Any reason that the posts have come to a screeching halt lately?
Maybe because everyone is too busy resigning...
Maybe because everyone is too busy resigning...
What we are seeing is the result of what happens when GI&R do not get a new platform from Tokyo after 5, 6, then 7 years. This company hinges on endoscopy capital sales. As soon as the new platform comes everyone looks amazing again. Hopefully we can tread water until it comes. All divisions suffer when this division is down.
Absolutely true. Everyone knows the profits from GI funds most of the other divisions, which happen to be unprofitable. Japan keeps giving a high quota for capital which is completely unrealistic and no real basis for it. Their perception of market opportunity in the US is so far off base, they will dig their own grave.
And Todd Usen, go jump in the water you fucking midget. Your lack of respect for the reps who are paying your Goddamn salary is astounding, you unjust arrogant prick. Who the hell are you to decide what a rep should/should not make when you do not have the first clue of what it takes and of the job responsibilities?! Change this shit now or we’ll decide your job fate for you.
Olympus bipolar business is under siege across the country. We will take your business, its just a matter of time. Money talks and bullshit walks.