Comp plan 149P

Its not rocket science.
The company has always sucked!!
The moment we were bought out by Olympus --- (Gyrus) we knew our happiness and job satisfaction were going to be infected by the cancer that is known as Olympus. Awful company. They steal commissions and lie every single day to the sales reps.
The culture is terrible. No one trusts anyone, everyone backstabs... (NSM rumors and BS)
All of that coupled with the DOJ verdict of almost $700 million, plus the impending punitive damages for the families that have a dead spouse or child due to the superbug coverup are still happening to this day! Massive worldwide corruption on an unheard of scale!
On top of all that, the bank accounts are near empty, there is no R&D for new products, market share is at an all time low. Did you see the year end results for all 5 business units? Total Shit Show. In the sewer would be describing it lightly.
Add all that up, along with defiant upper management and you get 51 resignations since 4/1/17 with tons more to follow. OCA is not even hiring new reps in certain instances. They give a resigned reps territory to an active rep and make the territory twice as big, since the market share is drying up. Not to mention the new ridiculous comp plans, courtesy of Sales Ops Dick, that laugh at the rep and leave you no way to make anymore commission.

Does that answer your question?
100% factual.

100% agree with the post above. I'm actually embarrassed to work for Olympus.
You know it's bad when you have to side step simple questions like: What do you do? Who do you work for?
Storz, Stryker and Pentax should be chomping at the bit to convert Olympus accounts. I really don't think anyone would care...what's the difference anyway, our commission is so low it wouldn't matter.

Dear Hiro!
You are a pussy. The fact that you haven't cleaned the OCA Management house yet, speaks volumes regarding the corrupt nature of Olympus as a whole.
You obviously realize the total douchebags that work under you here in America. Terminate their asses already!

Where is the list of all these resignations?
List of resignations/getting walked out the door "OSTA Sucks": Richard R., Mike M., Tim S., Lisa R., Jonas, Eric L., Galen C, Trevor, Corey. Tracey Dobbs demoted for the second time Ba, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha. She should be walked out the door the douchebag. Matt Fahy is the biggest douchebag of all and should be let go asap. Sales meeting biggest waste of time and money and management should go bye-bye.

Has anyone noticed how many posts are being ripped down off this postboard by Olympus? Its unprecedented, and matches quite nicely with the extremely high number of TM resignations that started 4/1/2017.

Management is clearly out to lunch my friends.
It all comes around, Management will be out of a job soon, when Olympus starts the downsizing reorganization that is headed to a city near you. Stay tuned.

Can someone please tell me why Sales Ops Dick still has a job at Olympus? He and a few others management turds have ruined Olympus. Now everyone is leaving and morale is the lowest it's ever been.
Anyone been watching the stock price lately, after our shitty year end numbers have been reported, by all business units to the street?
Dropping like a fly. Massive turnover taking place at an unprecedented level. Why is nothing ever done about it? Its almost as if Tokyo management is taking a long nap that they never wake up from...

Energy sales are way off, won't even come close. Sean Moore you are the reason ! You lack leadership , creativity , honesty, and none of us trust you . Sean HOLD YOUR SELF ACCOUNTABLE. YOU ARE IN WAY OVER YOUR HEAD LEAVE !!!!!

Doubtful they were all resignations...particularly the AVP's. Why would they ever leave that gravy train position? Most likely, Olympus is reducing sales across the board to help inflate the numbers....because they're bad, real bad.

Everyone is leaving. I mean everyone! They can try to conceal how bad things are but in the end this company is going down brother. Its sinking like the Titanic. Every major recruiter across the country, in a major market, has at least 75-150 resumes from all 6-7 Olympus business units. The mere fact that none of the upper management has been yet to be fired is tried and true testament to how awfully corrupt Olympus Japan & Olympus Corporation of the Americas truly are. OCA is nothing more than a criminal enterprise. Major reorganization planned for mid September. Don't get caught with you pants down. Get out now!

