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Compliance Inteview (Urology)

We need to get together and communicate I have evidence that this was a top down directive, that they not only knew about this, but pushed, encouraged, and hid it. The timing of this, the number of us, the dollar amount being withheld from everyone, and the lack follow through on this "so called investigation", is deeply concerning. This isn't just about money anymore. I'll be interviewing top law firms this week in my major metropolitan area. I've already been advised by an attorney, that a lot of things here are deeply concerning. Sorry Actavis, Lori and Chris, I'm not some pharma dope, I'm not just going to take this lying down. I'm not going to be disposed of and not compensated for my results in the name of share holder value. I and my hope is, a collective "we" are going to make this very hard on you. But, I'm sure you'll be just fine with your two year Allergan advanced severances you'll be offered. I look forward to talking to a bunch of you and fully bringing this down. And to think, all they had to do was respect people on the way out, and not spit in our face.

Do not share any of the evidence you have on this forum. We'll find a way to communicate and get in touch. I wish everyone the best.



I have also contacted a lawyer and was told this is curupt from the top level down . How dare they fire managers and give them packages to shut up and walk away ? We got a phone call on a friday evening - which by the way alone shows how professional Actavis is ...... We are also owed Rapaflo compensation , which has nothing to do with arbitration . We all worked Q4 and deserve this $$ as well. How dare they treat us like dogs after they set us all up to fall and the upper management is fine ? I don't think so .....

I have also contacted a lawyer and was told this is curupt from the top level down . How dare they fire managers and give them packages to shut up and walk away ? We got a phone call on a friday evening - which by the way alone shows how professional Actavis is ...... We are also owed Rapaflo compensation , which has nothing to do with arbitration . We all worked Q4 and deserve this $$ as well. How dare they treat us like dogs after they set us all up to fall and the upper management is fine ? I don't think so .....
Here's a good
Place to start: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-rele...on-victory-against-forest-labs-300137718.html

I have also contacted a lawyer and was told this is curupt from the top level down . How dare they fire managers and give them packages to shut up and walk away ? We got a phone call on a friday evening - which by the way alone shows how professional Actavis is ...... We are also owed Rapaflo compensation , which has nothing to do with arbitration . We all worked Q4 and deserve this $$ as well. How dare they treat us like dogs after they set us all up to fall and the upper management is fine ? I don't think so .....
Contact the lawyers already suing FRX.
They are familiar with our management group & organize yourselves. Or any large litigation firm. Local lawyers, unless it's NYC, won't know how to handle your case. Good Luck!

Thanks so much for pointing us all in the right direction. As we speak to eachother we are now seeing there are over 18 people being let go this weekend possibly more . How could everyone be at fault and Lori and Chris have no repercussions ? So basically Actavis is as shadey as Allergan was?? Great !!! ?? Upper management should feel right at home till Pizer comes in and cleans house . Enjoy your last months Lori and Chris remember karma is a bitch

Contact the lawyers already suing FRX.
They are familiar with our management group & organize yourselves. Or any large litigation firm. Local lawyers, unless it's NYC, won't know how to handle your case. Good Luck!

To think, a quick and easy non-discloser agreement could have avoided this. Not very smart in the polical climate we're in. I hope this burns them bad.

It never stops here. The company wants us to raise allocations to 100% now because Lori realizes the goals are going to be low. They are asking us to lie once again. I wouldn't do it unless you get a letter from management. We know in a year when they have another fake bullshit investigation management won't admit that they made the reps lie once again.

It is all built on lies does Bill Meury not see that Lori and Chris are two frauds ? Not the reps they are the frauds . So you can't have a true 50 percent allocation they want you to put in a 100 percent to once again save their asses ? To late for them they look soooo bad and are gonna look so much worse once all these reps call Bill to discuss his poor management leaders . Now they have only new inexperienced reps who have no idea what and where the bladder even is .... Good luck urology enjoy your last three to six months . I hope actavis is smart enough to dismantle the whole force before Pfizer even comes near it . When they do it is all over ....maybe Lori can go to derm like the other cheats that ran there ?

Start saving your emails from the server before you get cut off.

Clear out your hard drive on your laptop and sync with the server.
Erase all PDF files on your Ipad and BACKUP your Ipad to clean out the server.
Order everything you need from the Concierge Store and Actavis Store.
Submit your expense reports ASAP before you are cutoff from the portal.

Hopefully, your samples are correct.
Ordered a ton of crap from ARC so you can have a bonfire with it.
Sell your scrubs on ebay. We need the money since there is no severance.

Purchase a vehicle before 2/19 so you have a vehicle to drive while interviewing.
Buy Obama Care for medical insurance since it is cheap.
Update your LinkedIn profile.
File f or unemployment. I am sure that the 200.00 a week is adequate to pay my mortgage.

We need to get together and communicate I have evidence that this was a top down directive, that they not only knew about this, but pushed, encouraged, and hid it. The timing of this, the number of us, the dollar amount being withheld from everyone, and the lack follow through on this "so called investigation", is deeply concerning. This isn't just about money anymore. I'll be interviewing top law firms this week in my major metropolitan area. I've already been advised by an attorney, that a lot of things here are deeply concerning. Sorry Actavis, Lori and Chris, I'm not some pharma dope, I'm not just going to take this lying down. I'm not going to be disposed of and not compensated for my results in the name of share holder value. I and my hope is, a collective "we" are going to make this very hard on you. But, I'm sure you'll be just fine with your two year Allergan advanced severances you'll be offered. I look forward to talking to a bunch of you and fully bringing this down. And to think, all they had to do was respect people on the way out, and not spit in our face.

