Comp plan 149P

GI Mass Exodus coming to a neighborhood near you.

What else do you need for proof you no longer matter at the New Olympus?

Todd says your “irrelevant”. A scope will sell itself.
Nacho & Pierre say you’re worth 1.0% of sales revenue.
Kurt says “I still don’t get capital but hey, I’m an expert in GI disposables...”
Hori says, “screw ‘em, let’s hold back profit to send back to Tokyo so I look great”

EAMs/ETMs: get the fuck out. It will only get worse and you’ll become cheap(er) labor. If you don’t see what’s going on now, then open your eyes and go talk to reps from the companies these fools came from. If these pussies gave one shit about you, changes would’ve been made. WHAT HAS CHANGED???!!! Nothing.

I agree, energy is done. It was so mismanaged by Sean. His only legacy is driving energy into the ground. Mr water boils at 212 has turned over more than 45% of his sales force and 10 out of 14 managers. Of course he blames it on his AVPS and RVPs so the focus isn't on him. Now that he had changed 70% of his managers and 40% of his sales force, who will be his new target? CTE is a bust and shows the lack of understanding of the market as these doctors have moved away from this technique. ASking us everyday where we are with CTE is not going to make us sell it if the market doesn't want it or it doesn't work like the video

When you like your compensation to reduce every year even though you sell more get a job working for Todd Usen's Olympus. Until the smurf is gone your not going to make industry standard money selling in any division. You know it's bad when his Boston hires are finding exits.

YouTube the video under an alias.
Please let us know what the conversation consisted of. I can attest that Todd Usen is a piece of shit. As long as you get paid right Todd? Fuck you!

I heard a little birdie that told me that a shit ton of reps are resigning just before the Christmas Holiday.
Oh, I almost forgot, SOD is hard at work chiseling more commission out of you, for next years comp plan. RVP's will see a final draft in the beginning of February.

OCA sucks