lie or cheat. And I did correct runaway accounts. I just love how you people tell yourselves that "everybody is doing it" so it makes YOU feel better. Not everyone has the crappy morals that so many of you have & those of us non-cheaters are so sick of hearing it. Not everyone in this division cheats. There are actual SALES reps that go out every day & SELL instead of sitting behind a laptop manipulating numbers so end this nonsense of making the whole division look bad. I'm sure there are still guilty parties but assuming everyone is crooked sucks so stop it!

You're lying now, just not bright enough to know it. Also, all the people I know work or worked hard too. Sorry, you're not special. They just had another layer of pressure you can't sympathize with, or relate to. Were you ever asked by people that could let you go for any reason, manager or above, to "help" the team? If not, STFU, because you've proven how clueless you are. I don't need to feel better, I'm already in a better place, mentally and employment wise.

You're lying now, just not bright enough to know it. Also, all the people I know work or worked hard too. Sorry, you're not special. They just had another layer of pressure you can't sympathize with, or relate to. Were you ever asked by people that could let you go for any reason, manager or above, to "help" the team? If not, STFU, because you've proven how clueless you are. I don't need to feel better, I'm already in a better place, mentally and employment wise.

More justifications for being a cheat. Here's an idea- have some morals even when you have "pressure" & asked to "help" the team. Excuses, excuses, excuses. If someone that chooses the high road is "clueless" to you, then damn straight. I choose clueless. And this "clueless" person doesn't have to find a job after being fired. Justify all you want, we all we had pressure.

You really think that's why j wasn't at the meeting. Z called his wife and told her a bunch of stories. She bragged about it to her friends how she broke up his marriage and her old managers marriage and another guys marriage the same time she was with j. I don't care who she sleeps with, she is an adult and she can make her own choice with who and what she does. Please explain why she has to call everyone's wife, she made the choice to pick up her tail and spray her funk all over the place but please explain why the phone calls. She is so delusional that she thinks it's normal to brag to people about it. Same thing with work, she chose her actions then after her tail was raised she picked up the phone again to get others in trouble. Karma is a bitch, and what comes around goes around.

More justifications for being a cheat. Here's an idea- have some morals even when you have "pressure" & asked to "help" the team. Excuses, excuses, excuses. If someone that chooses the high road is "clueless" to you, then damn straight. I choose clueless. And this "clueless" person doesn't have to find a job after being fired. Justify all you want, we all we had pressure.

If you think your allocations are 100%, you're wrong. Already have a job, more $$$ too, but thanks for thinking of us. You'll be looking for a new position in 6-9 months so be careful. I suggest you take the "high road" while you have it and find another position. No excuses, I don't think anyone let go is depressed about the position, it's the manner of the cover up from top to bottom. Oh, you're welcome if you are receiving the double payout. If you are getting it, you're even more sanctimonious than one can imagine, and full of it for qualifying. Oh, unless you have a quota of less than 200k and have been here for years, if so, congrats you reversed gamed the system.

Let me sum it all up . Zainna is a spoiled brat who was told she couldn't Arbo 80 k on her dad , she blew a temper tantrum threw her manager under the bus her team and half the reps in urology . Medtronic u have a true winner she was fired from actavis for sleeping with half the company and being a crazy drunk . Managers were scared of her because she comes on to everyone and then calls HR. then unfortunately for her, her worlds collide again actavis buys allergan and she is right back where she began after sleeping with more trainers at allergan and ruining more families . Now she has added new allergan managers and took down 18 other reps and families . You are a spoiled ugly butch move on and watch your back there are plenty of people who want your fat ass on a platter and u will go down . We all know you are the reason this good group is gone and dont think we cant find you as a low level Medtronic rep . I know your manager and now he knows you are crazy and will boil a bunny in any pot . Get a life get and get mental help . Also jason is not your friend and blamed you for everything. Anyone will sleep with you but people will not commit to a crazy girl who is calling wives houses after a one time affair . U are sick to think men will leave their wives and kids for a one night stand ! Buy yourself some self confidence with the law suit $$ u win from allergan . And remember we all know what u are about . Medtronic will
Know what actavis and allergan and actavis already know . Your reputation will follow u to the grave girlfriend enjoy hell.

Let me sum it all up . Zainna is a spoiled brat who was told she couldn't Arbo 80 k on her dad , she blew a temper tantrum threw her manager under the bus her team and half the reps in urology . Medtronic u have a true winner she was fired from actavis for sleeping with half the company and being a crazy drunk . Managers were scared of her because she comes on to everyone and then calls HR. then unfortunately for her, her worlds collide again actavis buys allergan and she is right back where she began after sleeping with more trainers at allergan and ruining more families . Now she has added new allergan managers and took down 18 other reps and families . You are a spoiled ugly butch move on and watch your back there are plenty of people who want your fat ass on a platter and u will go down . We all know you are the reason this good group is gone and dont think we cant find you as a low level Medtronic rep . I know your manager and now he knows you are crazy and will boil a bunny in any pot . Get a life get and get mental help . Also jason is not your friend and blamed you for everything. Anyone will sleep with you but people will not commit to a crazy girl who is calling wives houses after a one time affair . U are sick to think men will leave their wives and kids for a one night stand ! Buy yourself some self confidence with the law suit $$ u win from allergan . And remember we all know what u are about . Medtronic will
Know what actavis and allergan and actavis already know . Your reputation will follow u to the grave girlfriend enjoy hell.

JS did multiple FIELD RIDES with her. It wasn't a one time thing. The problem was she was treated like the villain by her manager. Fuller gave JS the district's MVP award all the while this was going on and he didn't attend the NSM due to the affair.

FYI she is a villain she causes major trouble in every job she takes . Her tantrum brought down a lot of good people .
She is at fault . I don't care about an affair i care about the demise of urology and the damage she did calling Bill Meury . This has to do with her pretending she was such a great rep and not even having enough relationships to get a letter from a urologist other than her daddy ? Then gets mad she cant put it in ? How can anyone defend her crazy behavior .

Lets get something straight here. Zaina may have slept with a married man but it takes two to tango. Jason is not innocent in this at all and the call was made after that dumbass left all his pics on his Iphone and Ipad and it came up on HIS apple TV (thats how she found out)
Although Zaina may have done some crazy things she is NOT the reason this division has fallen. Due to management that set up a Ponzi Scheme allowing double dipping on allocations and encouraging arbitration in an industry that is so regulated and has every other company offering data from IMS and SPPs, it was a matter of time before anyone with half a brain and some ethics to uncover the scheme. Also be aware that it was management in UROLOGY not an ALLERGAN issue. I dont see other reps ( unless previously with Urology) being fired for this issue. The dishonest people who acted like management puppies and couldnt sell a great product, but instead took the low road and sold off label, and arbo'd tons of manure from their " friends" in the offices took this company down. turn your attention from Zaina who just shared the truth of what has been going on here for years and look to the light of the issue..... AC and his possi

Hey Karen and Zainadine please explain to me who is involved in AC possi. I am on the east coast and I told MM not to hire her because this is what she does. I worked with her in the past. I am not involved with this possi so please explain how I am fired because of him. Did AC make Zaina sleep with married men before Allergan did he make her call Jason wife did he make her lie about her arbo did he make her call the company. I don't think so, she is poison and she is a disgusting human . So Karen and Zaina please stop trying to justify her actions. Not one person makes her do anything. She is a grown adult and overly grown in a lot of places, she makes her own choices and usually bad ones and she doesn't care who and how it effects anyone. She is a spoiled brat and if she doesn't get what she wants she will do what she did at Allergan.