Comp plan 149P

Yet management will continue to be defiant and fight back against the sales reps and the thousands of accurate posts here on CP.

My only fucking question to everyone:

Why does nothing every happen to management? Japan never makes a move, why not?
Are they complicit with the crap that goes on over here at OCA, or are they not aloud to make decisions over here since its separated?

9th resignation by a TM under RVP Great Lakes Urology -- Mick Malone in 12 months. You going to do anything about the morale there Ed Chadwick or Nils, or are you going to continue turning a blind eye? Just riding your pensions!
Get rid of this zero.


2 Detroit TM URO position openings now

10 sales resignations yesterday at Olympus!!!! Holy shit! 10 in one day.
See for yourself! Its happening, whether management likes it or not.
All listed here!

Associate Territory Manager, Energy
California, San Jose

Stone Management Sales Specialist
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Tulsa

Territory Manager, URO/GYN
Texas, Dallas

Territory Manager, Energy
Louisiana, Shreveport, Mississippi, Jackson

Sales Consultant, OCI
Canada, Quebec, Montreal

Territory Manager, SE
Ohio, Cincinnati

Associate Territory Manager, Energy
Colorado, Denver

Stone Management Sales Specialist
Florida, Tampa

Territory Manager, EndoTherapy
Florida, Fort Myers

Territory Manager, Video Microscopy
Florida, Miami, Florida, Orlando, Florida, Tampa, Georgia, Atlanta

Why does Peter Crowley still have a job at Olympus. I saw this turd the other day in the office. This guy provides zero leadership and zero vision for the future.

Why again do we hire people like this?
There is zero direction within OCA these days.
Completely dead in the water.

Tons of disparaging posts being ripped down by HR & Management.
Reps leaving left and right... 70 open sales positions at Olympus currently.
Olympus is one big turd sandwich....
Time for everyone to resign!

EASY FRANCIS !!! ENERGY COMP PLAN WAS ADJUSTED ! At least the lowest of the lowest won't make 7% . Bah ha ha . Like these are the people who will take us to the # . We will always be a strong #3. Strive to be at 86% . PATHETIC

There are 5 open sales positions in Chicago right now because the sales compensation and culture are healthy at Olympus. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Chris Kuhn, Pierre La Douche, and the infamous Sales Ops Dickhead are 100% responsible for the sales comp and are also tied into the negative culture at OCA. Send a anonymous letter to Hiroyuki Sasa in Japan.. If he gets enough, he is bound to investigate the bullshit that is going on in upper management at OCA in Center Valley and Southborough. What a joke!!!

The beatings will continue until morale improves right Kurt Heine and Todd Usen. Keep spreading the wealth Todd. EAM's stopped bitching so you should finally improve our commission rate per deal earning opportunity. EAM's are bleeding out and are in the process of rolling out. Ask Brooks, Jim, Kevin and Ron for their true opinion. Grab your EAM''s commission/compensation opportunity on deals that is killing your EAM's not the potential annual commission opportunity if they hit their exorbitant quotas that is killing your reps.

The beatings will continue until morale improves right Kurt Heine and Todd Usen. Keep spreading the wealth Todd. EAM's stopped bitching so you should finally improve our commission rate per deal earning opportunity. EAM's are bleeding out and are in the process of rolling out. Ask Brooks, Jim, Kevin and Ron for their true opinion. Grab your EAM''s commission/compensation opportunity on deals that is killing your EAM's not the potential annual commission opportunity if they hit their exorbitant quotas that is killing your reps.

Guys, Olympus is done. If you haven't started making contingency plans then it's about too late to do so. This company will be lucky to make it through further lawsuits and with no certainty of healthcare law, hospitals will continue to hold onto their $$.

Leaders who do not take care of the lifeblood (and profit producers) are no leaders at all. The Japanese panicked when hiring Todd, Kurt and any other ex-BSC person. They don't understand capital controls everything and once you lose that, which is what's currently going on, Olympus will not be able to stay afloat. Wait around and you'll be without a job in less than 5 have more than been warned.

The beatings will continue until morale improves right Kurt Heine and Todd Usen. Keep spreading the wealth Todd. EAM's stopped bitching so you should finally improve our commission rate per deal earning opportunity. EAM's are bleeding out and are in the process of rolling out. Ask Brooks, Jim, Kevin and Ron for their true opinion. Grab your EAM''s commission/compensation opportunity on deals that is killing your EAM's not the potential annual commission opportunity if they hit their exorbitant quotas that is killing your reps.

Classic and on the mark for Olympus GI.

‘The beatings will continue until morale improves’ is a famous quotation of unknown origin. It literally denotes how morale, such as within a military unit or other hierarchical environment, will be improved through the use of punishment. More importantly, the phrase is used sarcastically to indicate the counterproductive nature of such punishment or excessive control over subordinates such as staff in the workplace or children living at home.'

The beatings will continue until morale improves right Kurt Heine and Todd Usen. Keep spreading the wealth Todd. EAM's stopped bitching so you should finally improve our commission rate per deal earning opportunity. EAM's are bleeding out and are in the process of rolling out. Ask Brooks, Jim, Kevin and Ron for their true opinion. Grab your EAM''s commission/compensation opportunity on deals that is killing your EAM's not the potential annual commission opportunity if they hit their exorbitant quotas that is killing your reps.

Get out now people. Olympus is finished. Is it going to take a massive layoff or Olympus closing their doors, or sellling the company to another company for you to finally get off your ass and start inteviewing?
Jesus! The loyalty that you reps show to this shit burger company is something else...