Everyone is leaving. I mean everyone! They can try to conceal how bad things are but in the end this company is going down brother. Its sinking like the Titanic. Every major recruiter across the country, in a major market, has at least 75-150 resumes from all 6-7 Olympus business units. The mere fact that none of the upper management has been yet to be fired is tried and true testament to how awfully corrupt Olympus Japan & Olympus Corporation of the Americas truly are. OCA is nothing more than a criminal enterprise. Major reorganization planned for mid September. Don't get caught with you pants down. Get out now!

This is so true, especially about the recruiters. I reached out to one the other day and she was astonished how many Olympus reps were reaching out to her for new positions. The crazy thing is she does a lot of external recruiting FOR Olympus and wondered what was going on. After I figured she couldn't help me, I told her what was going on at Olympus and she had no response, completely dumbfounded. She's probably embarrassed to be placing people here!! What a shit show this place has become.

As far as comp plans, it has come to an all-time low. They have taken away so much, lowered commission rates, no promos/spiffs, yet give us a heavy quota-driven comp plan with NO new products to sale and severely inflated quotas! Why don't you go to that rep-less model you allude to Todd Usen? You seem to have all the answers don't you?! Well answer this: what the fuck happened at Smith & Nephew? You ran that shit down too? (Firsthand account of an S & N sales rep) Incompetent asshole.

Get the fuck out guys / gals. This place is a dumpster fire about to explode. I wouldn't be surprised if more layoffs happen as sales continue to severely lag b/c reps have quit on this place. It's simple: YOU WANT REPS TO SELL AND GO THE EXTRA MILE, FUCKING PAY THEM!!!!!

Management is not perfect but I'm sure they at least understand what low comps and inflated quotas do to sales. Of course a Mngr's role is to manage us to profit. That means cut/inflate and create more output from you (train, motivate, retain, etc.). It's simple and I'm sure they anticipated these responses from sales also. Any good business person would. So, what does that mean?

WRONG . At Olympus a managers role is to push out spread sheets and react to fire drills . Quotas and forecasting are done at higher level. Rvp is the worst position in this company . This company does not value it people ! Very simple when you are not growing sales you mange top down and cut all non fixes costs. Most companies that are sales driven vs market driven want to pay out high dollars to sales reps. why do you think we now have salaries and lower commissions ! OCA is a distributor and buys the products from Japan . They make money on both sides. This is FACT and if you believe that this is a destination company look to your left and right and see who is still here next year . I am still here because I am working backend for pension. New hires do not even have access to pension . THIS IS NOW ENTRY LEVEL SALES. The news that will becoming out about how US and Europe handles scope issue will be embarrassing for everyone.

WRONG . At Olympus a managers role is to push out spread sheets and react to fire drills . Quotas and forecasting are done at higher level. Rvp is the worst position in this company . This company does not value it people ! Very simple when you are not growing sales you mange top down and cut all non fixes costs. Most companies that are sales driven vs market driven want to pay out high dollars to sales reps. why do you think we now have salaries and lower commissions ! OCA is a distributor and buys the products from Japan . They make money on both sides. This is FACT and if you believe that this is a destination company look to your left and right and see who is still here next year . I am still here because I am working backend for pension. New hires do not even have access to pension . THIS IS NOW ENTRY LEVEL SALES. The news that will becoming out about how US and Europe handles scope issue will be embarrassing for everyone.

These are intentional decision by upper mgmt at OCA. Decisions made understanding and anticipating the results. What do you think this means having OCA managed this way? A result of the DOJ, scopes litigation, combined with typical P&L?

These are intentional decision by upper mgmt at OCA. Decisions made understanding and anticipating the results. What do you think this means having OCA managed this way? A result of the DOJ, scopes litigation, combined with typical P&L?

So you're saying OCA mgmt is intentionally making the decision to essentially screw all the field reps by making their P&L look good? I'd buy that. Typical corporate bullshit.

Olympus used to not be this way. But with this so called leadership group, this is what you get: self-serving pricks. What they don't realize is the reps will do everything they can not to push their agenda, numbers will be missed (again) and these bitches will be gone (not soon enough). Things could change but they "don't want to hear it." Wake the fuck up OCA.

What management does not get is the currents reps would rather run this company into the ground than help management attain their goals. A lot of reps have been thoroughly screwed over here at OCA. Hands down the worst job in the business as a sales rep at OCA!

Get out now!