Do not share any of the evidence you have on this forum. We'll find a way to communicate and get in touch. I wish everyone the best.



We can communicate on Linked in.

WOW what a bunch of cry babies. In business there is a hired at will cause and that means they can fire you if they dont like the color of your eyes. you will all get nothing, you know what you did wrong and NOBODY stood up to the machine because you were making buck. Now stop blaming others and move along we dont need you here we will be fine.

We need to get together and communicate I have evidence that this was a top down directive, that they not only knew about this, but pushed, encouraged, and hid it. The timing of this, the number of us, the dollar amount being withheld from everyone, and the lack follow through on this "so called investigation", is deeply concerning. This isn't just about money anymore. I'll be interviewing top law firms this week in my major metropolitan area. I've already been advised by an attorney, that a lot of things here are deeply concerning. Sorry Actavis, Lori and Chris, I'm not some pharma dope, I'm not just going to take this lying down. I'm not going to be disposed of and not compensated for my results in the name of share holder value. I and my hope is, a collective "we" are going to make this very hard on you. But, I'm sure you'll be just fine with your two year Allergan advanced severances you'll be offered. I look forward to talking to a bunch of you and fully bringing this down. And to think, all they had to do was respect people on the way out, and not spit in our face.

Do not share any of the evidence you have on this forum. We'll find a way to communicate and get in touch. I wish everyone the best.



Do you people realize that there are some people working in this division that didn't do anything unethical or deceitful? That people actually busted their ass to sell & not count on manipulating numbers? Why are you crooks owed anything?? You're getting what you deserve. I may not have raked in the bonus $ you all did or went on a trip for free, but I can still sleep at night knowing I earn an honest living. Makes me sick all the money you made while those of us who had that choice took the high road. Karma sucks. And now you're blaming others & talking law suits?? Pathetic. Take your medicine & go get a job where you have to earn an honest living. Appreciate the gravy train you rode as long as you did. You all are disgusting.

Do you people realize that there are some people working in this division that didn't do anything unethical or deceitful? That people actually busted their ass to sell & not count on manipulating numbers? Why are you crooks owed anything?? You're getting what you deserve. I may not have raked in the bonus $ you all did or went on a trip for free, but I can still sleep at night knowing I earn an honest living. Makes me sick all the money you made while those of us who had that choice took the high road. Karma sucks. And now you're blaming others & talking law suits?? Pathetic. Take your medicine & go get a job where you have to earn an honest living. Appreciate the gravy train you rode as long as you did. You all are disgusting.

You certainly have a lot of opinions about something you really know nothing about. Blanket statements and accusations are dangerous and make you appear ignorant. Not everyone made money and not everyone manipulated numbers and not everyone got what they deserve. But you are entitled to your opinion.

You certainly have a lot of opinions about something you really know nothing about. Blanket statements and accusations are dangerous and make you appear ignorant. Not everyone made money and not everyone manipulated numbers and not everyone got what they deserve. But you are entitled to your opinion.

I agree. All of us who played fairly sat by and watched while a pretty big group of people faked allocations and specialty pharmacy sales. Those people made a ton of money, won trips every year, blew by honest reps in rankings and management looked the other way. What is weird is that not all of the people let go were doing that kind of dishonest manipulation, and not all of the people who were being dishonest were fired. It doesn't make sense. This smells like a scheme to let as many people as possible go before the Pfizer buyout to avoid severances and bonus payout, instead of getting rid of the cheaters. I bet the firings aren't done and there are more to come.

Wow I guess there are people that had good managers and werent forced into raising allocations ? They Are investigating all letters and fake allocations . There are definitely still a ton of cheaters . If u ever had a fake allocation guess what you are a cheater and are taking credit for Neurology business so get over yourself . They interviewed 20 people and plenty gave up cheaters we were pressed to give more names . So this is the beginning . If you have any allocations in AMU that arent all yours your also being investigated . They couldn't fire everyone before the sales meeting . I was told many more people are being let go . This all stems from higher management and they are still telling people to lie about allocations then they will fire you for that next. There will be nothing left by June . Pfizer has plenty of pill pushers and neuro can easily handle your seven accounts that do two cases a month .

Is it still cheating if management raises your allocation to make you whole on a arbitration? Sure, it is the right thing to do in the moment, but remember we can't lower allocations, so for years we were forced to operate quarter over quarter with possibly a higher allocation than the business obtained.

Wow I guess there are people that had good managers and werent forced into raising allocations ? They Are investigating all letters and fake allocations . There are definitely still a ton of cheaters . If u ever had a fake allocation guess what you are a cheater and are taking credit for Neurology business so get over yourself . They interviewed 20 people and plenty gave up cheaters we were pressed to give more names . So this is the beginning . If you have any allocations in AMU that arent all yours your also being investigated . They couldn't fire everyone before the sales meeting . I was told many more people are being let go . This all stems from higher management and they are still telling people to lie about allocations then they will fire you for that next. There will be nothing left by June . Pfizer has plenty of pill pushers and neuro can easily handle your seven accounts that do two cases a month .

My manager never pressured anyone into changing allocations, but maybe I was lucky. Shared account allocations in my territory are very, very low, because only a few docs do hospital cases (like 1-2/quarter in a hospital) and most are in dedicated surgery centers or in the office. It's easy to track accurately--show up for the cases, and only allocate for what you know is true. You'll hit your number if you're honest. You just won't win trips or make huge payouts.