Comp plan 149P

RVP is the worst possible role at Olympus. You have zero flexibility. All you do is fill in spread sheets and do admin work. Most large companies have a regional admin person, not Olympus. You get zero support from internal people who have no sense of urgency to respond. So you have to deal with internal problems then turn around and deal with customer who does not care. Rep will push off to RVP and RVP can not get answer from internal . Your base is 150 and they continue to cut what you can earn. End of year is $4 k for every % over forecast . So you can earn maybe 220 -250 on your best year. My RVP is great guy and is miserable. He is trying to help us as much as he can , but I have watched this person change in front of my eyes. He is simply a beaten down man who was so full of life and ideas.

Get out now people. Olympus is finished. Is it going to take a massive layoff or Olympus closing their doors, or sellling the company to another company for you to finally get off your ass and start inteviewing?
Jesus! The loyalty that you reps show to this shit burger company is something else...

I looked around on other "big" company boards to see if all the complaints on here were abnormal...and there is way more consistent, negative threads on Olympus than any other company. So, either Olympus has nothing but complaining reps or Olympus is royally fucked up! It's definitely the latter as I've been here for 14 years now and have seen how awful this place has become.

It is a complete joke that upper mgmt (yes, you little shits Todd and Kurt) who continue to hide with their heads in the sand. Fucking buck up and confront the sales team with something, anything! For God's sake, you two pussies just hide and don't even acknowledge there are major morale issues with the reps. Why? Are you too scared to hear the truth? Fear of being exposed for complete incompetence and you're in over your heads? Did your daddy Nacho tell you to ignore the "background" noise? Shit, you keep listening to Nacho and Pierre and the sales numbers will continue to be missed...on purpose by us. Every rep is wanting each one of you selfish upper mgmt dicks gone. Leave or be forced out. Or make a positive fucking change for once! You've shit on us for too long now.

The plan is being executed. Churn in and out rent-a-car, paychex, adp, copier reps every 1-2 yrs to cut cost. They will be super pumped to put on scrubs and walk into a hospital or OR. Not sure of the long term cost. Long term? Who's planning for that? We just need bodies. We need to manipulate the numbers for the Executive team's resumes for when they all move on. Who cares about reps with relationships, clinical value or actual medical sales experience? Again, we just need the cheapest bodies. We'll have the RVPs beat and abuse them into profit. RVPs, what will we continue to do with them?

RYP will have to call on hospitals and the "Sales reps " will be low paid service reps AKA ATM .

So RVPs will have to sell? Maybe study all night and weekend, use you RVP title to buy time on "respect" and put on your "hard charging" attitude and hope for the best. Time will tell. Sounds pretty risky.

Just take a look at the Stryker board, they have more reps and far less bitching...I can't imagine the level of success Stryker reps would have if they were given the Olympus bag.

Stryker is very simple 20% growth or your gone . Sales driven company not a market driven 3rd tier player . Oly does all it can to make people not want to do business with us. Then when you get a guy who can sell the internal drama lack of response and processes kill the deal. Think about how many exceptions have been turned down. The right thing for the customer , the right thing for the rep, but the people who make the decisions have zero concept . I am not talking compliance I am talking fundamentals of doing the right thing . We spend more time than a lawyer does documenting and fighting internal processes . I am beat up I am with my head down, I can't sell , I can't service . I have to submit exceptions after exception . My manager won't do it . ABSOLUTELY THE WORST PLACE TO GROW AS A PERSON > This company does not value our input . It is pathetic. My QOL sucks. It didn't when it was Gyrus , when we got paid. OLYMPUS HAS ALWAYS BEEN A PERCEPTION COMPANY >THE BRAND SUCKS THE LEADERS ARE NOT LEADERS < THE INTERNAL PEOPLE TALK DOWN TO US > WHAT HAPPENED TO IF YOU ARE NOT IN SALES YOU ARE IN SALES SUPPORT > BLAH BLAH > Then you throw in for icing on the cake the inbred fighting with energy. Energy, finally got rid of Ryan Freedman who single handily messed up so many deals, ran off good reps because they would not work for him . He was the reason Urology lost many deals in south east . He and Sean have a sense of entitlement that they need to piggyback on our deals !!! We promote him then fire him after he created major issues with accounts , reps and good managers. Deals that were close once he got involved were lost . When are we going to sell off energy and get back to our core products . No one wants to help the energy guys and the hospitals do not want to work

Guys & girls. There aren't any other companies out there that have a lower morale amongst the salesforce than Olympus. Management is disgusting at OCA. Get out now!!!

Mass Resignations continue to cripple Olympus. Jackasses.

I would agree with this . Ryan Freedman should not have ever been in a position to lead people. Because of him GREAT reps left her area under old alignment . He should have never been in position to have to deal with people. He has zero people skills. Then when he was in energy he ruined the morale and stalled deals that were to close. He was not respected by Corp accounts not his peers! He only talked about himself and how he did this and did that .Ryan is best behind a computer screen , telling the screen how good he is and that THE DATA WILL SHOW US . Ryan and Sean are both examples of individuals who were promoted above their level of competence . Look at the turnover , the morale , the sales direction , and lack of respect from so many departments, and individuals. KARMA is a beautiful thing

5 more TM resignations on Tuesday this week in URO & SE.
Why is nothing being done to Improve morale? Why?
Lop off all of the top management and start over, these fat fucktards are status quo idiots.

Fire Nils, Nacho, Todd, Peter, and SOD.
They are all pulling huge bloated salaries and they provide zero value to the organization.
Nils, what have you done to bring new technologies to Olympus Urology? Peter, what new disposables have you brought to UGN? Both of you are totally worthless. What do you do week in and week out? Probably jack off to midget porn, because you certainly aren't working on moving the needle forward at Olympus.

Olympus is spinning down the drain.

Yeah, go for it you fucking genius!
Have you not read anything on this postboard? Everyone is telling you to run the other way, and you ask about a position in Endo Therapy like a friggin moron.

Stay away from Olympus

As a more polite response...honestly stay away. Especially ET. This division seems to change with the wind and OLY will always play second or third fiddle to BSC and Cook. And no matter how they have it organized this month you will always be a glorified associate.

Energy is now DARK. No more fire drills, very little Emails. The lack of communication speaks volumes . Prior your over abundance of communication just to have communication was the writing on the wall. You are a process guy only ! You are way above where you should be . We also know you were 2nd and maybe 3rd choice . Sean you are now calling us and wanting to know why CTE is not flying off the shelf . Before you called us to throw managers under the bus. The folks that were not double rainbow and unicorn rah rah guys told you . The volume was not there , since the ban , maybe sell the bag by it self. You didn't listen, you are greedy and shortsighted . You really have no clue about leadership or sales. Hold your self accountable be a man and stand up and tell people . You might earn some respect and maybe just maybe increase your brand VALUE ! The AVP's and RVP's that are left have no self respect and will not be honest they will tell you what you want to hear. They must wake up and hate every second of what they do. What a miserable pathetic way to live! Question is now when do you get fired like Freedman and when will we roll up under SE. No one wants energy , and no one trusts you and or your TEAM . You had the chance to change the culture and you blew it . You will get everything you deserve . Maybe you can go to work for the light bulb company where your guy is!!!!