Comp plan 149P

Because we all know the Todd Usen experiment is a mistake. He has failed to motivate sales reps or sales management with his recycled tag lines and compensation reduction plan. Look at the PB results and sales and marketing layoffs under his leadership. Todd Usens strategy is bleeding the company out. Amateur.

What we are seeing is the result of what happens when GI&R do not get a new platform from Tokyo after 5, 6, then 7 years. This company hinges on endoscopy capital sales. As soon as the new platform comes everyone looks amazing again. Hopefully we can tread water until it comes. All divisions suffer when this division is down.

So why can't Japan see Todd Usen for what he really is? A big fucking fraud, who is WAY overpaid.
Fire his ass! He is obviously a clueless loser. Who hired the fucker? Fire his ass too.

What we are seeing is the result of what happens when GI&R do not get a new platform from Tokyo after 5, 6, then 7 years. This company hinges on endoscopy capital sales. As soon as the new platform comes everyone looks amazing again. Hopefully we can tread water until it comes. All divisions suffer when this division is down.

Absolutely true. Everyone knows the profits from GI funds most of the other divisions, which happen to be unprofitable. Japan keeps giving a high quota for capital which is completely unrealistic and no real basis for it. Their perception of market opportunity in the US is so far off base, they will dig their own grave.

And Todd Usen, go jump in the water you fucking midget. Your lack of respect for the reps who are paying your Goddamn salary is astounding, you unjust arrogant prick. Who the hell are you to decide what a rep should/should not make when you do not have the first clue of what it takes and of the job responsibilities?! Change this shit now or we’ll decide your job fate for you.

Absolutely true. Everyone knows the profits from GI funds most of the other divisions, which happen to be unprofitable. Japan keeps giving a high quota for capital which is completely unrealistic and no real basis for it. Their perception of market opportunity in the US is so far off base, they will dig their own grave.

And Todd Usen, go jump in the water you fucking midget. Your lack of respect for the reps who are paying your Goddamn salary is astounding, you unjust arrogant prick. Who the hell are you to decide what a rep should/should not make when you do not have the first clue of what it takes and of the job responsibilities?! Change this shit now or we’ll decide your job fate for you.

Cluelessly digging his (OCA’s) grace.

Poll: Where will Todd go to (and his mgmt) after he’s (they are) done with OCA? Also, how will he spin it in his interviews?

Japan is the problem.
They don’t care about sales reps. Whatever it takes and whom ever they need to fire is the way they look at it.
If this was an American company, the board would have ousted top management a long long time ago.

OCA is corrupt as hell.

Who is resigning in the next few weeks?
Please let your customers know why you are leaving and how you are treated by Olympus.
If everyone across the country starts an honest dialogue with their customers, OCA will reap what they sow.
Management is asleep at the wheel and just on cruise control until retirement.

I told my better customers all about Olympus and all of the shady dishonest things that go on at that company.
The word is out on Olympus trust me. The real issue is that we shouldn't sell for those bums and whomever is selling for OCA now, needs to resign asap. These clowns laugh at you behind closed door meetings. I have witnessed it myself in meetings. They don't deserve your hard work.

Six more resignations at OCA today!!!
Keep them coming boys and girls.

Account Manager - Energy
Ohio, Cleveland,

Territory Manager, Energy
Florida, Jacksonville

Territory Manager, Energy
South Carolina, Charleston

Territory Manager, Energy
Alabama, Mobile

Territory Manager, Energy
Georgia, Atlanta

Account Manager, Energy
Florida, Miami

Todd Usen has found a way to fuck reps every year as the pres. Comp reduction plans tied to unattainable quotas. Biannual layoffs that are part of his profit strategy.

Nothing like getting rif'd before the holiday season or start of a new calendar year right Todd.....? The first 6 months numbers show your lack of leadership and understanding of capital sales is driving the company into the ground. Still not ALL IN. SPIN sell it Todd.

Because corporate is buying back their own stock to drive up the price. They aren’t making $ and they need to drive up shareholder value so why not cheat the system. Japan was busted for hiding billions in losses, why wouldn’t OCA try the same horseshit?

It’s definitely not from bringing in more revenue, or increasing sales. Think about it. It’s illegal and corrupt bullshit... Business as usual.
Why don’t you call Sales Ops Dick or Chris Kuhn and ask them why the stock is going up. I’m sure they will be honest with you.